Flowers, Friends, and Family

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Omg~ first update since the mirrage proposal! That's right people, Naruto bae and Sasuke are officially engaged! I'm really excited! I'm planning on uploading a couple more chapters in preparation for the wedding, and even the bachelor's party before the wedding! XD omg!

I literally feel like I'm planning an actual wedding- is that healthy? People wanted Naruto in a dress- honestly I'm not a 100% sure everyone would want that! I mean it would be adorable- but it just seems inappropriate for the actual wedding since their both men (not that guys don't do that) it just seems like Naruto wouldn't do that! But if you think it would be cute- comment whether he should or shouldn't wear one! And if yes, what color or design? XD

I'm honestly- loving this.

//not edited//
//Sasuke (Uzumaki soon) pov//

Two weeks.

"You're kidding right?- that color would look ridiculous on them!" The yapping blond with a pony tail continued- yapping. Tenten smirked lightly as the sassy female continued on about how blue, or violet, or whatever color simply went horribly with orange. Meanwhile the lovely soon to be bride of mine rolled his eyes at her and scoffed, "This isn't your wedding Ino! I just needed advice- but you're obviously too self absorbed to listen to me!" He finally replied when she shut her little overly-make up covered mouth.

Two weeks and this was already a problem.

Suddenly all eyes hit me, and not just any eyes- eyes full of threat. I suddenly sat up straight and sighed, "what?- what is it?" I questioned impatiently. Ino grinned sweetly and spoke in words dripping with innocence- "oh Sasuke~ S-a-a-a-suke~ won't you pretty please convince your bratty fiancé that orange is not a wedding color! And that it certainly doesn't compliment with blue or violet!".

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