Here Comes the Bride

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Here Comes the bride! Here Comes the bride! And the fu*king crazy wedding! Guy I spent hours typing this- then it deleted everything, literally everything was deleted because my wattpad app su*ks a$$. I'm kind of upset, but I'm retyping this for you guys- so sit back and enjoy the union of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha~ lots of love, TinkerBell~♡

"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses."
-Ann Landers

//Not edited//
//Sasuke Uchiha pov//

"Today's the day Sasuke, you unite your life, with Naruto's life. I truly wish you happiness till the end little brother."

I watched my elder brother Itachi sadden a bit, he was never good at being supportive. He would always end up sobbing- at my first wedding with Sakura, he was a complete mess. Once it was his turn to give a toast at the after party, he couldn't even finish because the memories of us when we were younger made tears pour out of his eyes like no tomorrow. He was always one to be protective over me, he said he cried because someone else had stolen my heart- he didn't want anyone to steal his innocent little brother away from him.

He acted like this because when I was younger I had told him he had ownership over my heart- I was young and childish, and I truly looked up to my perfect brother. He always had girlfriends, but never allowed me to have any. He said that girls had cooties, and I would get infected if I ever dated one- I of course believed every word he said, he was my perfect big brother after all. But once I asked him why he would kiss a girl if they had cooties, his response never left my mind-

"It's worth getting infected."

Of course Itachi was younger and much more childish back then, he thought that all those silly girls he would chase after was real love, and even thought that kissing them was worth getting infected. This response of his made me a bit angry, I too had wanted a kiss, so I kissed a girl when I was about 12 years old- this kiss had caused an uproar. Itachi was mad, he claimed I was infected and therefore he had the right to ignore me, and I was mad because he too had the cooties and I still spoke to him.

This little childish fight went on for weeks. After the flames had calmed down, I asked Itachi if I could kiss guys since they had no cooties- Itachi had looked a bit confused, but responded with a light nod. I was taught since young that girls had cooties, and guys weren't infected by this imaginary illness. I obviously grew out of that childish state of mind, but till this day I remember how far my brother went to protect me from dating. He hadn't allowed me to date Sakura till I was 19 years old, which was as little embarrassing to admit- but I did it for Itachi.

Now that I stand here, if front of my elegant and loving brother, I can honestly say I hate cooties. I don't want to get infected by this imaginary illness that females have, although I doubt I'm cootie free since I've married a female once. This childish illness had practically controlled my childhood and love life from age 4 to 21, when I married Sakura.

Itachi began to cover his face, tears falling from those eyes I admire so much, the eyes of a loving big brother. "I-I'm as sobbing mess as always aren't I? Look at you, all grown and married, meanwhile your big brother is single and still crying at weddings- looks like I'm the one who admires you now Sasuke." He tried his best to cover his tears, he truly was emotional. I couldn't help but laugh, Itachi was so childish, but in the end he was the only one I had when I was younger. I mean, I'm not even sure if my own parents are coming, they hate the idea of my wedding- but I can always count of Itachi to be here, crying and sobbing, at my wedding.

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