Love Child

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Naruto's Point of View-

It was time. "Fine, I'll tell you everything. The real story of Kushina Uzumaki, and her second son, Naruto Uzumaki" I stated plainly. Sasuke and Itachi looked at me in awe. I had their full attention.

"Well the truth is- I'm her secret love child" the words left me like wind passing by. Secret love child. Itachi and Sasuke's eyes widened. "Wh-what do you mean love child?" Questioned Sasuke.

"Sasuke, you know damn well what a love child is, don't make the guy explain himself even more" Itachi stated rolling his eyes. Sasuke glared at him for a second and returned his gaze towards me.

"She- she had a husband right? A normal, wealthy man," I paused. Suddenly remembering my mother telling me the story herself. "He was never around- always in meetings, traveling, or drinking with 'friends' was what she told me," I stated. "One day, she meet him" my hands trembled a bit.

"Your- father?" Itachi questioned. "You know damn well he ment his father" Sasuke said rolling his eyes. Itachi glared at him, "shut up" he said playfully.

"Anyway- he was my mothers office cleaner. He would always leave her a rose on her desk after cleaning, with a flirty joke tied on it," I chuckled lightly. "How cheesy" said Sasuke with a grin. "But sweet," finished Itachi. I nodded in agreement, it was cute.

"Since her husband was never around, he hoped one day she'd divorce him and marry him instead" I said grinning. It would have been nice if they got married, and I wasn't a love child. "But that was a big no for Kushina- if she divorced him, he'd want full custody over Kurama. She'd never leave her boy with such an irresponsible father" I continued.

I suddenly felt pain in my heart. She'd never leave him like that- but I grew up on the streets for being the love child. "So one day, when her husband left her for another month trip, she was left alone. He even took Kurama on the trip to show him how incredible Paris was" I hesitated to continue, but continued anyway.

"He left her. Alone. And that month, the month of October. Was the month she came out pregnant with me" I stated. "She didn't want to cheat- but my father was the one she had really fallen in love with. He was kind and gentle, and even brought her lunch. Slowly- with every rose and cheesy joke, she had fallen for him" I said.

A grin appeared on my face. "You should've seen him- we look exactly alike" I chuckled softly. "And his name?" Sasuke Questioned softly. I grinned, "Minato" I responded. Sasuke smiled softly. As did Itachi.

"I had lived in an apartment- where Minato looked after me" I said. I remember those lovely days. "He would take me out and we would sometimes visit Kushina" it was lovely. "And- even though I knew it was bad. Even though I was nothing but a love child. I knew that the love between my father and mother, was real" my voice softened.

It was real.

"Being a love child didn't matter- I got to have a father and mother, that was all that mattered to me. And I loved them dearly" my smile suddenly began to fade into a frown. "Until the day- they both passed away that is" my voice slightly cracked up.

It was one of the most painful days of my life. Being homeless was nothing compared to it. "They were both buying things in a grocery store as I, a 6 year old, waited in the car." I paused. Remembering their voices, 'wait here sweetie, I'll be back with Minato in no more than 15 minutes' was what she told me.

I simply nodded. I was so naive.

Before I knew it, I heard a gun shot. People screaming and running everywhere. I was so clueless. I sat and waited. I did nothing. Not a clue knowing it was my very own parents shot. Tears ran down my face as I remembered the event.

"N-Naruto! Are you alright?" Sasuke questioned as he shook me back to reality. "Yes.." My voice cracked from all the tears I shed. "They were shot in a store when I was 6. Then, since nobody knew they had a child other than Kurama, nobody ever looked for me, or cared about me. I was homeless since then" I responded in a mummble as I wiped my tears.

Itachi's eyes were wide. "I never knew any of this ever happened. I had no clue" he stated sadly. Sasuke then questioned eagerly, "who did it?!". "I'm not sure, nobody knew I was their child so they never told me who killed them- I suppose Kurama might know" I said quietly.

Kurama. "Have you two ever even spoken?" Itachi questioned. I nodded. "Only once in my entire life. During the funeral" I said. "I wasn't allowed to be there since nobody believed I was her child, so I stood by some trees watching from afar. Once it was over, Kurama saw me," I said, "he asked me what I was doing," I'll never forget how sad he was. He held back all his tears because his father hated seeing people cry. I pitied him for having such a horrible father.

"All I answered was, "I came to visit a grave" and he believed me" I signed sadly. I hate these memories.

"I see- so you were homeless since you were a child?" Itachi said. I could see the 'I pity you' look he has in his eyes, and simply nodded. "Your strong Uzumaki" Sasuke said looking into my eyes. I smiled a bit. That's for sure. I was a tough kid.

"You must go see your bother Naruto- he must know the truth as well" Itachi said in a serious tone. I knew it. "I agree" Sasuke replied. I knew this would happen. "Not to mention, you own half that company" Itachi continued. They want me to share the story with more people.

"Next stop- Kohona Company!" Sasuke grinned.

To be continued....

Sorry if the story took a depressing turn. My parents are also separated because my father had cheated on my mother. They were never the same.

I wanted Naruro to have a different back story then, 'I was a lonely child' although he was probably still lonely. I believe I did well- what do you think?

BTW. I haven't really edited this chapter- so there might be spelling errors or other mistakes, please comment if you see them so I fix it~ thank you

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