Chapter 34

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It's been hard without him, he still hasn't woken up and the kids aren't eating much or sleeping. They're like zombies and the only time they talk is to their dad or XY.

They also won't talk or listen to me. Ever since Yaun started to blame me and my brother so has XJ, they won't even look at me forget being in the same room. I think it's my fault as well, if I didn't come into his life then he would have been fine.

I was sat outside with my head in between my hands looking at the floor while the kids were in XZ room sleeping next to him. Suddenly I felt a presence next to me and I looked up and saw XY. He wasn't coping well either, always working long hours and off to who knows where, but he always comes back at night and talks to XZ almost as if he could hear him.

"You okay?" He asked while giving me some coffee. I nodded, "don't worry they're kids don't take what they said to heart. When XZ wakes up they will forget about it and it will be like nothing happened."

"It was my fault." I whispered.

"It's not. Only MY and JG are to blame no one else. If you weren't here they would have done something anyway causing XZ to retaliate so don't think like that. XZ wouldn't like that." He said then looked at the kids next to XZ. "How long have they been sleeping for?" He asked.

"About 2 hours." I replied tiredly

"Have they said anything to you?"

"No. They won't even acknowledge I exist. You said it will get better but I'm losing hope. It's been weeks since he has been here and nothing has changed."

"Of course the person who caused this is losing hope. You just don't want him here do you?" Yaun said with a stoic look on his face but there was anger in his eyes.

"N-no I didn't mean that..." I was cut off

"Yeah right. Life would've been so much better without you." He said about to go inside but XY spoke,

"It's not his fault. Your dad took a bullet meant for me. If you want to blame someone then blame me."

"It's not your fault uncle. And I am blaming someone. Him. You guys wouldn't have been there if not for them." He said and went back inside cuddling his dad.

"He's right you know." I said sadly, "if I wasn't so persistent in making amends and trying to be in his life again this wouldn't have happened."

"Even if you weren't here this might have happened. You never know. Trust me when I say it's not your fault and XZ wouldn't like it that you here wallowing in self pity. You need to be there for him and the kids. Especially them, you know what's it like to lose your parents and they already lost their mum and they think they will lose their dad too. Just be a patient. But if you don't want to I understand, and in that case just burg yourself in work." He said before going inside the room.

I left and went to XZ house. I walked to our room and laid in the empty bed.

Next morning...

I couldn't sleep much last night, I was thinking about what XY said and he's got a point. Since I'm not good at comforting people especially kids I think I'm just going to bury myself with work.

Few days later...

Well burying myself in work didn't help. And now here I am sat in XZ room while the kids went home to get changed and shower. "Hey XZ, I miss you. We all do. We're right here waiting for you." I said while grabbing his hand gently, tears started to come out while I said, "we're all struggling without you here. The kids are depressed as am I and XY is more angry and drinking. I never thought we would be like this. Please come back. I need you. We all need you." I said while crying with my head down and suddenly the machine started to go off. "W-what's going on?" I panicked and went outside to look for a doctor or nurse, "WE NEED HELP! IS ANYONE AVAILABLE! PLEASE! HELP!" I shouted and saw a doctor rush to me and I also saw the kids running being with XY when they saw me scream.

The doctor rushed in and after seeing what happened and what caused it he called some nurses to bring in blood. My head was ringing and I could hear the children crying and blaming me even more. Why can't I do anything right?

The nurses rushed out and brought in a machine, "what's going on?" I grabbed a nurse to ask.

"His heart rate is decreasing. We need to act fast so please move." When I heard that I let go of her and fell to the ground as my knees were weak. I could hear the doctors say words like, "CLEAR"

And that's when I heard a flat line.

His heart beat stopped.

He left me.

He left us.

He broke his promise.

He lied. He's a lier.

He's gone.

What am I supposed to do now? What's going to happens to us?

I can't do this.

He's actually gone.

I couldn't handle it so I ran out crying not bothering about what's happening around me.

Hello guys, I'm thinking about discontinuing Love or Hate. Just let me know if you want me to carry on with it.
Thank you for your support.

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