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《Epilogue- Moving forward》
[pov- none]

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

"And then, and then- there was this huuuuge stage where they got on and sang daddy!" The young dazzling azure eyes widened with awe and glazed over slightly with remembrance. His smile was one that outshined all those around him, making him the focus of everyone. He was of course, hopelessly oblivious to this fact, much like his blond father.

"That sounds... interesting Menma, tell daddy all about it when we get home, alright?" It came out as more of a command than a request, and little Menma knew that. He adored his big bad daddy, but knew never to take his word carelessly.

The two walked calmly, having light conversation as they made their way to the five room house bought by the child's insane uncle, Kyuubi, or Kurama. The house had some remodeling done thanks to the blond spouse who simply needed a room for his ridiculous obsession with ninja movies, seriously, the obsession came out of thin air!

With this remodeling came a new pool, hot tub, and game room- all of which Sasuke had the honor of paying for. Usually it wouldn't have been a problem for the stoic Uchiha, but lately business had hit rock bottom, thanks to a new competitor from America- The Sabaku Inc.

The company named after the owner himself, Gaara Sabaku, a man known to be made of steel, iron, and any other metal. Sasuke was no man to back away from intimidation, but when he had traveled to California to make some sort of arrangement with the (1)iron man, his husband had immediately convinced the man to (2)merge.

This had been eating away at Sasuke for quite some time now.

Finally, the two had approached the large household. Without hesitation, the Uchiha successfully unlocked the bright orange front door. A greeting was immediately heard from within the kitchen, a bright affable voice.

"Welcome home you two! We have guests, Gaara's unsuccessfully trying to help cook our meal... he-hey be careful with that!"

Menma immediately ran towards the kitchen, eyes blooming with happiness at the voice of his daddy Naru-kun. On the other hand, Sasuke's fists clenched with force and rage- since when did Gaara begin visiting? His anger only grew at the sound of giggles emitting from the kitchen. He stomped his way towards the kitchen, and immediately had his jaw drop, the sight he saw was unimaginable. Inside the kitchen stood Naruto mixing cake batter while Gaara stood beside him carrying Menma up high enough to also mix with Naruto, they giggled as cake batter spilled on Gaara and he frowned before licking the dark chocolate substance off completely.

Silence followed once the Uchiha's presence was felt.

"Looks like papa bear came to scare away Gaa-chan!" Menma stated before giggling madly, immediately earning a giggle from Naruto and a smile from Gaara. The nickname 'Gaa-chan' then immediately caught on to Gaara, and the smile soon turned into a frown of disapproval.

Silence once more.

"I see you two have gotten close to each other... I don't suppose this is a business visit?" The reply was short and cold, like many of the Uchiha's replies.

Gaara didn't seem fazed at all.

"I suppose it isn't, I enjoy Naruto's company." The redhead replied politely while setting Menma down gently. His previous expression completely gone, and replaced with the iron man everyone knew. Naruto could feel the awkward, tense atmosphere in the room and suddenly wished he could become one with the ground, he cleared his throat, "So, Sas'ke, how was work today? Hopefully not too stressful... we have our visit to the grave today, remember?"

Simply mentioning the visit had everyone's attention.

Everyone, except Gaara, knew about the family's yearly visit to Hinata Hyuuga's gave. Six years have passed, and Naruto continues to loyaly visit the gentle Hyuuga every year, even Menma comes along.

"Visit to the grave?" Gaara questioned gently, knowing well that it might be a delicate subject. Although, in reality, everyone accepted her death long ago. Deep down Naruto held on to his feelings of anger and regret, he holds on because he feels something could have stopped her death; Sasuke did his best to support his grieving husband, but support him was all he could do. The months after her death were devastating to say the least.

The blond had refused any type of emotional support, he had blamed himself and his inability to cope with not being able to have children. It took Menma accidentally climbing his crib and falling to the ground for Naruto to realize life was moving on with or without him. Menma was taken to the hospital and treated, Naruto then made a promise to both Sasuke and Menma that he'd change.

Hinata lives in their memory forever, always remembered as Menma's mother.

Kiba didn't take it as easy.

"Every year we visit a friend's grave. She's Menma's biological mother, truthfully." Naruto replied kindly toward Gaara. The redhead's expression immediately softened at the mention of "mother". He knew the pain of losing a mother as well, and to think that such a young child like Menma had to live through such a pain was unbearably sad to think about. Gaara himself lost his mother at birth, so he couldn't consciously understand the pain; when years passed and he grew up, the absence of his mother slowly grew on him, making him a bit cruel and heartless some would say.

If you asked Naruto, he'd probably say he's "nothing but a ball of sunshine".

"I see. I should probably be going then, huh?" The redhead stated almost warmly toward the blond. Menma suddenly jumped up eagerly, "nooo! Gaa-chan comes with us daddy!"

"Gaara? But we've always gone alone sweetie." Naruto questioned softly to his young son.

Menma's eyes filled with sadness, "I know daddy... I want someone else to come this year. Maybe if more people come, mommy will like it better. We only visit once! She must be lonely." His comment held so much meaning, it almost seemed like the child thought about his mother's death often. He most likely does, considering he's never met her.

"I suppose it'd be fine."

Everyone turned towards the gloomy Uchiha, eyes wide in awe. Sasuke simply speaking to the redhead is a miracle, let alone invite him places! The fact he accepted Gaara visiting Hinata's grave with them is incredible, amazing! Naruto smiled brightly as he leaped on his stoic Uchiha husband, kissing him straight on the mouth.

Puking sounds of disgust and illness were heard from Menma as he saw his parents disturbing display of PDA. Gaara covered the young child's eyes once he saw where the Uchiha's hands were headed, then covered his own emerald eyes.

The couple didn't seem to notice how disturbing they were being, as they were too involved in each other to notice anything. Sasuke trailed kisses along the blond's neck as he used his hands to roam around his petite body. Naruto softly moaned at the kisses and touches he received.

Gaara cleared his throat, "the visit people. We have a grave visit."

Sasuke smirked slyly, "five more minutes."

The End.

This concludes my story! I can't believe this is it! I worked hard on this story guys~ I fangirled over their wedding, and gushed over Menma's adorableness~ This was my pride and joy!

Of course I still need to edit everything and make it nice and neat, but it's actually over *single tear drops*

I'm probably gonna make holiday specials though...lol

I hope you enjoyed, because I sure did! Have a happy night/day/life! ♡♡♡

*(1) Iron man is kinda like a funny nickname I thought of. Not to be confused with the actual "Iron man" superhero. More like a man made of Iron.

*(2) merge is when two companies become one, and work together.

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