Brotherly Love

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Naruto's Point of View-

It's been about 2 weeks since I spoke to Kurama. I still hate him.

"Naruto- you have to speak to him again, staying here isn't the best option you know" Sasuke's soothing voice stated. Sasuke. "No! If you don't want me staying here, then I'll leave, but I refuse to speak that... To that idiot!" I replied loudly.

Sakura has been wondering when I'd be leaving. "I don't want you to leave- but..." Sasuke's voice trailed off in the end. But his wife did want me to leave. "Yeah I get it. You got me a job, I'll just stop pestering you and your family" I responded arrogantly.

"Sorry Naruto- but if you go to your brother I'm sure he'll give you a pl-" I cut him off. No way in hell. "Don't- I won't let him give me everything I need, I refuse to accept his help!"

// Time skip, 3 days later//

I looked at the familiar tall building. Konoha Company, Where the Will of Fire is Born! Those same block-like letters on the building. Will of fire my ass.

"Excuse me ma'm, I'd like to visit Mr.Kurama" I asked the female at the front desk. I got a dirty stare from her. "I apologize, Mr.Kurama is currently busy with more important matters" she responded coldly. Fucking lier.

"Look ma'm- I know he's here, so please allow me to see him" My voice a bit louder. I can't believe this slut. "Sir I already said he is busy, please return another day. Or never" her voice also got louder. Oh hell no!

"Look bitch, they pay you to be nice and give your fake business smile to people like me- fucking do your job and don't lie to me like the little slut you are o-" before I could finish I felt a tap on my shoulder. "I think she gets it okay" stated a familiar male voice.


"I knew he was fucking here slut" I replied to the offended female employee. "How about you don't judge me by looks bitch- look in the fucking mirror once and a while. By the way, Itachi knows your a slut too" I said, then turned towards the annoying red-head.

Kurama looked at me with a grin. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine" his words coated with sarcasm. I smirked lightly. "Is it that obvious?" My voice lightened. He's such a charmer, almost all my anger was gone.

"How about we head to my office and I get you something to drink, to cool off that attitude of yours sunshine?" He smiled and headed to the elevator, I followed.

//The big boss office//

Kurama sighed tiredly. "So- I'm sorry" his voice got lighter. He looked up at me with sorrow in his eyes. "You might think my life is perfect kid- but it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows for me either, ya know?" Kurama stated hesitantly.

Of course I know, your mom died too, your dad was irresponsible and probably a dick, plus you have a ton of responsibilities. I nodded in agreement to his statement. He slightly tilted his head, "you know- even though I just met you, I love you bro" his voice was gentle and sweet.

I couldn't help but smile widely. I miss mom. I miss dad too. I miss my family. "I-I guess I love you too...bro" I hesitantly said. But, I know I love you, brother.

"Mom told me about a blond spunky kid she met- ya know?" The red-head stated. My eyes widened a bit. She talked about me? "She would say- he's the second sweetest thing I'd ever seen, second to you of course" he gently stated. I smirked lightly, if anything your second.

"She only spoke sweet things about you, how funny you were, how sweet you were, even how adorable you were- I even got jealous of you" he sighed softly.

I was the one jealous of you dobe.

"You know- she loved you more right Kurama?" I said proudly. It was true, he was her favorite. "She never even thought of divorcing your dad because she knew he'd want custody of you... She wanted you happy" my voice slightly cracked in the end. You happy...not me.

"I mean, yeah your life wasn't all sunshine and lollipops, but it wasn't a living hell either ya know?" My words a bit colder. I need to calm down, it isn't his fault I had a hard childhood. "All I mean to say is that if Kushina had divorced your father- your childhood would have probably been worse." I stated warmly, cooling myself off.

He nodded in agreement.

"Your right. I guess I shouldn't complain in front of someone who had endured much harder hardships," his voice lower- as if he thought his words could break me. They could.

"How about this- I take you and your boyfriend to live with me?" Kurama smiled, getting off topic to lighten up the mood. My eyes widened, "b-boyfriend? Who are you talking about?" The sudden image of Sasuke appeared in my head as I mentally hit myself.

No. No way. Sasuke is married- has a child- and loves them both dearly. More than he'll ever love a homeless orphan he found.

"Isn't Sasuke your boyfriend? The way he kept checking you out must of giving me the wrong idea" Kurama stated with a grin and sarcasm. "He was not checking me out!!! And don't say careless things like that out loud because its embarrassing."

I lied.

The thought of me and Sasuke crossed my mind before- many times before actually. He looked attractive was all. Not to mention all the kind things he did to help, he was a charmer.

"Just kidding kid- don't be so serious, I mean not that I wouldn't support you two going out together..." He mumbled softly.

We are not together!

To be Continued...

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