Candy Ring

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Welp, this is pretty much what you read as the title- Candy Ring. Hmm... What could that mean? XD I'm way too obvious when it comes to titles- oh by the way! Please please, PLEASE read the Author note after the chapter- kinda important!

Thank you, and enjoy!

//not edited- Candy Ring//
//Naruto's pov~//

Life couldn't be better.

I laid my head lazily on Sasuke's lap as we watched this years Halloween marathon on television. Surprisingly, Sasuke had taken a long vacation from work for me, which then made my brother give me a break because he absolutely adores me and Sasuke together. He is such a dork. But I can't even begin to thank his silly self for giving me that time off.

Sasuke still isn't completely over his wife- which is understandable considering how much he loved her. I still think that most of his pain is caused by the absence of Sasura, he absolutely adored his daughter. It upsets me- considering Sakura was the cheater in the relationship, but he asked me not to bring it up again. I see a look of pain every time I even try to approach the subject- so I gave up on ever saying anything.

It still worries me though.

I feel his cold hands pinch my cheek, "why so serious huh?" He looked down at me with a look of sorrow. He had always been the sensitive type, so he acts all worried and attentive with me- it kind of embarrasses me to be completely honest. I grinned lightly and gave out a light chuckle- "don't be silly Sasuke, you know how I get during horror movies- I eventually lose interest, haha sorry" I replied in a comfy light tone- gaining a smile in return.

"You always say that- yet when Halloween comes you're the first one to go visit a haunted house you dork!" My raven boyfriend playfully flicked my forehead with a smug grin worn proudly on his face. We've only been together about 3 months, which for some might be enough to completely fall head-over-heels in love, I think I just might be part of that some. Yet when others think about it, 3 months is barely enough time to get to know each other-

But I'm pretty sure I know all there is to know about little-old-Sasgay.

"Hey, idiot, stop dozing off while I talk to you- it's annoying as hell." His grin soon became a frown, and he flicked my cheek harshly, making me wince in pain. "Ouch... bastard- what the hell was that for?" Small tears swelled up at the corners of my eyes to add exaggeration to my acting.

You see, the thing about Sasuke is... that he gets pissed off way too easily.

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