Give Me a Child

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//Not edited//
//Sasuke Uchiha pov//

It won't be long now.

It won't be long till I have to stay up all day, worried about my child crying at night, for a bottle, or a clean diaper. I winced at the memory of my daughter- she was truly precious as a child, as a newborn, my precious daughter she was.

I still remember arriving from my honeymoon with Naruto, and him crying for days for not being able to give me a child. He still isn't over it- and he'll never be over it. He hates his body and wishes he were born female so he were able to give me a child.

I hate it when he acts this way.

I silently cringe as I hear him weeping from across the other side of the locked door I sit in front of. His sobbing muffled by something, most likely a pillow. I lightly knock on the door, hearing the sobs become louder- "l-leave me a-alone Sasuke. J-just give me time to relax!" The blond yelled from beyond the wooden door. I wouldn't stand for this any longer.

With a huff, I proceeded to stand up, and bulldoze my way in the room- breaking down our poor door. We just got this house too. The startled blond sat in the far left corner of the room with dry tear streams on both his cheeks. His eyes wide and full of awe as he placed a hand on his chest, "you scared the living hell out of me..." he stated in a startled tone.


I made my way towards the depressed blond, a glare on my face. I was mad and he knew it- "Naruto, you knew you couldn't give me children from day one! Why start sobbing now? We can adopt!" I gave my husband a look of regret, "do you regret marrying me?" I questioned him rather softly, hoping I already knew his answer.

His eyes quickly widened as he stood up and intertwined his fingers with mine, "no- no no no! I would never ever Sasuke, honey, I love you! I've never loved someone so much in my entire life! That's why I'm simply devastated! It wasn't until after the marriage that the shock of not being able to give you children, dawned upon me! I realized I was useless compared to a real wife!" The blond stated as his voice cracked up, almost bursting into tears once more. My heart ached at my husband's words- did he truly feel so devastated? He was everything to me- I've mentioned it non-stop, yet he still feels like complete shit?

I looked into his swollen eyes full of hatred towards himself and kissed his forehead softly- "you'll never learn, huh? You idiot..." I whispered into his ear softly before kissing his lips lightly- no more than a second. "Naruto how can I convince you that your fucking perfect?"

The blond grinned softly, a kiss placed on my cheek, "sometimes I wish I truly was perfectly Sasuke, that way we wouldn't have to adopt a child... you know the entire process is complete bullshit." I heard him whisper, hesitation clear in his voice. I gently pushed the blond from me, making him wince lightly- "Naruto, stop it, you're upsetting me. You are perfect. I can't give you children and do you see me crying? No- I move on and find ways."

I couldn't help but be upset, Naruto isn't supposed to act this way. He was supposed to be happy and cheerful, the complete opposite of the way he's acting now. It killed me hearing his soft sobs every night he thought I was asleep, it killed me watching his heart break for no reason, it killed me the way God did this- it truly did. I had to be harsh, it was the only way he'd listen to me and snap out of this depression.

The blond crosses his arms and looked the opposite way- anger evident in his posture.

"That's completely different Sasuke- that witch have you a child, and I can't, what does that say about me huh?" His words were childish. I glared at him from behind and pulled him to face me rather forcefully, "that you're a man." I replied bluntly with a sarcastic face- "stop acting this way! We can't possibly be the only gay couple who can't have children- no gay couples can have children, deal with it Naruto!" I sounded a bit more harsh than I had anticipated and made by husband even more upset if possible.

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