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I decides to upload a part often~

//Not edited//
//Sasuke's Point of View//-

After that kiss 2 weeks ago, I haven't seen or heard about Naruto. He quit and began working at the Konoha Company. It was such a strange feeling I had when kissing him. I'm not quite sure why I did it.

//flash back//

We kissed passionately for a few minutes the quickly pulled away. We hadn't realized his brother was watching...

"I knew you were going out!" Yelled a happy red-head. I quickly sat up and cleared my throat. "N-no its not what you think..."Itried to think of an excuse- but none came to mind. Damn it.

"Just forget it bro! Sasuke probably didn't mean it- he loves his wife too much to love me" Naruto responded for me in a somewhat sad voice. I twitched a bit, but nodded in agreement. Kurama gave me a dirty look.

"Don't mess with my brother Uchiha" his words hit me coldly, I gulped and nodded. Afterwards I'm not sure why- but I simply ran out the house. I was flustered and embarrassed... And I didn't want them to know that my heart would sometimes beat faster around Naruto...

//End of flashback//

At least everything was back to normal- my normal happy life. Right?

Not- Sakura has been acting strange lately. She seemed nervous and uncomfortable around me- as if she was hiding something. I try to bring it up, but she shuts me down. Weird.

"Honey, dinners ready" her sweet voice rang in my ear. "Coming" I stood up and walked towards the large table. There were only 3 of us, yet we still bought a long table.

"Honey- how have you been?" I questioned, hiding the worry in my voice. She simply smiled and continued her meal.
"I-I need to go out for a bit after dinner honey..." Her soft voice stated. Going out? Where? I mean- I wasn't worried about her going out...but she never tells me where to anymore... Its all secretive now.

"Sure- be safe" I decided not to push her. Maybe it was women problem? Perhaps on her period?( lol sorry ). She sighed in relief and quickly left once she had her last bite, "I will sweet heart- don't wait up" she replied and left.

Sasura was fast asleep, warm milk with honey always made her sleepy.

I looked down at her silky soft face. She really took the looks from her mother, I wonder what qualities she inherited from me...?


I opened my eyes lazily and turned towards my clock. 9:30am. Damn- I slept in. Not that I had anything to do on a Sunday morning.

I yawned and noticed Sakura hadn't arrived yet- where was she? I should call her...yeah. I stood up and made my way to the kitchen, before I call her I should make Sasura some pancakes for breakfast. I smiled and began mixing the dry and wet ingredients.

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