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Don't hurt me.

This is the final chapter - before the epilogue. Enjoy.

「not edited - Fallout 」
「No pov」

"Someday you're gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You'll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing..."

― Elizabeth Gilbert

She was the head of her household, soon to take over her family's business.

Her hair was wine colored, reaching to her waist and flowing like pure silk.

Although some might say dull, her eyes brimmed with clarity, a color so clear it could see through any being- fine eyes indeed.

Skin like snow and lips like soft cotton.

Her name was Hyuga Hinata.

Blue eyes clashed with dark familiar orbs, worry and concern plastered, anxiousness clear. Tanned finger unconsciously tap repeatedly on denim fabric. She was doing fine, her doctors even encouraged her to return to work- even exercise a bit more, it was all going perfectly fine. They say to never take anything for granted, but this was too sudden- too much too fast.

She might not make it.

They might not make it.

Only Seven months into pregnancy, Hinata began to bleed.

Doctors told her she'd be fine, simply shrugging her off with a bottle of who-knows-what drug. Naruto and Sasuke grew concerned for the well-being of their child- if there even was a child left. Hinata of course smiled and laughed it off, she knew it would be alright. She had to give them a living healthy child- if not, what kind of woman would she be? She couldn't be with her love, and now she couldn't even give him a healthy child?


Hinata cried.

Two weeks later, 911 was dialed at the Hyuga estate.

Doctors barged in, she was unstable- soon she might bring both herself and the child down.

Life was unfair to her. Perhaps she'll do better in her next life?


"Sasuke- she can't die. I'll never forgive myself! The guilt is already killing me... I knew this was a bad idea from day one!" The blond whimpered, sadness, guilt, and anxiety killing him from inside out. His troubled husband stood beside him, dark circles under his already dark eyes from days of staying attentive at the hospital, he too was experiencing an overwhelming amount of anxiety, mainly for his unborn child, but even for the gentle Hyuga.

"It'll be fine, she... they can't die. She's healthy and young, this can't bring her down." Although he was reassuring his trembling husband, he couldn't even believe his own words, they were hollow and based on practically nothing. The Uchiha found himself looking for some kind of explanation, some clue as to what caused the Hyuga to fall ill during her perfectly healthy pregnancy. Hinata had been a bit depressed lately- maybe she hadn't been eating well? Or she hadn't been exercising enough? He quickly shook off those negative thoughts and focused on the now whimpering blond beside him.

"W-What if she actually dies Sasuke? I-It would all be m-my fault! I was s-selfish enough to refuse a-adoption!" The Uzumaki couldn't help but feel completely at fault. He had cried over something so stupid! Adopting was simpler, and didn't hurt anyone, didn't risk anyone! Yet if he hadn't been so insistent and stubborn, he might have saved his best friend's life. The simple thought of seeing the Hyuga in bed, with needles and tubes attached to her made the blond sick.

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