The Date

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//not edited//
//Hinata Hyuga's pov!//

"No. No way in hell Uzumaki."

I watched the two lovers bicker at each other- almost like an old already married cuple.

"What! Why not? Look Sasuke- if we put the date exactly on Thanksgiving imagine the amount of gifts we'd get! Plus, it's the earliest date there is!" My blond crush agrued. He looked so stunning, his hair perfect and his voice full of life and passion towards what he wanted. He was in love. The raven gave him a dry look of giving literally no shits, "Naruto- for the last time, because it is too early, we can't choose it! We'd only have about a week to get all the preparations in check! Not to mention we would have to have it Thanksgiving themed, and serve some sort of Thanksgiving feast! Do you really wanna turn our wedding into some extravagant holiday party?" He crossed his arms and looked away from the blonds dazzling eyes, that could surely convince him of anything to get his way.

Naruto sighed and turned towards me, with a loving smile- "ya see Hinata? We just can't agree on a date! I said Thanksgiving, or Christmas- because honestly I can imagine us celebrating our anniversary on Christmas, and it would be romantic. But he hates the idea of us having some crazy holiday party- he thinks thanksgiving or Christmas would make our wedding less of a wedding, and more of a holiday party!" He gave me pleading eyes, practically yelping for my help.

Why was I here?

I was sadly chosen to be the wedding planner/Naruto's maid of honor. Why? Because I was in love with one of the brides- Naruto, and he never thought of it as love love, simply amazing friendship. He was really close to me at work, and would speak about how he could confess to Sasuke, and although I would laugh and smile in the outside- my insides slowly broke to pieces. I watched as the blond I had fallen in love with, fell for a completely different person. A person that doesn't resemble me whatsoever.

So why did I say yes to such a position? Because if you know me, I'm an incredibly shy person who simply can't disagree when it comes to favors. When Naruto showed up to my doorstep and begged me to be his maid of honor, and to plan his wedding, I was fooloish enough to fall head over heels and say of course. Because to me, seeing him so desperate made me desperate- I needed to help him, at the cost of anything. And it made me happy, he thought of me before anyone else to be his not only maid of honor- but wedding planner.

I lightly cleared my throat, and saw as Sasuke gave me the drop dead glare, "I-I honestly don't think having a holiday r-related wedding is that b-bad..." I replied while twiddling my thumbs nervously. There was silence, then a small chuckle, "and what do you know anyway? Are you married? Have you even been to a wedding before?- let alone a holiday themed wedding." Sasuke retorted rather rudely, while his cold eyes hit me. Before I could even reply, I saw Naruto slap Sasuke rather hard- glaring daggers at him, "Sasuke you still haven't gotten over your grudge with Hinata? Snap out of it- she's here to help us plan our wedding day! Why would she ever want to steal me from you! She's kind, smart, and sensitive- you will respect her."

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