Key to Your Heart

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Hey there! Haha... Hm, so- next week huh? Yup, wedding chapter is coming soon, I'm pretty pumped, are you? Anyway! I'd really appreciate you guys reading the Author Note at the end of this chapter, I apologize if it's a bother- but recently I've been receiving some disturbing PMs.


//not edited//
//Naruto soon to be Uchiha pov//

Don't you just hate rich people?

"This is not a wedding gift Kurama, this is called heaven to any homeless man." I shouted loudly within the empty household, the new empty household. I heard as my brother chuckled behind me, and the echo spread across the unfurnished living room. Sasuke stood at the doorway, refusing to enter the mansion my brother called his wedding gift. "Come on Naruto, you aren't homeless anymore, get with the times, what else did you expect? A blender or something?" He questioned rudely, his eyes focused on my still very dumbfounded face.

This is not a wedding gift.

I've seen people give money, vacations, kitchen items, even cars- but entire houses? Who does that? I'll tell you who- Kurama Uzumaki. "So, do you accept it? Not that you have a choice, I'm giving it to you anyways. Unless you want a different one, maybe this is too small, or too clear- I chose one with lots of windows for Sasuke." I watched as my brother walked around the perimeter of the house, blabbering on about perhaps allowing us to choose a different one. Sasuke rolled his eyes, he knew Kurama was a show off- but to buy an entire house?

"Plus- you guys need a place of your own! Your getting married in a week or less, and maybe even going to start a family I hope..." Kurama paused and looked towards us, giving us a suggestive wink. Me and Sasuke turned to look at each other, our faces burning red from embarrassment. Wait, we can't even have kids?! "We're guys, we can't get pregnant!" I retorted after realizing there was no actual reason to be embarrassed. "Idiot! It's called adoption, plus you can always ask another female to give birth to your baby!" Kurama replied automatically, almost as if he knew I was ignorant towards those options.

Oh yeah, adoption- and that other thing too.

I heard Sasuke smirk. "Hey- but we aren't even married yet! Why give us this now? And couldn't we just live in Sasuke's house?" I couldn't help but be defensive, I already looked stupid in front of my future husband. Kurama grinned lightly- holding in his laughter, "you really wanna live in the house where that witch lived? That would only bring back bad memories. And I give you this now because after the wedding is the honeymoon, and after that- do you really wanna come back to fix your new house? Why not now!" Kurama looked rejoiced, almost as if his wedding was coming.

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