Chapter 32

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Few hours later, XZ POV

I was cuddling WY when I got a call from NH. I pulled away from him and picked up my phone. My eyes widened in shock and I quickly got up, "okay I'm coming." I said cutting off and getting ready.

"Huh where you going? What happened?" WY asked.

"They found him." I said and he looked happy but that was soon replaced with worry. "Don't worry we will be safe and I will get your brother back. Promise." I said kissing his forehead and he nodded. "Stay inside the house, don't leave. But if something happens take the kids and go to the safe room with the others."

"Where is it?"

"The kids will show you don't worry. I've told them to what to do and prepared them in case of emergencies." I said quickly. I went up to him and gave him a long loving kiss, "I love you. Forever and always."

"I love you too. Forever and always. Stay safe." He said and kissed me again.

"You too." I said leaving him in our room. I went to my kids room and I saw them playing. I called them over, "I'm going on a mission and I'm not sure whether I will be back but know that I will always love you and I'll always be with you even if I'm not actually here. I love you both so much. Stay safe." I said hugging them both and giving them forehead kisses.

"We love you too dad." They both said gripping on to me and crying.

"You know what to do right Yaun?" I asked

"Don't worry dad I know what to do." Yaun said and I smiled

"Good. I'm proud of you both." I said and hugged them tightly before leaving.

I reached the front door and saw all my men were ready and prepared. I smirked and shouted, "let's do this!" And they all cheered. We made our way to our cars and went over the plan again.

I was about to get in and signal everyone to go but then I got a call from a random number. I picked it up and it was someone who I hate with every fibre of my body, MY.

"Hello XZ, how are you this fine day? Missing something or should I say someone?" He asked teasingly.

"What do you want?" I said with anger

"Now now don't be rude. You wouldn't want WH death on your hands now would you. What would WY do? What would happen between you two?"

"What do you want?" I said with gritted teeth

"You really can't teach an old dog new tricks" he sighed, "but anyway I already know you found my location. Your welcome by the way. But I want you to come alone. I'll give you 3 hours. If you don't you can say hello to WH dead body."

"I thought you love him. Why would you kill him?"

"I prefer power over love. If I had to choose between the two it would always be power." He said with his devilish laugh.

"Fine I'll come alone." I snarled

"Good I'll send the address in case you get lost." He said like a child who just won a toy then he ended the call.

"Are you mad why are you going alone?" XY shouted

"Do plan 50." I said walking to my car.

"But boss last time we did that..." he trailed off

"I know but we have no other choice. Just do it."

"Understood." He nodded and began to tell the guys the other plan while I made my way to the place.

I reached the building and it was surrounded by many guards. I parked my car near the back hidden by the scenery and made my way to the back with my silencer. I took out the guards at the back then made my way to the front but not before hiding the bodies so it looked like they left. Quickly I made my way back to the car and I drove to the front making my presence obvious and went in. I raised my hands up in surrender when I came in and they led me to MY.

"Ah so nice to finally see you." He said dramatically.

"Can't say the same." I said nonchalantly then all of a sudden it went black.

I woke up tied up to a chair in a dark room. Great! I'm tied up. I rolled my eyes

"Oh your finally awake!" I heard a voice say sarcastically, "took you long enough."

"Why are you doing this? I don't even know you." I asked calmly trying to get some answers.

"We're the same yet you have a happy life and your own business while I need to do my fathers dirty work. I won't even have the company because I'm his illegitimate son! Yet you! A bastard as well! Has everything! EVERYTHING THAT SHOULD BE MINE! I DESERVE IT NOT YOU! You don't deserve love or a happy family! Your a bastard, a monster! You think I don't know that you run the most dangerous mafia and you've killed more people than I can count! That anyone can count! Yet you still have people by your side who are willing to sacrifice their life for you. Who are willing to kiss your arse to be in your good books. For a pathetic low life" He said with so much disgust and anger. "You don't deserve that you bastard." He spat on my face and punched me with all his power. Which wasn't much.

I admit I don't deserve what I have but I have worked hard to get where I am and I have been through hell for it. It wasn't easy. So for him to say this shit without actually knowing me is beyond pathetic and beyond human understanding. Well calling him human is an insult to all mankind.

"So you did this because of jealousy." I said with laughter and a bit of pity.

"That's one of the reasons." He said now calmly. "The other is because my 'father' wanted me to get rid of any business threats which you and the Wangs are."

"Pathetic. Can't even run a business properly so wants to take out the competition" I laughed and he punched me again.

"Yet your the one tied up."

"Yet your the one who kidnapped my wife because of your father and jealousy." I rolled my eyes and he punched me in the stomach.

"I'll show you pathetic." He said then he went to get a knife, he stabbed me in the stomach, took it out and stabbed me in the shoulder slowly twisting it. Yet I didn't say a word. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction but damn it hurts like a son of a bitch. I breathed in heavily almost becoming unconscious due to blood loss when I saw MY with a gun but before he could pull the trigger I heard the door open and saw MY falling down.

I looked up and saw XY, he punched him in the back of the head, "w-what took you so long?" I mumbled. He came up to me and took off the ropes holding me up.

"Sorry boss. Got held up, we found other people." I nodded and tried to speak and it looked like he knew what I wanted to ask, "we'll take him to the basement and we got WH as well, he's okay. Now let's cover your wounds your losing a lot of blood."

He sat me back down and tightly covered my wounds which made me hissed and that's when I saw MY waking up slowly and grabbing the gun that he dropped and aimed it at XY.

I quickly stood up and moved XY out of the way and the 2 bullets pierced my chest. I fell down and I could hear XY and WH screaming my name and begging me to stay awake begging me to not close my eyes but I couldn't help it and let the darkness take over.

I'm sorry. For everything.


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