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//not edited//
//Naruto POV//

Last Chapter,

"So- wanna go out and eat? I'll invite!" I questioned casually hoping he'd accept and we could discuss what in heavens name happened to him. It took him a few seconds to respond, but he nodded lightly in agreement.

"As long as it's not ramen, okay dobe?"

Continued in this chapter,

"I said I didn't want ramen dobe!"

Sasuke turned towards me in anger as we stood in front of my favorite restaurant - Ichiraku's Ramen shop. I lightly chuckled in response, since when do I listen to him? "It'll be fine Sas-uke, you'll love it here! Even people who don't like ramen will fall in love with this place!" I grinned widely and took hold of his thin wrist pulling him inside the humid ramen shop. I'm sure this place will cheer him up!

I practically dragged him in and sat him down. Ramen cures anything! Especially hunger or sadness! "So, what do you want? I'll treat you to anything?" I smiled lightly and placed the menu in front of him. He gave me a dirty glare, then turned towards the menu. "I guess I'll just have an order of green tea dumplings please,".

What?! Dumplings- since when did they sell dumplings? Especially green tea ones! This is weird.

I sighed heavily and decided to order too, "give me the Miso ramen with extra pork please" that's a real meal. After ordering I turned to face Sasuke prepared to listen to everything. "Sasuke, now I know theirs something wrong with you- you ordered something sweet, everyone knows you hate sweets," I sighed heavily waiting for a response.

"Idiot! That has nothing to do with what's wrong with me!" He lightly hit my head in annoyance, making me cringe in fear of being hit again. What? It's true- we all know Sasuke hates sweets! "Plus- are green tea dumplings even sweet!?" He questioned in confusion. Great now we completely lost our focus.

"That doesn't matter! Just tell me what's wrong before this turns into a comedic story!" I yelled in exhaustion. "Fine, fine...I'll tell you," he paused and sighed deeply as if he was preparing himself. "It's about Sakura...and my daughter- well...they," I could see his eyes begin to lightly tear up, "they left me..."

Wait what.

I widened my eyes in horror- his wife and child simply left him? Why? What'd he do? That can't be possible! I watched as he tried his best to hold in his tears - as he tried his best to pretend it didn't hurt anymore, but I know it did. Why pretend? Your family left you- of course it would leave a deep scar. I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't ever forget this.

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