Three's a Crowd

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//Naruto's Point of View//

I had decided it was for the best- leaving Sasuke's house. He needed privacy, him and his lovely wife Sakura needed privacy. I was only in the way of such a picture perfect family.

A happy wife, a happy husband, a happy daughter, and a wealthy way of life. What's not to love? Even I would be upset if some homeless hippy came and lived with my picture perfect family...if I had one.

I would move out in a week or so. Sasuke insisted it was alright to stay longer- but his wife wasn't too happy. I get it. She's used to being happy with only her and her husband and daughter to feed. A homeless man was only another plate of food for her to make.

I would no longer be a burden.


"Hey- hey dobe wake up for the millionth time in a row!" A grumpy voice repeated. I fluttered my eyes open only to meet Sasuke's breathtaking onyx eyes glaring at me. They were gorgeous. I mentally hit myself for complimenting him.

"Yeah yeah, I heard you teme" I responded tiredly. I was in no mood to yell or be the usual spunky me. It felt like a lazy day, if you know what I mean. Those days when you wake up already exhausted, and you want to act like your exhausted because your too exhausted to deal with pretending to be happy-go-lucky.

I sat up and yawned. Suddenly turning my gaze towards a certain raven. He seemed pissed already- definitely not a morning person. "Hey teme- you got coffee?" I asked. I don't usually drink coffee, but on days like this, yes.

Sasuke glared at me and handed me a slightly cold mug of coffee, "dobe, I've been trying you wake you up for an hour- don't be upset your coffee's cold" he mumbled angrily. I rolled my eyes and drank some coffee. Who cares if its cold, coffee's good anyway.

"So- why wake me up early? Its a Saturday and I got the day off" I questioned as I placed the mug on a small table near by. He looked up and sighed, "did you forget dobe? We were gonna to see your brothers place today" he responded.

My eyes widened a bit. Oh yeah. Damn, I forget everything important don't I?

"Let's head out- put some clothes on" he stated. I sighed tiredly, "I'm just gonna put some sweats on and comb my hair- I'm not in the mood" I answered and headed towards the restroom.

All I heard was a "hn" from him. It was kinda cute when he said it. It wasn't even a word ~ but an adorable sound.


We arrived at an enormous house. More like a mansion. It looked 4 floors high and was just huge. There was no other word to describe it. The garden was gorgeous and contained almost every flower your mind could think of- red, white, pink, yellow, and even black roses! Sunflowers, tulips, daisy's, and many more.

It looked like Adam and Eve's garden!

I gulped when we knocked on the door. "Excuse me, may I ask for an ID?" A voice stated from the speaker outside the door. I rolled my eyes as I recognized the voice speaking, "its me Naruto and teme" I replied tiredly.

I heard a slight chuckle as the door opened,  "you guys are totally dating" Kurama chuckled. Sasuke's face turned red- probably with fury. "I am not dating him- I'm a faithful hus-" Kurama covered His mouth.

"Calm down Mr.Faithful, I just think my bro has a tiny crush on you~" he responded playfully. I hid my red face and shoved my brother to the side. "Well then, make yourself at home" Kurama sarcastically said.

As we entered the enormous building, I could feel the air conditioning breeze. It had been so hot outside, this felt amazing. "So-this is your place? Or should I say moms place" I questioned turning to Kurama.

He grinned lightly, "no- our place little bro" he replied happily. I smirked.

"So... How about I make us some lunch- you guys wait here and do whatever you guys do when nobodies looking~" he playfully said grinning and entered his kitchen.


"So Naruto. This place looks great, hopefully your happy here" the raven finally broke the silence. I felt a bit sad- I didn't want to leave him, but of course he still had his family.

He'll be fine without me...

"Yeah, I guess" I replied quickly. He glared towards me, "are you always this way on Saturdays? Grumpy... And moody?" He asked nonchalantly. I smirked a bit and sighed tiredly.

"Sasuke- what do you think about gay/bisexual people?" I casually asked. Just to make conversation. His eyes widened a bit, "hm... Well. I guess I don't have anything against them" he responded a bit hesitantly.

"So you wouldn't mind being gay?"

I suddenly realized what I asked and embarrassingly covered my red face. Why did I ask that? He's obviously straight- has a wife and is married. "Just forget wh-" he interrupted me, "no. I wouldn't mind being gay" his voice was serious and stern.

He looked into my eyes and I looked back into his beautiful onyx eyes. They were full of truth and seriousness. Really? Well I guess that doesn't mean he'd turn gay for someone.

"Oh- I see" I replied slowly. He couldn't stop staring at me, I got nervous. "Hey- can I test something out?" He questioned curiously. I widened my eyes a bit by his request, but nodded in agreement.

Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. Oh fuck no. He forced his tongue inside my mouth making me quietly moan. Oh fuck no, what have I done? He dominated my mouth, pressing his tongue on mine. What have we done?

I don't want to pull away- but. I opened my eyes and met his- they were full of lust and need. He wanted this too.

We kissed without a break, small moans escaped me once in a while.

I'm so screwed...

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