Stop Sobbing

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//Not Edited//
//Naruto's point of view//

"Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it."

-Justin Timberlake


She'll be our surrogate?

My eyes were wide, tears dry and long gone, what I had heard was unbelievable. Hinata looked so sincere, she couldn't possibly be joking- but why would she do this? After knowing she had loved me for so long, I couldn't forgive myself. I hadn't even noticed the poor girl, and all she ever noticed was me.

But to give me her child- that is where I cross the line.

"No way."

She gave me an understanding smile, then embraced me lightly- knowing not to get to close, especially in the presence of Sasuke. I felt as she grinned lightly into the embrace, then sighed heavily, "I'm doing this Naruto, I'm going to do this for you- because if I don't, I-I'm afraid you'll f-fall into a hole of dark depression..." her voice was barely audible, soft and murmerd.

There was simply no way I would allow the bluenette to sacrifice herself in such a manner. She already went through the pain of seeing the one she loved get married to another, but to give them a child is far enough. How could she even think of doing that? If I were the young Hyuga I would hate me right now- why was she so kind? So carelessly warm towards me? So- so ridiculously gentle?

"Because I'm Hinata."

The bluenette once again had my attention- eyes wide towards her. What did she mean? What did being Hinata have to do with being ridiculously kind? And how did she know what I was thinking- that's kind of scary...

"Because I'm Hinata I do stupid things Naruto, I can't help it okay? If I can help you- I definitely will because I was once in love with you. In my heart I can still f-feel the ache of your pain N-Naruto..."

"You've been through enough Hinata, you can't give us your baby- that's ridiculous."

She chuckled lightly and wiped away her tears light heartedly, "Naruto you t-treat me like a child- I've already explained myself to you, why c-can't you just accept my help?" The Hyuga looked desperate, she really wanted to help us- but why? I don't want to see her suffer for me anymore, I want to see the light-eyed girl happy and moving on.


Her eyes showed a sudden flash of anger that was soon replaced with panic- "N-Naruto please understand I-I'm doing this out of my own will. I-I need to h-help you, I can end your suffering- just let me..." I've never seen someone more desperate than her.

"Just let her."

My eyes shifted towards my husband, his coal eyes staring intently at the bluenette in front of me then shifting to my azure eyes. The ebony haired male shifted uncomfortably into a different standing position, "just let her help Naruto- if you say no and send her away you'd just keep crying about what you'll do, thinking you did the 'right' thing."

I couldn't help but glare at my naïve husband- how could be be so cold? This is the life of someone who's cared deeply about me for a very long time- and to just let her give us a child is just so...

"Are you crazy Sasuke? She's only doing th-"

"Because she loves you."

All eyes were now back to my husband as his cold voice hit us. Of course he already knew, he's not an idiot. Hinata was only doing this because she loves m-

"No Naruto. I can't love you a-anymore. I'm doing this because I want to s-see you happy w-with Sasuke."

But that was a lie.

"Hinata please reconsider th-"

"We accept."

Once again I glared at my cold husband who was obviously enjoying this- a smirk pulled across his features as he spoke, "Naruto, enough is enough- she's your bestfriend, she wants to do this, so let the woman do it for God sake." He casually stated.

I bet that wouldn't be his reaction if Sakura asked us...

"Hinata, are you really sure?"

I looked into her light violet eyes that matched perfectly with her hair, and all I saw was determination and confidence, "y-yes, I'm sure." Her voice matched perfectly with those confident eyes of her's. Although Hinata would stutter and act nervous- she is a very confident woman, believe me, she just needs some time to get to know.


Her eyes beamed with joy- why?

"Great- let's go tell the doctor and get this done with."

My eyes once again sharply turned towards Sasuke- what was up with him? This was out child we're talking about! He was acting like this was some kind of chore! I wanted to give him a good smack in the face, but decided that I also wanted to go visit our doctor to tell her the news- and I also didn't want Hinata to see us fighting.

Especially after the gift she's blessed us with.


inata nodded vigorously, agreeing happily with my grumpy husband. "Sounds great."

I still can't believe we're getting a child.


Our doctor waved goodbye with a bright smile on her face.

We had been explained the entire process and exactly what had to be done before Hinata were to get pregnant. She had an appointment for a physical exam- making sure she was healthy and well... ready to get pregnant. Although I'm pretty sure Hinata is one of the healthiest people I've met- excluding my overly obsessed husband who if he could, would have married a tomato than me.

I couldn't help but notice the smile that never left Hinata as the doctor explained the process- if I were her I'd be scared as hell. How she kept calm is beyond my knowledge, are all women this calm?

No wonder they say women mature faster than men...

Hinata promised to call us once the physical exam was done- and we promised her that we'd pretty much babysit her while she's pregnant.

I'm so excited!


End of Chapter.

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