Chapter 20

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Yibo POV

It's been a couple of days since I last seen Zhan, sure he calls but I feel like he's hiding something. Even Ziyi is no longer here, is he perhaps cheating on me? No, impossible! I'm just overthinking but I can't help but feel that's he's hiding something very important from me.

The project with the Jin group is going okay but it's been hard trying to find evidence of the attack. Mainly because the important files are hidden.

My brother has also became close to that short bastard and I can't help but worry about him as they are a bit too close for comfort and I feel as though when the time comes it will be hard. I tried talking to him about it but he says there's nothing to worry about and he's only doing it to get close but him spending most nights out giving the excuse of work is making me feel uneasy especially with Zhan not being here. But at least Yaun is here and he's not a bad kid and we have grown closer as well.

My phone started to ring and I saw it was Zhan calling, "hey" I said

"Hey...erm... can we talk? It's important." He asked and I started to panic a bit

"Er...s-sure. Erm when and where?"

"I'll send you the location and don't worry I'm fine" he said which made me confused but once I saw the location I understood. I took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible

"Okay I'm coming" I said and hung up. My hands started to get sweaty and millions of thoughts were running in my head and I couldn't help but think of the worse even though he said he's fine. Okay let's go see what happened. I said to myself and made my way to my car. I didn't feel like talking to the driver so I decided to drive myself.

After a while I reached the hospital, parked the car and made my way to the entrance where I saw Zhan waiting and he looked more tired and anxious. I came towards him and he hugged me tightly with his head buried in my neck. It took me a minute to realise what's happening but then I hugged him back, we stayed like that for a while before he broke the hug, "sorry. I just missed you" he said quietly with his head down, cute. "Erm follow me."

He started to go up to the roof, he looked at me straight in the eyes and I could tell he was nervous and scared and already I was thinking of the worst possible scenarios. "So I really don't know how to say this," he said rubbing the back of his neck

"A-are you breaking up with me?" I asked

"God no! I would never break up with you but I can't say the same for you," he said and I was about to refute but he spoke again, "my ex wife is alive and I found her a couple of days ago with my son." He said and I couldn't even speak but just look at him. "I found them a couple of days well she rang me on the day you saw me run out. I've been taking care of them and trying to get my son comfortable so I could bring him home and I know I should've told you before but I didn't know how to and I was busy taking care of them and figuring everything out. I know it's not an excuse but I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." He said again and I was just staring at him. "Please baby, say something." He pleaded

"So your ex-wife is alive and you have another son?" I asked and he nodded, "you've been taking care of them all this time without telling anyone?" I asked again and he nodded. "You didn't tell me because you were afraid and scared I would leave?" I asked and I saw him lower his head in guilt. "Do you not trust me? Trust in my love?" I asked with a bit of a broken tone. "I know I was a jerk in the past but I've shown you I've changed and you even forgave me. Did you really think I would leave you or harm them?" I asked with a bit of anger

"NO!" He shouted then regained his composure. "I just didn't want to worry you. I do trust you but I do also admit I was a bit afraid of your reaction that's why I decided to tell you today. I'm sorry."

"Does she know?" I asked and he nodded "does she s-still l-love you?" I asked and he looked down again and nodded. I took a deep breathe then asked, "do you?"

"NO! I only love you." He said with a determined voice and his eyes were full of love and affection when he looked at me.

"I want to meet them." I said

"Y-you want to meet them?" He asked in an unsure voice and I nodded. "Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes. Why? Don't you want me to? Perhaps you still have feelings for her!" I said with anger and was about to walk away till I felt his hand on my wrist and he brought me to him

"Never question my love for you again."

"Why shouldn't I? Have you ever made me feel secure enough not to?" I said coming close to tears and turned my face. He held my face securely and forced me to look in his eyes,

"Well I'll do it now then." He said then took a deep breathe before he began to speak with the most loving voice I've ever heard, "I love you, only you. The only reason why I forgave you was because I love you, if it was anyone else trust me they wouldn't even be alive. Your my reason for living expect for of course my sons. Your the air I need in my lungs. You make all of my worries go away just by showing me that rare beautiful smile that I'm so lucky to see. You were the first person I ever loved and the last. If you were ever leave me you would take my heart and soul with you, I can't live without you. Well to be fair I wouldn't even let you leave, I would probably lock you up. Your the only one who can make me feel emotions to such an intensity. So never question my love for you." He said with a kind of threatening tone and I didn't realise I was crying till he wiped my tears away, "don't cry baby. I don't like to see you cry." He said before kissing me softly all over my face that made me red

"I never doubted your love because I trust you." I said, "and don't you dare doubt mine! Without you there's no me." He nodded and pulled me closer if that was possible

"Never. I love you" he said

"I love you too." I said then he kissed me which led to other things.

We both laid on the ground panting and catching our breaths coming down from our high. "Who would've thought I would've had sex on top of a hospital," I said laughing

"Don't worry we'll have sex in more places that will be surprising." He said making me turn red. He chuckled then said, "let's get dressed so you can meet them." He said and I nodded.

We got dressed even though it's a bit difficult for me to walk since my back is hurting a lot. "Here. Have some painkillers." He said taking the pills out of his pockets

"Why did you have this with you? Were you planning to have sex with me?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"No, it's actually for my headache." He said looking in the distance and I furrowed my brows

"You've not been sleeping or eating properly have you?" He smiled sheepishly while helping me walk with his hand on my waist. "Idiot. After we meet them your coming home and resting for a bit."

"But..." he tried to refuse but when he saw how angry I looked he said nothing and just nodded

"Good boy" I said smiling while he rolled his eyes.

We made our way to the VIP room and there I saw her with their son...


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