You and Me

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Omg! An actual update!?
I'm real sorry for not updating ANY story. I got out of classes and I've only been a lazy mess for the past two weeks. Forgive thy laziness~

Hopefully you enjoy the chapter and continue reading...arigato.

//Not edited//
//Uzumaki Naruto pov//

"Did you hear?"


"About...the um...Uchiha! Yeah Sasuke Uchiha is his name! About what happened"

"What happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure...but he hasn't shown up for work for about two weeks now. Two full weeks- not a single sigh of why or what happened to him, he won't even answer his door when his own brother knocks"

Sasuke Uchiha.

I casually walked past the two gossiping girls that work in my company- Tenten and Ino. I made sure to walk extra slow to be able to hear their conversation- the name Sasuke Uchiha caught my attention greatly.

He apparently had missed two entire weeks of work at the Akatsuki Company, nobody knows why- not even his own brother. Why shut out your own brother? I have the sudden urge to go find out what happened to him...

As I exit the company for my hour lunch break, I decide to give him a friendly visit. I know he wouldn't open up the door for his own brother, but trying wouldn't hurt, right? He was the only person who ever opened up to me, or even noticed me. I lived my life surviving the cruelty of humanity, hoping that one misery would simply end by starving to death- but I had promised that as long as I lived, I would never give up.

I reach the parking lot and luckily have my brother's car keys. Since I don't have a car, yet, I usually have to ride in his car with him every morning. He owns a lustrous, red Ferrari- it's quite expensive looking to me.

I turn on the engine and hear it roar- like some kind of race car. I'm not really interested in fast, expensive, or luxurious looking cars. Honestly, I'd be fine with a motorcyle- and not a brand-spanken-new one either. I guess since I've lived most my life begging for whatever change people had in their right pocket, I don't expect much from life- especially since I usually got the old, "I only brought my credit card" response.

I begin to drive and turn on the radio- one of the few things I actually like about driving my brother's red Ferrari. It begins playing the song Style, by Taylor Swift (Cool way to include the chapter song huh?). I turn up the volume and eventually reach Sasuke's house, and I know what you're thinking, how'd he know his direction? Well I did live here for a while- oh, and Sasuke himself gave it to me.

I quickly remove the keys from the car and put them in my right pocket, exiting the car and making my way towards the house entrance door. I'm not so sure this is a good idea, I mean- he might not wanna see me. It has been a while since that kiss we had...

I quickly shake off my doubt's and knock on the door confidently. After a long and painful wait, no response appears, so I decide to take a different approach. "It's Naruto! Are you in there? Heeelllooo" I yell outside the door, hoping to provoke some kind of response from him. Is he trying to hide or what? It's obvious he's in here- I mean his own car is parked outside!

I start losing patience, and decide one more yell should be enough to tell him I know he's in there. I mean, what does he think he is? He can't just disappear from the face of earth! There are people who care about him! "Open up teme! I know you're in there!" I yell out to the top of my lungs. He won't ignore me!


I stop my violent knocking for a moment, then begin to search for a paperclip I had in my pocket. After minutes of pointless pocket shoving and serching- I finally found it!

Now you'll have to see me bastard! I use my epic pick locking skill to swiftly unlock the front door successfully! All those years of hard work paid off- I got in! I was so excited that I shoved the door open with all my force!

~if you read the previous chapter, you know what happens after this little incident, I'm just skipping the conversation and looong shower Sasuke took! Enjoy the rest~
-mini time skip-

I sat at on Sasuke's bed, waiting for him to finish up his shower and all that other hygiene stuff he had been completely ignoring for who knows how long! His room was quite large, the walls were a dark shade of aqua blue, and were covered in family photos. There were some with Sakura and their daughter. One in particular was let down the wall and placed on the bed.

In the photo Sakura wore a light pink one piece swim suit, and Saruna wore a pink pair of shorts and a black T-shirt. They looked like they were at a beach, or had some kind of vacation.

I heard the door open and reveal a now clean Sasuke. He wore a gray T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, his hair was still slightly damp showering. He looked stunning for some reason. His expression was lifeless as he walked across the room to reach a towel and begin to dry his raven hair.


He finished drying his damp hair and sat next to me with a heavy sigh. "I actually needed a shower- I feel tons better" his voice was soft and monotone, no real emotion behind them. I decided to lighten up the mood.

"Well yeah, you did kind of smell like a dead bird ya know?" I grinned lightly and chuckled at my own comment. He did- it was like something had crawled in him and died! Sasuke rolled his eyes in annoyence and smirked lightly, "I suppose you're right"

"So- wanna go out and eat? I'll invite!" I questioned casually hoping he'd accept and we could discuss what in heavens name happened to him. It took him a few seconds to respond, but he nodded lightly in agreement.

"As long as it's not ramen, okay dobe?"

{End of chapter}

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