11. Anti

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Let me go. Let me out. I want to play. COME ON ANTI! I groaned as Sam paced the room in irritated anticipation. WHAT HAPPENED TO LETTING GO?!

"What happened to letting me suffer in silence?" His eyes narrowed as he stomped his way over to me giving me this pissed off look.

Oh, I'll let you suffer but it ain't gonna be in silence. I just scoffed as I rolled over onto my side. Sam narrowed his eyes before glitching back in front of me and I groaned again. You're strong enough to force that pathetic excuse for a physician to come home, but you squander it by wallowing in this awful state in your bed.

"I'm sorry, does my broken heart offend you?" His eyes narrowed again and I rolled my eyes moving until I could just stare at the ceiling. "How could just leave like that?"

Because you're just as pathetic as he is. I frowned and I could hear Sam sigh as he laid beside me. Maybe you should try getting up and doing something. To... I don't know. Get your mind off of him?

"Oh, you would love that. You want nothing more than for me to go crazy." His eyes darkened and I looked over at the door. Someone was...

"Anti?" There was a knock on my door and I frowned. I glitched over opening it up only to see Chase standing there. I obviously glitched back onto my bed and rolled over away from the door. I really didn't feel like dealing with him. But I also didn't feel like telling him to go away. I was just tired. "How are you feeling?"

"Great." I started to glitch at the pain I had just saying that and I could hear him sigh. Sam popped up by the mirror and I frowned. Can people just let me be?

"Jack wanted to know if you would be joining us for lunch. He would really like it if you did." I rolled back over to see him standing hesitantly in the doorway. His eyes met mine and I frowned seeing the fear in them.

"No." His eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms.

"But Anti..."


"Jack said..."

"I SAID NO CHASE!" He jumped slightly and I cringed. My voice didn't even glitch and he jumped. I looked away and sighed. "I'm not feeling that well, and I'm not really hungry."

"You're a demon, Anti..." I narrowed my eyes as I took a deep breath and walked in a little more. "You're always hungry. You especially because you're trying so hard, and using too much energy..." He sat down on the bed facing away from me and I frowned. "Talk to me. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Chase." He looked over and frowned as I faced away from him again. "I'm just not hungry."

"Anti..." I felt my self twitch as the anger rose and Sam's eyes lit up. "...I'm sorry." My eyes went wide and Sam narrowed his in confusion. "I'm sorry..." he turned over to see I was staring at him with this confused look and he smiled sadly. "...for not seeing you were struggling."

"Seriously?" I narrowed my eyes in anger and he tensed up. I pushed myself up into a sitting position and just scoffed. Sam started pacing again ranting about how fucked up he is. "You didn't give two shits about me... You still don't. You labeled me the villain before we were even 5. 5, CHASE!" He flinched as I started to twitched again. "You got Jackie into hating me too. Pushed Marvin into thinking I was the reason all his 'magic' got messed up, even though it was simply because he need practice. You even got Robbie to hate me. F̸̬̕U̵̠͊C̸͉͗K̵͍̂Ḭ̶̅N̶͔͋G̵̟̎ ̶̼̌R̸̥͌O̸̢͒B̸̧͆B̸͙̈́I̴͑͜É̶̯!̶͔̚" And there was the glitching. He jumped off the bed and I laughed. And yes... Even I was aware of the insanity that ripped through the air to the very sound of my voice. "S̸e̵a̸n̶ ̷d̴i̶d̵n̶'̷t̴ ̷e̶v̴e̵n̷ ̴b̸a̶t̴ ̷a̷ ̴f̷u̶c̴k̴i̶n̷g̷ ̶e̶y̵e̷.̷ ̶O̴n̷l̵y̵ ̸h̵e̵ ̸e̵v̸e̵r̴ ̴c̸a̷r̵e̸d̶.̶ ̴Only he ever gave me the time of day. He stayed by my side. Through the insanity... through the pain... H̸e̵ ̸w̸a̶s̷ ̵t̵h̸e̴ ̴Ò̵̶̶͍̳̎N̸̴̵͖̩̉̽L̶̶̷̘͉̇̄Ÿ̴̷̴̹̥́̕ ̴̸̶̯̥́͐O̷̸̴̲̱͊̀N̵̸̴̤̮̆̔Ë̸̴̵̮̱͘ ̷̶̶̧̼̽͗W̸̸̶̜̩̐͠H̶̵̶̰̗̉̈O̸̶̸̧͕͊̂ ̸̷̴̛̰̬̅Ġ̶̵̴̢͖́A̵̶̸͉̺̒͘V̸̶̵̛̜͙̓E̵̸̴̩͒̕͜ ̵̷̵̻̮͊͂Ǎ̴̶̷̜̺̆ ̵̷̴̢͎͆͐D̷̵̵̩͍̀̍Ä̵̶̷͔̮́̌M̷̵̷̥̩̐͘N̷̷̷̞̹͒̚!̶̷̶̫͍̓͝ "

But did he though? He left you high and dry without a single goodbye. No explanation and quite the dirty look when you popped in. I looked away as Sam walked over wrapping his arms around my neck smiling. Look at him, Anti. I frowned and slowly looked up to see Chase's hand on his holster. He'll never understand. He'll never care to. He'll ALWAYS see you as the villain. I narrowed my eyes just staring at his gun and Chase tensed up. He'll only ever see you as the enemy... WHY DON'T YOU LET ME BREAK HIM?! I flinched as looked away as Sam continues to yell about what he deserves. I had enough of it.

"Actually, Chase..." His eyes narrowed as I looked up with a bright smile like nothing had actually happened. "I could actually really use some time out of the house. Do you think Sean would be ok with me going to the market?" His eyes went dark and I frowned. I shot him this innocent look but I don't think he really saw it.

"What was that?" I just frowned. Did he really not hear me?

"I asked if Jack would be ok with me going out?" His eyes softened as he let out this deep breath and I frowned. "Was it something I said?" He shook his head and visibly relaxed as he glanced back over at the door. "So... Yes or no?"

"I'm sure Jack would be fine with it..." He narrowed his eyes and sighed. "...As long as you weren't alone. He's been really worried about you." Sam stopped bitching just long enough to glare at me ad I frowned. He was tapping his foot impatiently and I sighed looking away again.

"That's fine. I... I just need to get out of the house." Sam looked utterly defeated as he slumped down to the floor. I watched as he faded out of view and looked over to see Chase just watching me. "That is if you're not busy." His eyes went wide and I laughed meekly. "You know he would ask you."

"Yeah... He would." I smiled as he scratched the back of his hair sighing. "Yeah. I got nothing better to do anyway."

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