Chapter 21

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I was shocked to see her so weak, she looked so pale and was connected to a lot of machinery that looked painful. She looked nothing like the woman in the picture near Yauns bed. A very very little part of me felt sorry for her. Our eyes met and I saw nothing but happiness and she gave me a small smile. How can she be so happy? She was holding her sleeping son in her arms and was stroking his head. She signalled for us to come forward and Zhan picked up their son and moved him to the bed next to her. She looked at me up and down and said, "no wonder he fell in love with you." I didn't know what to say when she looked at me again in the eyes, "your very handsome." She said with a little smile, "you know I thought I would be hurt seeing you two together but for some reason I don't. Maybe it's because he never looked at me with that much intensity or that I don't have long left and I'm glad he has someone with him. I can tell he loves you a lot." She sighed then asked, "Can you promise me something?" I nodded. "Please take care of him and my children. Always keep them happy and don't doubt him because trust me he will always have your best interests at heart. Promise me to always stay by his side, never leave him."

"I promise" I said and gave a little smile, I saw Zhan standing at the side and while walking forward he said,

"You know I can take care of myself just fine he just has to stay by my side"

"Yeah right. I can see that" she rolled her eyes at him

"Don't you think you should go sleep now?" He questioned

"Why? I want to tell Yibo funny stories about you." She pouted and whined

"There's no need for that go sleep before I call the doctors." He said with his ears red in embarrassment, wonder what stories? Maybe I can find out later.

"Meanie." She yawned, "but your right I'm tired"

"I'm always right" he said with a smug smile while we both rolled our eyes

"Sure" we both said

"Rude" he said then looked at me, "your supposed to be on my side you know?"

"Not when your wrong." I said with a smirk and he put a hurt expression on and held his chest,

"So cruel. I'm hurt." He said and we both laughed, "well I think we should leave now, I need to mend my broken heart," he said and I rolled my eyes again. When we left the room he said, "you can meet my other son when he wakes up. He will be a little shy but he will warm up to you soon don't worry." He said while we made our way to the cafeteria holding hands and I just nodded.

"What's his name?" I asked when we sat down

"Xiao Jingyi"

"Why did she say she doesn't have the much time left?"

"She has cancer and it's the last stage. She doesn't want treatment but even if she did it still wouldn't keep her alive just extend the pain."

"Makes sense but what about Yaun? Are you going to tell him?"

"No that's why I didn't bring Yaun here to see her because I don't want him to go through that pain again. It was heartbreaking seeing it the first time."

"But what if he asked about Jingyi?"

"I'll say Yangzi was pregnant at the time and I thought he died as well but turned out he survived and was kidnapped and someone saved him then took him to my office."

"Not bad. Your a good lier" I said

"Not really. Just twisted the truth since thats how I found them."

"Fair enough. How long does she have?"

"A week"

"So are you going stay here longer then?" I asked a bit sadly

"Yeah. But since you know where I am now you can stop worrying and visit me anytime." He said and I smiled, "how's the project going?" He asked while sipping his coffee.

"So far it's alright. They don't suspect a thing but..." I hesitated

"But what?" He asked with a hint of worry

"My brother has gotten close to that short bastard and he spends most nights outside now probably with him. He knows he's not trustworthy but he's still with him. What happens when he gets caught and the truth comes out? My brother will be heart broken. I've tried to warn him but he said he knows what he's doing, he looks happy with him so I don't think he does. I'm worried for him." I said and he sighed

"We can't do anything about it. He knows what he's doing and what he was getting into. But you should know that he knows how to gain sympathy of others and manipulate them. Hopefully your brother doesn't fall for that but we both know he's sensitive and thinks mainly with his heart. I'll get someone to keep an eye on him because if what you said is true that he looks much happier now then that's not good because I did make it clear I will kill him and no one is going to stop me."

"Kill him?" I questioned, "I thought it was just sending him to jail or something."

"For what's he done he deserves nothing but death maybe a little torture." He said with a certain coldness that sent shivers down my spine. "For now just focus on keeping an eye on them and transferring the company to Zixuan. Someone told me that they're trying to either kill him or kick him out since they don't really trust him."

"Who told you? Are they even trustworthy? And why would they do that? He's their son and brother." I asked

"A friend and I trust them with my life. It doesn't matter if he's their son or brother he's too righteous compared to them and if he ever found out what they're doing they know he won't hesitate to take action against them. So tell him to lay low for a while. I don't want to see my sister crying over her dead husband anytime soon"

"Okay" I nodded and we carried on eating before he got a call from his company so he left. He asked me if he should drop me off but I wanted to talk to Yangzi a bit more. I want to know more about them.


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