Chapter 25

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I was working in my office when I suddenly got a call, it was from the hospital. With shaking hands I picked it up, I hate calls from the hospital. "H-hello?"

"Hello, is this Mr Xiao?"


"Your wife health has deteriorated a lot and it's most likely she will die in a few hours. She has requested to see you and your son Jingyi (XJ) is not listening and is also calling for you."

"I-I understand I'm coming." I ended the call and quickly ran for the elevator. I called my driver along the way and he was already waiting for me at the entrance. "To the hospital quickly!" I shouted and we reached there in a few minutes ignoring all the traffic rules.

I quickly ran to the room and I saw XY holding his mother and crying while she weakly patted his head. She saw me and signalled for me to come closer and that's also when XJ noticed me and he ran to hug me. I picked him up and he was crying, pleading me to make his mother stay longer, "dad please! Do something! I want mummy! Please! I'll be a good boy and listen all time.... Please!" Nothing I could say would make this situation any better. I walked towards her bed and she started to talk,

"Don't interrupt okay," she said and I nodded. She took a deep breath before she started, "thank you for giving me the best years of my life and giving me two amazing sons. When I first saw you I fell in love and I know it took a while but when you loved me back it was the best day of my life. Being with you was one of the best decisions I made in life. I know you have moved on and I don't blame you but I want you to always to know that I love you and only you forever and always." She said with tears coming out of her dimming eyes. I caressed her cold check and she leaned into my warm touch before she carried on, "always take care of our sons and remind them that I will always love them. Jingyi, my prince, mummy loves you so much, I may not be here physically but I will always be with you in your heart. Always listens to daddy and be nice to your older brother and whatever siblings you have next." She said and I slightly blushed while she softly laughed before coughing out blood. I brought Jingyi's head closer to my chest so he wouldn't see but I could hear soft sniffles and how tight his grip on my clothes were, "take care of yourselves and everyone and be happy. I love you two so much." She said with her last breath.

Jingyi gripped me even tighter while his tears soaked my clothes, he was begging for his mother to come back but when he looked at her now lifeless body he knew there was no coming back instead he said, "mummy looks happy now."

"She is. She's looking over us from heaven. And you know she wouldn't like to see you crying too much. And I will always be here for you my son." I said then kissed his forehead. I hugged him even tighter as a few tears left my eyes. Her once vibrant eyes now dull, her rosy cheeks now pale and her once full pink lips now blue and shrivelled. Her body cold as ice.

It hurts as much as the first time when I thought she was dead actually maybe even more but I have to stay strong for my sons and for my revenge. His time is up...

Thank you for reading x

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