Second Uzumaki Son

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Sasuke's Point of View-

"You'd make a great sorter" I stated.

His face turned a bit pink as he turned away at the comment. "Nah- really it was nothing. Anyone can sort a few files" he answered in a mummble. He seemed embarrassed.

Suddenly an idea hit me! He was and excellent sorter! "How about I hire you as my personal file sorter!- or better yet, my assistant!" I stated with a grin. He looked towards me in shock. His blue ocean eyes widened. "What! Your insane- you've only known me for a day and you willing to hire me as your personal assistant?" He looked me straight in the eyes.

I have only known him for a while. Yet he's made an incredible impression on me! Not to mention I've grown oddly attached to him. "Yes! You need a job, money, a house, and much more- this would help you greatly! You'll stay at my place until you save up enough to buy your own apartment" I responded without hesitation.

"R-really? I mean- if you insist, yes! Yes I'll work with you!" The blond stated enthusiastically. His lips formed a smile, and his face brightened. "Great! Its official- you start tomorrow!" I stated.

As he stood up from my leather chair he tripped. I suddenly felt myself on the ground with heavy weight on me. As I opened my eyes my face blushed bright red. "Uh- oh um...I'm sorry" he stated as he lifted himself off me slowly. He got up and looked down at me embarrassed. "I um- I hope this doesn't change your mind about the job position" the blond nervously spoke as he reached a hand out to help me up.

I took the hand gently and got up. "N-no, its fine" I answered looking away.

There was an awkward silence in the room for a few minutes. For some reason, even now that he had gotten off, I still felt my heart beating rapidly. I was still in shock by what had happened.

I decided to break the silence, "so- shift is almost over, let's head out" I said looking down at my silver watch that wrapped around my wrist. He nodded in agreement and we both exited the room.

In the elevator on our way out- we came across my brother, Itachi, who also stood in the elevator. The aura grew heavy and awkward. Silence killed the elevator. "So- Sasuke, is this a new employee?" Itachi broke the silence.

"Not yet- he starts tomorrow as my assistant" I responded hesitantly. My brother hated me making decisions on my own. He hated it a lot. "I see. I thought you personally told me you didn't want an assistant" Itachi responded coldly. He was right. I honestly didn't want an assistant at first.

"Hn, maybe I changed my mind. Non of your business really Itachi" I answered coldly. I loved him. I really did. Yet we both acted to professional towards each other that we grew apart. "I do own half this company so I expect to get notified when new employees are hired." Itachi responded.

I felt Naruto tense up. This must be uncomfortable for him. "Yes well, my brother should understand right? I trust him, and you should too" I said warmly. I didn't want to scare away Naruto, I wouldn't bare seeing him out on the streets starving again.

Itachi slightly chuckled and looked towards Naruto who seemed to notice and tense up even more. "H-hello, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, at your service Mr.Itachi" Naruto greeted nervously. Itachi smirked lightly. "Itachi Uchiha, glad meeting you, did you say Uzumaki was your last name?" Questioned Itachi.

Naruto simply nodded. Itachi's eyes widened a bit. "Oh- I see... I thought Kushina only had one son..." Itachi questioned to himself in confusion. I turned towards Itachi in awe, Kushina? Who was she? Did he know Naruto's mother?

"Naruto, Sasuke, mind heading to my office a bit? I'd like to get to know you a bit" Itachi questioned as we reached the floor finally. Naruto, still a bit shocked by the mention of Kushina, nodded. As did I.

We walked into his slightly bigger office and sat down. He sighed heavily at all the paperwork on his desk, and moved it to the side. "That's what you get when you don't do it early" I stated with a grin.

"Oh shut it- you know I hate paperwork" he responded lazily. It was true, Itachi hated paperwork.

"As I stated earlier, was your mother by any chance, Kushina Uzumaki?" Itachi questioned Naruto. "Yeah- crazy angry red head who would hit any guy who insulted or disobeyed her" Naruto responded with a slight grin on him. Itachi nodded and chuckled at his response. "Strange- the only child she ever spoke of having was, Kurama" Itachi replied softly.

I looked to Naruto who only sat in silence. "Plus- you look nothing like Kushina, she has long red straight hair, you have blond spiky hair, what's up with that?" He questioned. Naruto still had no response for him. He looked lost in thought. I wonder what he's thinking of.

"And another strange fact- if you are her child, wouldn't you have gotten half her company when she died?" Itachi continued. "Your right- that is strange" Naruto mumbled. Itachi looked towards him curiously.

"Then- why don't you look shocked by all this? And why instead of working at the Konoha Company are you coming to work as an assistant at the Akatsuki Company?" Itachi grew impatient as he heard no response to his questions. I only sat as I saw them speak. I was utterly shocked. This homeless should own half of the great Konoha Company?

"I- I can't really answer any of these questions, forgive me" Naruto stated plainly. Itachi's eyes widened, "Then- I can't really allow you to work here" Itachi responded with demand. Naruto shrugged his shoulders, "fine- living on the streets is my way of living anyway. This job was too big for a small guy like me- but thank you anyway Sasuke" Naruto replied.

"Wait, Naruto, I want you to work here" I also stated with demand. My brother glared at me intensely. Naruto sighed on disbelief. "Really?" Naruto questioned.

I nodded. "Fine...I'll tell you the truth. Everything. The truth about Kushina Uzumaki, and her second son, Naruto Uzumaki"

To be Continued...

Cliff hanger!!!!

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