Baby Blues

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I'm finally back! Don't kill me just yet okay? Read this update, it's kind of a filler update, then you can complain! I basically made this chapter about Hinata, and her experience as a pregnant surrogate- which I'm sure is horribly painful.

So basically get ready for another depressing chapter!

「not edited- Baby Blues」
Hinata's point of view」

Nine months is all it would take.

After these nine months, Naruto could be happy, and I can be at peace once more.

"His name is Naruto, and he has hair like the sun itself, eyes like the sky itself, and laughter like music itself. He is your father."

One of your fathers.

"His name is Sasuke- describing him in words is a waste of time for he is the closest thing to perfect. His jet black hair adds to his almost cold and cruel façade, but he's really a mushy sweet mess."

He is your other father.

"My name is Hinata Hyuga. I can't say much about myself, other than being a timid mess, I have violet hair reaching to my hips, and dull clear eyes."

I am your...surrogate mother.

It's been four months since the process was done, only five months left of pregnancy till birth. I enjoy sitting and speaking to the child I'll soon give birth to, about his or her parents, about soon to come challenges, and about me. Although I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt knowing I'll never be this child's mother, I don't regret my decision.

I can't regret my decision.

"Hinata! Are you daydreaming again? all pregnant women do that 'cause you sure do it a lot." I watched as Naruto came bursting through my door, with that same ridiculous grin of his. Ever since I moved in their house, he's always getting me to do ridiculous things. Pregnancy yoga, which to me is ridiculous because I simply wanna rest, is one example.

"Naruto, I thought you and Sasuke were going out today?" I questioned lightly, while unconsciously rubbing my stomach. He chuckled playfully and grinned, "yeah but he got called to work earlier, you should of seen the look on his face! Saying his face was as red as a tomato would be an understatement!". I couldn't help the grin that spread across my pale features.

"Did you came to force me into yoga again? Or perhaps another activity?" I could feel joy begin to unconsciously bubble up inside me- spending time with Naruto almost made me forget everything, almost.

"Baby clothes shopping!"

"huh?" My features crunched up together in confusion, why would he take me shopping for baby clothes? Shouldn't Sasuke be the one going instead? I suddenly felt out of place and even a bit nervous.

"Yup! Sasuke sucks dong at picking cute shit! Plus he would probably get bored and start choosing random shit instead of actually nice clothes. Another plus, your a lady and therefore automatically more knowledgeable than both of us combined. Mhm!"

I watched as Naruto began pointing out all his reasons and making ridiculous faces while doing it, I couldn't help but smile. Although all his reasons make no sense, I feel overjoyed he considered going shopping for his child with me, even honored. Once his long list was done, I nodded enthusiastically-

"of course."


"hmm... How 'bout this one Hinata? I mean yeah- the color sucks, but Sasuke would probably like it, plus it's got a duck on it to remind the baby of his bastard dad!" Naruto held up a blue pair of pajamas with a center duck on it, it was actually cute.

I nodded happily, "that one is cute, isn't it? You're good at this Naruto."

"Nah! I just pick out stuff that remind me of ducks!" he admitted childishly.

I chuckled lightly and began looking at the clothes again. I saw an employee headed our way while smiling happily, I returned the smile. When she approached us, both me and Naruto turned towards her, "Excuse me, how many months are you?" the brunette employee asked timidly towards me.

"About four months I believe."

"That's fantastic! You look so healthy and beautiful! And a child with you beautiful husband, I bet your baby will look absolutely gorgeous! I'm almost envious of you two!" she admitted happily.

I felt my face begin to burn up with embarrassment, she thought we were a couple?! I felt a bit of tension grow as Naruto laughed nervously behind me.

"Actually, funny thing is lady that we aren't a couple, she's my surrogate, and a friend... So yeah." he sounded nervous, even a bit awkward as he spoke to the young female employee. The girl widened her eyes in awe, then turned a shade of bright pink with embarrassment, "oh my! My mistake, I apologize! It's just that you two came together, and from afar you two looked so... I apologize sincerely." she quickly bowed and scrambled away towards the cash registers.

This is awkward.

"Umm... Do we really look like a couple?" the now very timid blond asks quietly.

"Well... A p-pregnant woman and a man going shopping for baby clothes together... is a sign of a r-relationship..." I awkwardly replied seconds later.

"Maybe we should go home."

Wise idea.


Five months.

I'll give you away in five months.

I'll always remember you after those five months.

You are a memory tied to him.

"You might not remember me as your mother little one, but I'll always b-be by your side. O-once they take you from me... I'll try to remember w-what this is all f-for. Who this is all for."

Naruto Uzumaki. Please remember me as your closest friend.

I still love you.


"Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn't have. Maybe there's a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again."

-Carol Rifka Brunt


Finally right?! I know this update was short and maybe even boring! But y'all gotta get ready for what's coming, because it's gonna seriously be fucking sad. Like you are gonna hate me after my next update...

Just remember- at least Naruto and Sasuke end up happy. Right?

Okay... bye lovely people.

(also- pay no attention to the picture... Yeah)

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