Chapter 26

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XJ fell asleep while crying and he was tightly gripping my shirt with every ounce of strength he has and I whispered, "I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry son I'll take care of you." I patted his back and kissed his forehead before standing up and making our way home.

When we reached home I went to his newly made bedroom and laid down with him, he snuggled closer to my chest and was stuck to me like glue. I'm sorry I was useless.

The next morning...

I woke up with someone poking my cheeks and to my surprise it was Yaun (XY). He didn't look too happy seeing that I was holding another child. He was sulking, "why are you holding him to sleep?"

"What are you doing here baby? Why aren't you in bed?"

"The maid said you came home last night and in here so I came to see you because I miss you." He looked at me then at the child in my arms and said, "but guess you didn't miss me. You already replaced me." He said with teary eyes.

"No. I could never replace you. His name is XJ and he's your little brother." When I said that he stopped crying and immediately lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really? I have a little brother!? I have someone to play with!" He said shouting which caused XJ to wake up.


"I'm here baby." I said. "Look who came to see you. XY, your older brother." He looked at me then looked to the side, lifted his head slightly and said,

"Hello." Then he went back to my chest and closed his eyes.

"D-doesn't he like me?" He asked with sad eyes

"He does but he's very sad and tired. He will come around don't worry. Just give him time okay baby." I said and he nodded

"Don't worry papa I will help make him feel better." He said excitedly and ran off to eat breakfast.

"XJ? Get up baby. You need to shower and eat."

"You gonna stay with me?"

"Yes." I said.

After showering him and eating breakfast he still wouldn't leave my side. XY also got upset and was adamant to stay with me so now I'm in my office with my two sons who refuse to leave my side. Both of them on my lap playing with each other. Don't get me wrong I love them with all my heart but why sit on my lap and play they could play on the floor but when I said that they both started to pout and use their puppy dog eyes so I just left them to it even though my legs are falling asleep.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "come in." It was Xue Yang (Xue), when he entered he looked at me calmly working and the two kids playing the scene was a bit funny so he started to laugh startling the two. One was unaffected but the other stopped playing and gripped my shirt tightly. "It's okay look it's uncle Xue. He's an idiot." I said calming him down while he gave me an offended look.

"Since I'm an idiot I guess you don't want to know what I found out." He said looking away and of course sulking like a child.

"Okay your not now tell me."

"So bossy." He muttered


"Nothing," he cleared his throat and began, "okay so I think WY concerns may be right as I saw them entering a hotel at night and both leaving in the morning. They are also unusually close as business partners, it seems like they are going out. I also hacked into WX (Wang Xichen) phone and I saw the messages between them and they were like a couple talking about dates and stuff. I think you need to talk to him boss." He finished speaking and I was just tapping the table and nodding. So he does like him, doesn't he know he was the one who shot WY maybe if I told him about their father.

"Call him. I want to talk to him. " I said and he nodded. He left to make the call and came back in. I guess the talk before didn't do anything and how can he sleep with him while dating my brother or have they broke up.

"Boss he said he will come in 2 hours." He said and I nodded, "oh and here are the papers you wanted me to get." He placed the papers on my desk, "there's also proof of some other things." He said while winking. I smirked and said,

"Thank you, and don't worry I'll give you a nice bonus." I winked and we both laughed while my kids just looked at us weirdly and decided to leave. Rude. Not even a goodbye.

2 hours later...

WH barged in with his eyes red and tears with streaming down his face. He shut the door with a bang and locked it, he came straight towards me and punched me. I licked my lips and tasted blood, "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? TO US?! TO WY!? I thought you love him!" I was confused, I moved his hands always from me and pushed him to the floor,

"What do you mean?" I said wiping the blood off my lip.

"Y-you killed our father. I trusted you." He said fully crying. I was shocked to say the least. How could he think I would kill him when I was nowhere near China and didn't want to be associated with anyone here.

"Who said that?" I asked calmly even though I was angry inside, from his lack of trust and for being falsely accused.

"MY" he said and then I started laughing like a mad man.

"Y-you seriously believe him? When you know what he has done and what he does you choose to believe him." I said while laughing, "a person involved in the human trafficking which you have first hand witnessed. Seriously?" When I said that it was like he sobered up,

"B-but the pictures." He stammered quietly

"Do you have them?" I questioned and he nodded. He gave it to me and that's when I lost it. "ITS FUCKING FAKE! Are you that lost so far up his arse you can't use your eyes and brain?! Does this look real to you?!" I shouted while he looked down in shame. I threw the pictures at him while he quickly took to look at again.

In the images I was 20 and it was the day he came to meet me with their father at the airport and the images are blurry and the dimensions don't even make sense. You can easily tell it was photoshopped, you didn't even need to be educated to know that.

"Get the fuck up." I said in a very cold voice I rarely use on people close to me and I could tell he was shocked as he immediately got up with his head down, "kneel." And he did, "now you will answer all of my questions honestly and listen to what I say without interrupting, understood?" I said and he nodded. I could tell he was ashamed and felt like an idiot and I'm about to make him feel like an even bigger one.


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