2. Anti

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"Now look what you did." I looked up at Dark and narrowed my eyes at him. "Why is violence always the first thing you go to?" He held his hand out and I growled. "Anti..."

"Fuck off." I said as I slowly tried to get up off the floor. Everything hurt... I had deep cuts all over my arms and one very bad one from when Dark lashed out with a fucking shadow. I got my ass kicked by a politician... AGAIN! "Next time..."

"Next time?! Anti all you ever accomplish is hurting yourself." He held his arms to the side to prove my point. Here I was broken and bleeding and he didn't have a single scratch on him. I didn't land one god damn hit.

"F̷̴̴u̴҉̷c̵k̷ ̷̵́y̴o̶u̶̷͝."

"Anti, just face it. You're never going to win." I glitched out causing him to sigh and spin around just in time to catch me by the neck and bring me forcibly to the floor. I yelled out as the air left my lungs and my head began to spin. "See. This is what I mean."

"F̷̴̴u̴҉̷c̵k̷ ̷̵́y̴o̶u̶̷͝..." I repeated. He just sighed running a hand through his now messy hair. He dropped his arm and straightened himself out, fixing his tie and cracking his neck.

"You can find your own way home. I have a mess I now have to fix." He growled out just before disappearing in a thing a smoke. I just threw my arms out to the side, wincing at the pain, and just laughed. The best way to forget your troubles is to laugh like it never happened...

Of course, I'm the only one who ever said that...

And it doesn't work...

I wiped away a tear that formed in my eyes and stopped laughing. What the hell am I supposed to tell him? This is going to be the second time this week, 5th time this month, that I showed up hurt like this. I swear if he gives me those fucking eyes...

"Do you need some help?" I looked over to see a pink mustache and I groaned. " I can call someone for you?"

"Not on your life, Pinky!" Will laughed and I slowly sat up. He held out his hand and I took it. ONLY BECAUSE I COULDN'T GET UP ON MY OWN! "Where'd that asshole Dark go?"

"Can't say. He made me swear." Asshole... I sighed running a hand through my hair and looked over at Will. His smile was pissing me off. "Do you need me to..."

"I can walk home." I said cutting him off and starting on my way. He just shrugged and vanished leaving me to my shit. When I finally got home I could feel my legs start to give up. Great... just Great... Damn it DARK!

I opened the door, walking into the living room, and winced at the bright lights. My head started to spin again and I had to stop so I didn't fall All I could see was Dark smiling back at my me and my blood started to boil, causing me to glitch like crazy.

"Dark you fuckin B̸̹̬̓́I̴͚̚҉̵̞̒̾Ṫ̴̮̯͗C̷͔̒H̶͍͍͊!̵̹̭̉҉̶̭͝" I felt the room shake as my voice roared through the house. "Next time I S̶͓͑̈́͝W̸̤̫̾̕Ẽ̸̵̸̲͔͔̼̞͙̈́̋̚͢͢͠͝À̷̦R̵͔̾ ̶̨̙̌T̴̻̞̘̓͒O̶̰͔͛ ̷̣͂̎͝G̷̡͂͋O̴̢̱͊̏͝D̷͍͒͒́ͅ I am going to R̴̯͈͒̔I̶̩̕P̸̳̙̽ ̸̳̃͝ͅY̴̲̮͂͘҉̸̼̉҉̵̠͔̍̔O̷̶̢̭̔̆̿̑͢U̶̼̔R̷̺̙̓̅҉̷̼̍ ̶̶̙͖̣̄̅͗͢͝F̵̧̀͜Ú̸̝C̶̵͕̰̄͆͘͢͜Ḵ̸̵͈͇͗̂͘͢Ị̸̌N̵̥͔͑G̴̼͎͛҉̷̖͋҉̸̰̭̋ ̵̱͗Ḫ̶̀͠Ë̶̛̺̰́A̵͒͜͜D̶̵̬͎̞̱̐͌͢͝ ̶̨͙͘͝Ó̴̰͕̂F̴̤̲̔̓F̶̴̢̤̅̀̿͢!"

"Anti are you..." I froze hearing Jacks voice behind me. I slowly turned around, despite the pain, to see a horrified expression on his face. "Oh my god... What happened to you?"

"Fuck off Ja..." All the strength drained from my body and I started to fall. Jack started to freak out and I felt an arm go around me, holding me up so I didn't fall and hurt myself. I looked up to see a very serious looking doctor looking me over. "Shit."

"Hello, Anti. I see my services are needed?" I looked down at all the cuts and bruises and scoffed. I pushed myself out of his arms and swayed until I was leaning on the wall. "Anti?"

"I don't need your help Schneeplestein." His eyes darkened and I saw as he looked me over again, his eyes stopping at the large gash on my torso.

"Anti, what happened?" I looked over at Jack and sighed. Why did he care so much? I'm a demon. This is nothing.

"Nothing, I'm fine." The doctor pulled his mask off and looked over at me with a worried expression. I had to bite my tongue so I didn't snap at him. The last thing I need is to get in a fight with the fucking doctor. He and Chase are the only ones that might beat me... Ó̸t͏h̴̕͝e̢r͜ ̵t̕h͞ȩn ́̕Da̡r̛͟k ̷.

"Anti you're getting blood all over Jacks rug." Schneep said as he glanced down at my feet. I looked down, seeing it was true, and cursed. He just shook his head, grabbing me by the waist and bringing me over to the couch. I nearly punched him when he finally set me down.

"Schneep, c͢u̶t it̛ ̀o̷u͝t҉ " He shook his head no at me and I growled at him. He put his bag on the coffee table and pulled out this crap. I don't know what it is, all I know is it burns. I started to kick him and he just sighed.

"Stop struggling your only going to make it worse."

"Says yo..." I yelled out, gripping my stomach as this sharp pain ripped through me.

"Yes. Says me, I am a doctor." I just narrowed my eyes and scoffed.

"Some Doctor you are. You got your license from a cereal box." He raised an eyebrow, giving me a look I know all too well, and I cringed. " S̛t̛̀o҉̨͢p̢."

"Stop what?"

"Stop looking at me like that." He raised his eyebrow at me in confusion and I cringed again. What is with him? Why does he make me feel so... powerless.

"Anti, I only want to help. I can't do that if you fight me." I looked up at him to see this soft expression and I frowned. He is right, but I don't know how. I watched as he grabbed my arm tentatively and started to dab the cleaning shit on it. I yelled out in pain and he sighed. "Please stop fighting me."

"Why is it just me?" He seemed to have frozen under the question, looking up in confusion. "Chase gets hurt and you ignore him. Jackaboiman comes home with literal burns and you couldn't care less. Why am I the one you always try to help?"


"I'm not weak!" His eyes went wide and my voice went quiet. "I'm not helpless. I can beat him if I try hard enough. I will win. Then all of you will see how strong I am. None of you will be able to treat me like I'm fragile."

"Is that what you think I'm doing?" I looked away as his concerned expression turned neutral. I heard him sigh and I glanced over to see him packing up his stuff to leave.

"Where are you going?" He stopped hesitantly looking back.

"My attempts at helping you are only hindering your obvious progress at a less violent life. As such..." He turned back and headed for the door. "I will stop trying to help."

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