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"I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence."
-John Green.

//Not edited//
//Naruto Uzumaki pov/

Love is more than just three words stated into the abyss of a heart. Love isn't just the desire to kiss and hold, or even the need to protect. Sometimes love is denying oneself the feeling of selflessness and selfishness, for nothing is more important than the one you love.


"S-Sasuke, what are you doing?"

I can't tell, am I in love- or am I driven by lust and desire? As I watch my lover be kissed and embraced by another, am I sad or angered? I could see his eyes avoid my own, almost as if he actually had a doubt in his heart that our love is nothing to him. Did he have the audacity to actually leave me here, alone and abandoned? Was there really a a question in his heart that I was his one and only?


Why didn't he push her lips away?

Why did he return her embrace?

Why was he so confused? I had saved him. I had no doubts in my heart, yet he could stand here and kiss another. Let alone, her. He briefly meet his eyes with mine, pleading for my words- pleading for my help. I denied him, as I trembled in fear of my soon to be loss, I wouldn't allow myself to answer for him. If he were to deny her- he would do it himself, correct? I was not the one who would yell at the girl who dared interrupt my wedding.

"Sasuke... I still love you. I tried, I really did- but I can't move on. If I let you marry someone else I'll never forgive myself." I heard as the pinkette seduced my fiancè right before my eyes, not a single word towards me. The audience stood silent, awe in their eyes. They never thought Sasuke were the one to leave his fiancè at the aisle.

I can't control myself.

Before I even knew it, I had landed a smack across the pinkette's face. The crowd of course went wild, and my fiancé wasn't calm either. His eyes widened as he saw me smack his ex-lover, not a word spoken of course. "If you're going to leave me for her, don't make me watch your sickening reunion." I couldn't keep in my tears, and they came pouring out. Nothing could keep me in this church, nothing, I ran out shamefully covering my sobbing face. I was done for- nothing was ever going my way. After everything, she won him in the end- she was the one who could give him children and love him in a way his parents could accept him.

I was done with love.

As I forcefully pushed open the holy doors, I could feel the wind blow through my untamed blond locks of hair. I felt free, yet captivated in a prison or love. A prison of love?- that sounds a bit cheesy. I rushed out the house of God, escaping something I thought would be the best day of my life, and ran aimlessly around. I could hear people in the church coming after me, they thought they could sympathize with me, they really thought that a few words could help me forgive him- could they truly be that naive?

I was known as a carefree boy with a short attention span, and little to nothing anger in my blood. They thought they knew me so well, with their false descriptions and false classifications- but all they really knew was what I allowed them to see. I approached a street, a bus about to drive past- could I make it? Could I be known as the bride who was abandoned and couldn't move on? Known as a childish brat, who in the end was anything but carefree and forgiving? Because in this moment, I wanted to jump towards that bus, just for attention and the feeling of forgetting everything that happened.

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