Chapter 1

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5 years later...

A man stood tall at 6.0 staring out of the window watching people from below go about their daily business. Staring from the highest floor in the building he couldn't help but think of him. His one and only Xiao Zhan. How are you now? Are you happy? Are you single? Are you married? Have you finally moved on? Have you given up on me? Those questions swirling around his head so he decides to drown himself in work, again. Why didn't I realise before? Could we have been together? Would we have children by now? Sigh.

Suddenly the door opened and a tall handsome man walked in with a gentle smile but worry shown in his eyes "Your still working?  You need to take a break, it's not healthy," his brother spoke softly.

"I will don't worry," I replied tiredly

After Zhan left I started to work in the family business and people hardly see me or talk to me since I've become too busy and cold expect to my family and friends of course. I'm always trying to distract myself but it's not always successful, at least the company is now bigger and better since I became the CEO as my brother became a doctor and owns lots of hospitals. But there's another company called Sean Empire that started a few years ago. This is the number one company in the world and they specialise in a lot of things. There are rumours that they also do underground business. But I don't care, all I care about is my Zhan. Please come back, I need you. There was knock at the door interrupting my thoughts and I looked to my side and saw my brother giving me a look since I tend to zone out and think about him, a lot.

"Letter for you boss, it's from your university" the worker said and left.

I took the letter in my hand and frowned. "What is it?" I heard my brother asking and gave him the letter;

Dear Mr Wang,

We are having our annual 5 years reunion and we will be delighted to have you come. If you are coming please tick the box below and add how many guests you are bringing and send the letter back before the end of the week.

Thank you,
XXX university.

"Go to it, I'll come with you maybe... Zhan might come?" As soon as I said those words, Yibo looked at me eyes filled with hope.

"Do you think he will come?"

"Maybe, who knows. Let's just go and see how your class mates have changed or if they have. (Eye roll) Aren't you interested?"

"I guess so. Tick the box and write one guest. Now leave I have work to do." I said sternly then he said ok then left. Will you come after all those horrible things we did?

Flashback 7 years ago...

There was a short man around 19 sitting on the bench in the park reading a book. His hair a bit long with round glasses wearing an oversized jumper with black jeans. You could easily mistake him as a girl with his flawless skin and ethereal beauty, you could also tell he was skinny and didn't eat much but he looked somewhat happy and content.

Suddenly his half sister came with a few guys but one guy stood out in particular. He was tall with black short hair wearing all black. He had beautiful brown eyes, sharp jaw and a perfect nose, overall he was a very handsome man. "Well well well look who it is, my so called brother" she said in a mocking tone while he looked emotionless. "So how did you get in? Did you sleep with someone for money like your mother did?" She said with a disgusted look while everyone else had a smile on their face and started to make fun out of the guy on the bench.

"Please leave me alone, just go." I pleaded. But she looked at me with a smirk and said,

"Babe he's the one who bullies me and hurt me that day." She exclaimed with crocodile tears while the poor teenage looked dumbfounded.

"What??? I never did anything to you! What do you mean?" I screamed at her.

The guy looked straight into my eyes then I realised it was him, Wang Yibo, my love. I was internally happy but I didn't show it, I couldn't. While I was thinking about him and our past a fist collided with my face and broke my glasses. With a bleeding lip I looked up and saw him starting at me with disgust. It was like a knife pierced my heart especially since she called him babe and the look he gave me, which was once filled with love.

"Who said you could look at me? Children of whores these days have no respect." I looked at him tears threatening to come out. How dare he say that about my mother when he used to love and treat her as his own. He would always defend her name but now he's the one tarnishing it. "You know what, from now on you can't look at anyone or else you will get a beating and also call me Mr Wang. Your too worthless to call us by ours names especially mine!" He spat those words out like venom. I nodded then he slapped me "speak bitch, you have a mouth don't you!?"

"Y-yes M-mr Wang" it was almost like a whisper.

"Just in case you forget we'll help you remember" he smirked and his eyes showed joy. I was scared, my hands were sweating and my body was trembling. I looked at my sister and saw her smirking as well. The guys who I'm guessing are Yibos friends joined Yibo and started to beat me black and blue. When they finished they spat on me and left. I was crying so much that I couldn't even breathe and that's how I met the club owner who helped me.


You won't come after how we treated you but I still hope you do. I want to see your beautiful face again and admire your slender figure and I also want to apologise, we all do. I sighed then went back to work. Me and my friends regret it so much but there's nothing we can do anymore. Then I got a text message in our group chat "Old Friends":

JZ: You guys coming to the reunion?
JZi: Yes is that even a questions brother, you should know my answer since you already asked me
JZ: I wasn't asking you idiot, I was asking the others
JZi: ohhhh nvm then.
WY: Yh I'm going so is my brother
WX: Same, me and my brother are going too.
JZi: Do you think Zhan will come?
JZ: I hope so I want to apologise. We were so stupid back then
WY: Ik I miss him so much, I hope he listens.
WX: We know and don't worry we got your back. I need to go now bye.
JZi+JZ+WY: Bye, see you there.

Time to get back to work. I went back to my computer and carried on. This is gonna be a long week. I sighed.

( JZi is Zixun, JZ is Zixuan, WX is Wen Xu and WY is Wang Yibo)

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