Goodbye Dear Friend,

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Yay~ finally updating again!

Hope you enjoy the story so far mina-chan~

Lots of love, TinkerB~


//Sasuke's Point of View//

I loved her.

Or so I thought.

Have you ever had a feeling...that you can't entirely explain to yourself? An acheing in your heart...that yearns for a cure? It hurts. Your heart literally aches in pain. It really hurts...

"He's my lover"

I hate myself.

I bet I'm a useless husband. My wife was so unhappy- she had to resort to cheating. She had to find another more worthy man to take care of her needs.

And all for what?

I never showed her the same love. When was the last time we actually made love? It's been years- ah yes, when Saruna was born I believe it was. I stopped caring, I stopped trying so hard.

I thought I had secured her love- that I owned her love. I was very wrong. I had put to much trust on the fact of us having a child- I was naive and careless. I thought that now that we had a child- she wouldn't dare need more.

What is wrong with me.

Even I need to make love. I guess I just...let go. I never actually felt passion for her to be completely honest about it. I guess I just needed a wife and child for my parents who pressured me.

I pretended to love her. And hurts.

She left. Forever.

Its been exactly 15 days, 2 hours, and 16 minutes since she's left. How do I know? I've been counting. I no longer feel the need to go to work. I simply stay at home- counting the minutes she left...and hoping it was all a nightmare.

All of it.

I want to wake up a child- hopefully 5 years old. I want to play with Nii-san, and study for my tests. I want to be happy again.

People might say I'm depressed, and maybe I am. My wife left me- she took my child as well. They were my everything. I loved them...I loved Saruna the most. My precious daughter.

Maybe I am depressed...or insane.

I don't want to eat- it's pointless. I don't want to shower- it's pointless. I don't want to work- it's pointless. I don't want to love-it's useless.

All I do is nag nag nag, all day long. I lay in bed and look at the picture of us at the beach about 1 year ago- they look too beautiful. Sakura wore a light pink one piece swim suit, and Saruna wore a pink pair of shorts and a black T-shirt. I always said that she was too young to wear swim suits...

I miss her. I miss them.

I suddenly hear a light knock at the door. The knocking continues- growing softer and softer. Should I open it? My companies been sending employees to check on's so damn annoying of them. Just fuck off already, I'll come if I feel like it.

I'm not some suicidal teen.

I decide to let it knock and ignore it. If it's another employee, I'll kill them!

"It's Naruto! Are you in there? Heeelllooo" I hear a familiar voice state from outside the door, then more loud knocking. Naruto? Who's he again..? He's... He's- ah yes, he was the homeless guy I helped.

He's a friend right?

Even after that kiss, I'm sure we're friends. Should I open? Maybe I could pretend I'm not here...he won't know right?

"Open up teme! I know you're in there!" The blond yelled impatiently from behind the wooden door. I felt a bit guilty for doing this- if we're friends, I should trust him, and allow him in right? Yes.

I lazily get up and walk all the way downstairs towards the main entrance door. The knocking suddenly stops. Silence. Nothing but pure silence, maybe he gave up?

I hear the lock being turned and opened, and my eyes widen in shock. H-how is that possible!? I locked my door!

The door violently slams open- and unfortunately hits me straight in the face. Ouch. For fucks sake.

"S-Sasuke! Are you alright!? I didn't mean to hit y- ewwww" he walks away from me covering his nose in disgust. I silently cover my very red face, and now bleeding nose. That hurt like a bit*ch.

"What stinks like ass in here Uchiha?!" The blond looks around in disgust while pinching his nostrils. I look up to him in confusion, "what do you mean idiot?".

He begins to walk circles around me, studying me up and down- without letting go of his nostrils of course. "You! You stink ass bastard!" The blond points an accusing finger towards me.

I stink ass?

I casually lift my arm and sniff my pit- oh lord my savior he's right. I make a disgusted look and put my arm back down.

"Your taking a nice long, and careful, bath right now Sir.Uchiha!!! You stink ass!" The enthusiastic blond took hold of my wrist, rushing towards the long hallway that leads up to the main restroom.

Why does he care? Does it even matter? Its all pointless...

"You know Sasuke...I- I was really worried you'd never go back to work. I...I really care about you, ya know teme?" He playfully stated. A worried look slightly crossed his face- then left.

Does he really care? Why? He already moved why care about me? Does he think he owes it to me..? I wonder if he knows about Sakura yet ...should I tell him?'s not important.

I'm not important.

"Why have you locked yourself in here Sasuke? It's been a little over 2 weeks! What's the matter?" He casually questions, while opening the restroom door carefully.

Ugh, now I have to tell him.

"Uh- well..." What do I say? My wife left me after confessing she was sleeping with a guy named Pain, and took my daughter like the bitch she is! Calm down Sasuke...calm the fuck down, it is my fault she left.

Naruto noticed my confusion, and places a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? Where is Sakura and Saruna huh? Are they somewhere else?" He questions. It hurts. "You can tell me anything."- it hurts a lot...

"Yeah...they're somewhere else...- somewhere else, far far away..."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter lovelies~ ~mucho amor cariños~ (lots of love lovelies, in Spanish)

I made the chapter to show a bit of how Sasuke feels after the whole cheating thing. Sorry that Sakura took Saruna...I just thought it better that way...

Should Sasuke keep her? I could rewrite the chapter if you want...

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