Chapter 17

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Next day...

When I woke up I was alone in the bed. I looked around trying to find any sight of Zhan but he wasn't here, suddenly the bathroom door opened and I saw him coming out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked towards me and kissed my head then went towards his closet, "you should sleep more you must be tired." I went red and threw a pillow but he caught it and laughed.

I got out of bed but I fell right back in, he laughed while I glared at him. "You need some help love" he said in a teasing voice

"It's all your fault! You beast! Pick me up and take me to the shower"

"Yes your highness" he said with a smile

I came down the stairs limping and saw my brother talking with Zhan at the table. "Hello Yibo, why are are you walking like that?"

"Ask that devil next to you" I said angrily and Zhan smiled while brother went red

"There was painkillers on the table next to the bed. Did you take them?"

"Yes." I said more angry since he probably had other people with him so he keeps it near.

"Don't think too much. I don't just bring anyone to my home especially my room. Your the first" when he said that my mood instantly went up and the pain lessened. "Now let's get down to business. Ge when's the meeting?"

"Today at 2"

"Take Yibo with you so they feel like they are important and it's serious business" Zhan said and we both nodded.

Zhan dropped off Yuan at school and went to work as well. He offered to drop me off too but since my back was hurting I decided to go later and since I cleared my schedule only for that meeting I had nothing to do. It was lunch time and I was watching tv when the doorbell rang and in came my friends with some food. "What you guys doing here?"

"Zhan ge called us and said you might feel bored and told us to get food." Jin Zixuan said

"You have such a caring hubby" Wen Xu teased while I went red in the face

"W-what hubby! We're not married!" I shouted and threw the remote at him. He laughed and went to the table.

"By the way the meeting is today right?" Zixuan asked

"Yeah I'm going to get ready after I eat"

"I'm not allowed to come" he said which was kind of a surprise

"What do you mean? I thought you would since your the CEO"

"Yeah but father said Meng Yao is already coming so no need for me to there and since I'm the CEO I must have other things to do."

"That's weird" Zixun said. "Normally he always tells you to go to big deals since he thinks Meng Yao would mess it up"

"Guess since father will be there as well there's no chance for anything to be messed up. Yibo is Zhan going with you?"

"No but he said he will have Xue Yang to come with since if he goes it would look weird"

"Where is Xue Yang?" Just then someone came through the front door with some candy floss

"Speak of the devil" Wen Chao mumbled

"You still annoyed about the chocolate bar" he said with a bored tone

"It was mine you idiot! Of course I am! You still haven't bought me one as well which you said you would!" Wen Chao shouted at him. "I'm surprised your not already fat or lost any teeth yet"

"That's because I always work out and provided with the best healthcare." He said smiling showing his white teeth to further annoy him. "And here you cry baby. I got you the whole box" he said while throwing a whole box of chocolate at Wen Chao which he caught perfectly and happily while we rolled our eyes.

At Wang Corporation

It was time for the meeting and when we entered I saw that man whore smiling like an idiot and Meng Yao sitting next to him with a creepy smile. "Hello." I said greeted them monotonously with a straight face while my brother had his business smile on.

"Let's begin" my brother said once we sat down.

A few hours went pass when the meeting was over and the terms were finalised. "If you don't mind but could I perhaps stay at your company for a while to help oversee the project" brother said

"Of course" Meng Yao said enthusiastically while his father was neutral. "You can come next week when we set an office for you"

"Thank you" brother said smiling. "Since this is the start of our first business together why don't we celebrate?" He suggested

"Of course. Let's have a celebratory dinner at my house" His father said. "I'll also call the Xiao family as well as other business associates." We know what he was doing, he was trying to show the others that he has the backing of the Wangs and Sean's so he is untouchable but if only he knew.

When I arrived home I saw the most cute scene ever, Zhan was sleeping on the sofa and Yaun was on top of him while the tv was playing on the background. I put a blanket on top of them and went to my room to get changed. When I reached my room I had a shower and went to the closet where I saw nothing, it was empty. My clothes weren't there. He wouldn't, would he? I walked to Zhan's room and went to his closet and saw half of it was filled with my things. I was about to put on my own clothes but then thought why not wear his since his closet is also mine now. I smirked and wore his white shirt which looked big and a bit baggy on me. I wore my own pants since he was would be a big long. I went down and saw they were still sleeping. I decided to cook something for them.

After cooking Zhan's favourite, I woke them up. He looked up at me up and down and smirked then back down to his chest and smiled cutely when he saw Yaun on top of him. I love how cute they are together, you can't even tell that he's cold, he looks like a teddy bear right now. He carried Yaun and walked to the dining table, "Wow you cooked my favourites. I didn't know you could cook but how did you know?"

"I was on call with your sister and she told me everything. By the way she told me to tell you that she's with Jiang Cheng as he needs to go shopping for a project so they will be late." I said and he nodded while feeding Yaun. "By the way the Jins are going to have a dinner and they are going to call you, are you going to go?"

"Yeah I'll go what's the harm" he shrugged and continued to eat.

The Dinner...

Yibo and I arrived at their house while Yaun was with Wen Qing and Wen Ning at home, Xue Yang was by Yibos side as his bodyguard and I was next to him holding his hand.

Inside, the house was decorated quite lavishly that you wouldn't think they're on the verge of bankruptcy. When I entered all eyes were on us, Mr and Mrs Jin came to us with Jin Zixuan and Yanli following. "Welcome to our home, hope you have a good time" Mrs Jin said with a smile

"You two are together?" Mr Jin asked and I just nodded not sparing him a glance which I could tell made him a bit angry since I practically ignored him.

"How do you know Sean?" Mr Wen asked

"Sean is Yanli's older brother" Mr Jin replied smugly

"Oh your very lucky Mr Jin you have the backings of the Wangs and Sean" He said which made Mr Jin raise his head higher and have a smug grin on his face

"Just because I'm her brother doesn't mean they have my backing. We have no official business deals together." I said coldly and Mr Wen smiled happily while Mr Jin went red in embarrassment

"But surely you would help your sister if she was in need" Mr Jin said

"Of course but only if she says so. She likes to be independent."

"Father" someone interrupted, Meng Yao.


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