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Finally- it has arrived Mina
My very first modern day Fanfic with SasuNaru~❤

Let it please be pleasing to your eyes- enjoy!!!


Sasuke's Point of View-

99.9% of me wasn't quite sure where I was headed. All I knew was 'daddy please please please please buy me some sweets and donuts!! That's all I want' had to come true. My daughter Sasura was the light of my day, she must get her treats!

I walked down an unknown path full of small cheap looking stores stuck together. Talk about cheap. I came across an okay store that planted the words 'Sweets and Treats' outside. I didn't want it to be poisoned. Yet this store was the closest sweets store.

I casually walked in the store. It was fairly small, there was a small section of candy and donuts, that was pretty much it. As I walked towards the colorful donuts, I saw a spiky blond haired man stealing sweets. He seemed to be placing them in a bag casually. He hasn't noticed me.

"Thief! This man is a thief!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I pointed towards him. He turned towards me in shock. He looked somewhat dirty, was he homeless? Suddenly he drops all the sweets except for one honey flavored granola bar and runs out the door.

Before I knew it the owner had called the police, and they had caught up with the man. There were police cars everywhere, what a mess over some candy.

"That's him! Right Sir. That is the man you saw stealing!" The owner stated as he questioned me. I looked towards the blond man who had been beaten with a stick for a granola bar. "Yeah...that's him" I answered quietly. "We'll contact his family immediately, Sir. What is your home address and contact numbers" the officer questioned him.

The blond only looked down in shame, with no response at all. "Sir. If you don't tell us willingly, we'll have to beat it out of you" the officer threatened. The blond looked up and nodded. "I'm homeless, and have no family" he answered.

It had been silent for a few minutes. He had no family at all? And was homeless? "Very well then Sir. We'll count this as a warning, but next time, you'll be heading to jail" the officer let him loose. The blond nodded and looked back down. "What a pittyful man, just keep the granola bar and don't come back, take it as a sorry gift for losing your family" the owner stated as he threw the man a bar and headed back to the front of the store.

The blond placed all the candy back in its spot as well as the granola bar, and headed out the store. Guilt. It hurt again. Should I help him? Compared to him...I have everything.

I followed the man for a while, wondering where exactly he went. With no home, where else to go then the streets? He walked towards an ally, then sat down. There was a bag of clothes and basic essential items. "You can stop following me, this is where I live" he said, looking in my direction.

Had he noticed me? How long ago? I nervously walked towards him. "Hey there, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. You are?" He questioned with the stupidest grin. He was just almost arrested for theft, and he's acting all nice? "Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha" I answered coldly. I can't become too attached to this thief.

He nodded happily, then looks down. His stomach growls, and he chuckles lightly. "Sorry for asking, but do you possibly have a dollar or two I can have? I'm kinda hungry- ya know?" He asked kindly while smiling. "How about instead, you come over to my house- there you can shower and wash your clothing, plus dinner time is close too" I answered kindly.

If I could help this man, I would. I've never had to live the hard life of a homeless man, or the pain of a lost family. Yet this man had endured- it was time for his reward. His eyes widened, he then stood up happily with his bags. "Let's go then, Sas-uke!" He answered playfully. I glared at him, then began walking to the house.

//after the walk//

"Honey- I'm home" I said as I entered the front door. "We have a guest too" I stated as Naruto entered behind me. He had the stupidest, yet cutest, grin on his face. "Ohhh- you have a wife!?" He questioned happily. I nodded in response.

"Oh your home ho-" Sakura stopped as she saw a man, about my age, standing behind me with a smile. "Who is that?" She questioned, with a small bit of disgust.

"Naruto Uzumaki at your service ma'm!" Answered the enthusiastic blond. I sighed regretfully. "Honey- this is a homeless I found, I hope you don't mind him spending the night here, he won't be a bother" I answered while smiling. "Sasuke...why are you suddenly bringing homeless in? You've never done it before?" She questioned while glaring at Naruto.

"I- I won't be a bother ma'm! I swear I'll do everything your husband tells me to, your house your rules!" Naruto stated nervously. Suddenly Sasura appeared behind Sakura. She looked up at Naruto in awe, then giggled.

"Mister, why do you have whiskers on your face?" She questioned, walking towards him. Naruto smiled widely, "oh these?- these are birthmarks, weird right?" He answered playfully. He chuckled lightly. "Oh...and where is your mommy mister?" Sasura questioned. The mans eyes widened, "oh um- their...their on a long trip. Yeah..." He said quietly.

"Is your mommy and daddy dead?" Sasura questioned. Sakura's eyes widened as she covered her daughters mouth. "Please forgive her" she said nervously. "Oh- no its quite alright. She's right, my parents died long long ago" he answered with a fake smile.


Sakura and Sasura stood quietly. Sasura walked towards Naruto to hug him- but was stopped by Sakura. "Don't get too close honey- he might be sad" she answered. "I get it- I'm homeless, who wants their daughter near me?" He said chuckling.

"Feel free to stay for as long as you want" I answered kindly.

To be continued~!!!
Thanks for reading

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