Suit and Tie

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//Not edited//

//Sasuke's Point of View//

Naruto sat down at the table after showering and changing. He had a grin on his face that couldn't be taken off. I caused that grin? "Ma'm, that meal was delicious! I've never eaten something so delicious, compliments to the chef!" He said with a chuckle. Sakura giggled, "please, call me Sakura, and this is my daughter Sasura." She stated smiling.

"You never told me your wife was a charmer Sasuke, better yet, you never told me you had a wife!" Naruto said smirking. I glared at him coldly, "this is still my house dobe, don't go around saying what you want" I stated coldly. This guy was a complete dobe.

"Oh- y-yeah...sorry" he said nervously scratching the back of his head. "Anyway- where can I sleep, I'm worn out" he questioned lightly. I sighed and looked towards Sakura. "He could sleep- on the couch?" She questioned. I nodded in agreement.

"Really?! I thought I'd be on the floor!" He answered excitedly. I smirked, what a dobe, why'd I invite you to sleep on my floor? "Okay then, head to the couch, I'll be there in a bit- I have a few questions" I said with a grin. He nodded in agreement, then walked towards the living room.


After dinner, I excused myself and walked towards the couch. He laid there, sleepless. Barely keeping his eyes open. "Hey- dobe, I got a few questions" I stated to get his attention. He slightly looked up at me, "yeah?" He questioned.

"First off, are you just staying tonight? If not your welcome to stay longer- second, if you need a job I can help- third, I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone in my house, so if your staying longer, your coming to work with me tomorrow, wearing one of my suits of course... And f-" before I could finish I could hear him snoring. That dobe fell asleep on me! Whatever...

//Next Morning//
Naruto's Point of View-

"to!". "Naruto!". "Naruto wake up dobe!" I heard a voice yell. I slowly opened my eyes and faced an angry Sasuke. My eyes widened in shock. "Wh-wha?" I questioned confused. "Why are you waking me up so early teme?" I questioned arrogantly.

"You're coming to work with me dobe! Get up and put this suit on now or else I'll be late!" He yelled in a grumpy tone while throwing me a suit.

I yawned tiredly and looked at the expensive suit. How much did this cost? 1,000$ 1,500$? I slowly began changing. This is confusing? How do I put this on?

I finally put it all I needed was to put on the tie. The hardest part. Try after try after try, I failed! Suddenly I felt a pat on my leg. I looked down and saw Sasura looking up at me. "I can help you mister" she said kindly. I smiled lightly and got on one knee so she could reach my tie.

"Thanks a bunch Sasura! By the way- call me Naruto" I said happily. She smiled and finished my tie. A two year old can tie better than me!

"Let's go Naruto!" Sasuke said as he head out the door. I smiled at Sasura and waved goodbye also exiting the door. Sasuke looked at me and chuckled. "The only thing that looks like you put on right is the tie" he stated with a smirk. My face turned bright red. I probably look like a total moron!

"Its fine, let's just hurry" he said smiling.

//At Sasuke's company building//

As we entered the building, all eyes were on me. I followed Sasuke as he gave orders and signed papers. I didn't say a word for the first two hours.

"Um- I don't think I should be here" I questioned nervously. He turned towards me and sighed impatiently. "Look- dobe- I don't trust you in my house alone, so just bare with me" he answered tapping his foot impatiently. His wife was at work as well- and little Sasuna in daycare.

I would offer to babysit, but if he can't trust me with his house, no way is he trusting me with Sasuna. "I could just leave now- you already let me sleep over once ya know?" I questioned kindly. He obviously didn't have time for me.

"No- just sit in my office, I'll be there in a few hours for my lunch break" he stated as he pointed towards an office. I nodded obediently and walked in the office.

It was big. Expensive things everywhere! A desk sat in the middle with a leather chair behind it. A picture of Sasuna and Sakura stood on it, as well as a computer and business cards stating Sasuke Uchiha, chief executive at Akatsuki Corporation.

I comfortably sat on the chair and sighed. Hours doing nothing? I don't think so Sasuke. I opened a drawer in the desk and saw a mess of files. It was labeled by date and letter, yet all the papers were in the wrong places. What a slob.

I quickly began sorting out the papers, first dates, then ordering the letter corporation, the separating by name. I sorted all the papers and began placing them in the corresponding file and folder. It was pretty fun for some reason.

I suddenly turned towards the computer. Perhaps his computer files are unorganized too? I opened the files and began sorting them properly. I suddenly heard a knock, the Sasuke entered. My eyes widened. How long was I sorting this? I began at about 9:40am and it was currently- 12:00pm! Damn.

"What are you doing?" He questioned upset. I suddenly got nervous. "I was j-just sorting your files- they were a mess" I answered nervous. He raised an eyebrow and walked towards me curiously. He tuned to see a screen full of files. "You sorted all my paper files?" He questioned as he saw the open drawer.

I gulped. "Yeah- sorry if it was a bad idea but they were a mess, and I was awfully bored in here." I answered. Please believe me! I'm not some thug homeless, I wasn't stealing anything!

He placed a hand on my shoulder and chuckled, "don't worry, I believe you" he answered noticing my panic.

"You'd make a great sorter"

To be continued...

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