Sakura Haruno

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//author note- skip bold black letters if uninterested in reading//

Hello mina~

So, what do you think so far? The whole Sakura thing- yeah. I know many people actually like Sakura as a character very much and dislike people making her annoying or bad in fanfictions... Like I did.

I can explain- you see, I actually like Sakura and her entire character development in the show- so I don't hate her. But as many writers know, sacrifices are made based on personality... It might seem harsh now- but Sakura and everything else gets better..

Promise- enjoy mina~!

Comment suggestions, and if you enjoyed please press that vote button...bye~

//Not Edited//
//Sakura's Point of View//

Ugh. I felt my head banging with pain. What the hell happened to me? I opened my eyes slightly and saw I was laying in my bed- a cup of dark coffee next to the bed, with a few pain killers. Sasuke must have put them there.

Was I drunk? I can barely remember- all I see are small pieces of what happened.

I took hold of the pills and the cup of water that was also placed next to the coffee- then swallowed a good 3 pills. I then sighed heavily and took a drink of the dark coffee.

Great- what excuse do I make up now?

I probably came home blaberring crazy nonsense to him- hopefully not mentioning anything too serious. He's probably pissed at me, and I deserve it- I'm a shit wife for doing this to him.

I think back to when I was young- and madly in love with the raven boy- he was mysterious and cold...and that for some reason made me want him more. It was like some crazy phase that teen girls had back then- fall in love with the hot and bitchy emo guy.

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