Big Boss

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Sasuke's Point of View-

We stood in front of the large building. Konoha Company- where the Will of Fire is born! Is what big block-like letters on the building stated. I smirked, Will of Fire? What the hell kind of catchphrase is that? Lame.

"Shall we enter?" I stated in an eager tone. My brother looked at me a bit shocked. "You seem pretty eager, haven't you met Kurama already?" He questioned. I smirked, "no- I don't really care for companies other than my own" was my response.

"Well he does own our company's biggest rival company" he stated sarcastically. "Whatever- let's just go" I answered in a pissy tone.

Naruto seemed a bit nervous- but who wouldn't be? He's lived his life on the streets since the age of 6, stealing to survive, and living in ally's. Meanwhile Mr.bigbossofKonoha here has been wealthy, happy, and living like a king.

When he lost his mother, nobody gave a damn. Yet his brother Kurama had nearly half the country crying for him- sending gifts, letters, and money.

How would he react finding out he had a homeless lovechild brother all these years?

We entered the building casually, everyone looked at Naruto in disgust. They thought they were above him, in a higher level and status. What a bunch of bullshit. I felt like knocking some sense into them. Why? I barely knew this guy?

"Excuse me,I'd like an appointment with Mr.Kurama" my brother stated to the woman in the main desk. She blushed a bit and fixed her hair. What a fangirl. "Oh- of course, may I ask your names?" She questioned smiling.

"Of course- I am Itachi Uchiha, owner of the Akatsuki Company, to the left is Sasuke Uchiha my younger brother, Head executive in my company, and finally to my right is Uzumaki Naruto" Itachi paused, "Kurama's homeless younger brother" he finished.

The woman eyes widened. "H-he'll see you right a-away" she answered stumbling on her words.

Itachi gave his famous fake-business smile to her and began walking to the elevator, me and Naruto following behind him. Naruto hadn't said anything at all.

We stood in silence as the elevator took us upward to floor 25.

Finally. Ding. The elevator door opened. We walked out and saw it. Big Boss Office. I slightly smirked, this guy has a big ego.

Itachi knocked on the door softly awaiting a response. Before we knew it, the door swung open.

It revealed a tall man, about 3 or 4 inches taller than Naruto, he also had spiky hair- except it was longer and red. His eyes were green and he wore a suit. He seemed to be in good shape. Unlike Naruto who had sunkissed skin- Kurama had lighter skin, a bit darker than mine.

Overall he looked okay.

"Itachi? Oh- you've brought along little Itachi too!" He stated as he patted my head with a grin. What the hell? I'm not little Itachi, I am big Sasuke! "Oh- who's this cute blond? He looks adorable, and tinny!" His voice sweetened at the sight of Naruto.

Naruto's eyes widened. "You don't think I'm beneath you? That I look disgusting?" Naruto whispered softly. Kurama smirked, "silly- why would I? In a couple years you'll look better than me!" He began laughing.

Itachi smirked. "This guy is my company's rival?" He questioned sarcastically.

The red-head smirked a bit and returned his gaze to Naruto. "So- I'm Kurama, you could call me, big daddy, big boss, senpai, sensei, hot guy, my crush, or kawaii-senpai. Take your pick cutie" Kurama grinned at Naruto who still seemed shocked.

"Um- I'm Naruto, nice to meet you... Big boss?" Naruto said nervously towards the hyperactive red-head dobe. Kurama laughed out loud. "Oh my gosh- you really called me big boss! Not to mention your name! Doesn't it mean the same as those spiral things in ramen?!" Kurama stated still laughing.

Naruto's face became red with embarrassment. "S-so, why are you all here?" Kurama stated, slowly calming down from his break down of laughter.

"You see, Naruto here is actually your brother" Itachi said bluntly. There was a long silence before Kurama began laughing.

"Yeah right! And my name is actually Brittany!" He stated laughing. Nobody else laughed. "W-wait! Are you serious? But Mom never gave birth again!? Or are you dads kid?!" He said in shock.

This is gonna be bad. Real bad.

Itachi looked away, as did I. Nobody wants to see his reaction. Naruto gulped, "no- not exactly. You see...I'm your moms....well your mom's lovechild" Naruto said In a whisper.

Kurama's eyes widened. "So it was true" he whispered to himself. "My mom cheated" he slowly replied. Naruto began crying. I saw as tears ran down his face. What? "I-im so sorry Kurama," Naruto said, reaching for his hand.

"For what? You didn't cheat on my dad- Kushina did!" He yelled angrily. Naruto's eyes widened. "Y-you think she did this?" He questioned. Sadness filled his eyes. "Of course! It was probably her and that damn cleaner pesant! Damn both of them!" Yelled the furious red-head.

"Your wrong! It was your father! He did this to her! He left alone almost all her life! Taking you to Paris but not her!? That's complete bullshit and you know it is!" Narutos gentle voice became furious and violent.

He seems to angry. I widened my eyes. "YOUR SO DAMN WRONG ABOUT THEM BOTH! Kushina was a brave woman who lived next to someone who didn't love her for the sake of her child! She kept you safe!" Naruto yelled. Kurama smirked a bit, "she was a slut who slept with a cleaner because she was desperate for love, pathetic. No way my dad would fall for someone as weak a-" Suddenly Naruto punched him to the ground.

He was red with passionate anger. "Your pathetic. You'll never understand because you're life is perfect. My mother made it perfect for you" his voice hushed down. Kurama looked up at him confused.

"We'll never get along. You live in a dream world, while I fight everyday for what I want and need! I thought you were okay but your nothing but trash" Naruto finished. Kurama grinned, "says the one wearing something that looks like came from a trash can" he mummbled to himself.

"And you said it didn't matter- your mind changed pretty quick. I may look like trash- but at least my insides aren't made of it" Naruto quickly exited the room. I followed while brother stayed to speak to Kurama.

"Naruto! Wait up! Your not trash, and you don't look like it either!" Naruto suddenly stopped and faced me. Tears rolling off his eyes. "Thank you..."

To be continued...

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