Chapter 28

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"How could you ge? After how much XZ has done for us." I said with disappointment and he looked down

"I know. How could I?" He laughed sadly,  "love blinded me. I always thought people were exaggerating when they said you overlook your partners flaws when your in love. Now I understand. I understand everything."

"What do you mean?" I asked and he looked at me,

"Why you two forgave each other even after putting each other through hell. Why I trusted MY words a person I have known for literally 6 months over the guy I have known for years. I understand that love makes you blind and makes you do unforgivable things." He said solemnly. I didn't say a word, I mean what could I say. Before I could even try to make him feel better someone knocked at the door,

"Come in." It was Xue, "why are you here?"

"WH pack your things. Boss has arranged an apartment for you."

"Apartment?" I asked, "why?" I asked Xue and my brother, they didn't say anything and that's when I realised, "did XZ kick you out?" I asked and he nodded

"And he was right to do so. You know he is." I know.

Xue further said, "the apartment is safe so don't worry. It's his building."


"I'm coming with you ge." I said and WH looked at me in surprise and Xue with an offended look.

"No." He said firmly


"Why would you?"

"Because your my brother." I said

"Not a good enough reason. Beside XZ is here and you both are together after a long time. I would be an even bigger fool to separate you two. And would you even be able to handle it? Being apart from him?" He questioned


"Then there's no point for you to come with me. Just help me pack." He said and I did while Xue left.

At the same time, XZ POV

I reached the bar I own and was about to make my way to my office when I saw my brother drinking, he looked very drunk.

I went up to him, "you okay little brother?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder

"Ge. Y-your here." He said and when I nodded, he clinged onto me. I could feel my shirt getting wet, he was crying. I patted his back and tried to soothe him. It's so cute seeing him act like this again but I don't like the reason.

"It's okay. Ge is here. Come follow me." He nodded with his head in my shirt. He wouldn't get up so I gave him a piggyback to my office. I sat him down and sat next to him while he put his head on my lap. "What's wrong? Tell me everything. Don't worry, I'm here."

"It's WH. We were together, but one time I saw him with that MY in a hotel at night eating and laughing like we used to. I went up to him and asked who he is to him and you know what he said ge" he asked and I hummed, "he didn't say anything, but that's not the worse part, it's when MY said he's his boyfriend and he didn't even correct him. I mean we were still dating at that time and he didn't even defend me. I mean I don't need him to but it would be nice if he did. I asked him does he love him and he just looked down refusing to look at me. And I knew then and there that he's been cheating on me and doesn't love me anymore. We had a fight well more like I was shouting at him while he just sat there saying yes or no to whatever I asked. It was like he didn't even care so I broke up with him but it hurts. It hurts so fucking much ge. I thought he was the one. And I still love him. What should I do ge? How did you do it? I don't want to sleep around like you? I just can't!" He said and sobbed.

"It is hard brother but it will get better. Trust me. You two just weren't meant to be. Just focus on yourself then the right guy or girl will come your way. Trust me. It may take a while but time will heal everything. Right now you feel as though you lost everything but you haven't he has. Come home staying out drinking all night won't help. It will just make it worse, trust me."

"I can't. Not while he's there. He looks so happy while he put me through so much pain." He sniffled

"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. You don't have to see his face now."

"Don't tell me you killed him?!" He sat up and I flicked him

"No idiot. I kicked him out."

"Of course you did" he laughed a little

"Go sleep. I'm here." I said and sang a lullaby that mother used to sing.

"Your singing mum's song" he mumbled with a satisfied smile

"Don't get used to it" I said and he smiled more. It's nice to see him smile like this. Reminds me of when he was young. What a cute boy he used to be. I smiled and carried on singing.

Next Morning

Oh god my legs are numb. Why is his head so heavy? But this is the first time he slept for this long, almost 16hours. And my phone battery is dead, just great. When will he wake up? I cried internally. Suddenly he bit my thigh, "OW YOU IDIOT" I said pushing him off

"Oh sorry I was dreaming about chicken."

"Idiot" I rolled my eyes, I tried to get up and struggled to walk for a few seconds and he mumbled sorry again while laughing, "well I did have a watermelon on my lap." I rolled my eyes. "How you feeling now?"

"Much better, thank you ge."

"That's what I'm here for." I smiled, "what do you want to eat?"

After eating,

I drove us both home and when we entered my kids along with WY were staring at me, "good morning." I said

"Good luck brother." He whispered and tried to escape but I brought him back again so he could explain what happened.

"Your staying. They won't believe me." I whispered back.

"Where were you?" They all asked simultaneously.

"At the bar with my brother, specifically my office." I said with a poker face and they turned to JC

"It's true. I was drunk and he was there to help me." He said with a red face and looking somewhere else.

"Aw such a cute little baby you are" I chuckled and he was about to hit me until they spoke again,

"Really?" They asked again

"Yes. If you don't believe me you can check the footage."

"Footage?" WY said with a red face

"Yes but don't worry I can turn it on and off if I want" I said and he was relived and I chuckled. "Now if you excuse me I'm going to bed for a while."

"Didn't you sleep ge?" JC asked

"It was a bit uncomfortable in that position so kept waking up."

"Oh." He said and I knew he was feeling a bit guilty

"Don't be I'm glad your okay." I said patting his shoulder then went upstairs.

I got changed and just when I was about to go in bed, the door opened and in came my sons and WY. "What are you doing here?" I said with a yawn.

"Sleeping with you. We didn't get a good night sleep as well thanks to you." WY said

"Alright come on." I said getting in and they all jumped on. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Cute. XY and XJ laid next to him on both sides and fell asleep. I took a picture and went next to XY and before I knew it I fell asleep as well. But I swear I heard the door open and close. Oh well not my business.


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