13. Anti

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"Anti?" I glanced up to see Jack smiling at me and I sighed. Chase said it wouldn't be a problem. He said that he would accompany me. I just had to eat lunch with them. It was a give and take. A deal, of sorts. I make him happy by doing what Jack wanted and eating lunch with them. And He'll make me happy by doing what I wanted and going to the real world market with me. "Are you feeling any better?" I narrowed my eyes and just stared at the cup. How do I answer that? No, I'm not feeling better. I'm sad and lonely and feel like utter crap. The only man I felt that actually cared about me left and... doesn't care about me. I feel like I am splitting down the seams. I have Sam screaming at me all the time. I can feel my insanity scratching just below my skin like this constant crawling that's begging to sink its claws into me and drag me in the pit of madness.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired..." Chase frowned as he looked over at Jack and I started to sift through my food absentmindedly.

"Are you sure? you haven't touched your food." I sighed setting my fork down and just sat there with my head in my hands.

"I'm not hungry." I could feel my hands shake at the surge of energy that bounced about the room. Jack just sat there obviously concerned. I stared at the plate of food and wanted to throw up. Demons are ravenous creatures. However, they don't NEED food. They don't need to eat it. They eat energy. I sighed as I pushed the plate away and Jacks eyes darkened. Demons can get their 'food' in many different ways. It usually has to do with what kind or how they were created. Dark's a demon of rage created when Damien, Celine, and the DA were murdered. He feeds off of peoples pain. Usually Marks... Why do you think Mark does all those punishments and rage games even though he clearly hates them. I mean the guy takes ice baths and eat hot peppers on a regular basis.

"Anti... Please be honest with me. I care about you." I narrowed my eyes as Jack smiled at me sadly. Jack... I'm his demon. His demon of insanity. I was created from the madness in himself. That's why out of all the egos I'm the closest in appearance. We're all created by something. Schneep was created by Jacks will to help no matter the means. Jackie was created by Jacks literal dream of being a hero. Saving lives... and his desire to get over his fear of heights. I...

I'm his madness. The madness he no longer has because it formed me. I took it all. I AM his insanity. And I feed off it. I feed off of his pain... his madness... Everyone has some. Deep in their head, there is always a little voice spouting crazy. The world just hums with this energy. Energy I starved myself from getting. Which is why I was always so hungry.

I wasn't anymore.

"Anti, are you sure..." I snapped so fast it was like I was in the backseat of my own head.

"I SAID I WAS FUCKING FINE, SEAN!" My eyes went wide as the words left my mouth. I could see the pain in Jacks eyes and I started to shake. The energy surrounding us got stronger as Jack no doubt was hurting. "JACK! I-I meant... I meant Jack." I looked away as I clenched my fists tightly. I glanced over to see Chase just sitting there eating his food as if nothing had happened. I fully expected to see a gun in face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"I know." Jack reached over to take my hand and I pulled away. He just sighed putting his hand back in his lap. "You've been doing it a lot lately." I looked up with narrowed eyes and he smiled sadly. "Calling me Sean instead of Jack."

"I HAVE?!" His eyes narrowed in concern. Chase looked utterly shocked. "WHEN?! "

"When you first learned Henrik left... you snapped." I felt broken I don't remember much to be honest. It was hard enough trying to keep Sam at bay. I never even thought to try and remember. All I remember is them telling me and then dark talking to will and then... Henrik telling me he... he didn't want to... "Anti?"

"Can I go to town?" Chase started to choke as Jacks eyes went wide. "I spoke it over with Chase and he said he'd go too."

"Is this true, Chase?" Chase nodded and Jack sighed running a hand through his hair. "Well, I did want to go to town too. So I don't see why..." I jumped up and left before he could even finish. I couldn't. My hands started shaking too much. I walked outside and just waited. I waited for minutes... so many minutes, I stopped counting. When Jack finally walked out I frowned. Marvin and Dapper were there too. Jack noticed my confused look and smiled. "Marvin was bored. James didn't leave me a choice."

'If you're going, so am I.' Dapper signed as he stomped his foot. I really just wanted to get some time away from everything. I can understand Chase but... It's not much of an escape from the family if the family goes with you. I sighed walking over to the group with my hands in my pockets. Normally I would just go... I'd take Chase to obviously but I can teleport. I didn't need an escort but I didn't trust myself to end up where they would. Better to just let Marvin take us all. I'm too tired anyway.

As the fog from Marvin's spell cleared, I found myself standing on a familiar street. My eyes went wide as I froze looking at the house. They brought us back here... Back to Mark's. WHY?!

"You guys can go to the store." I turned to see Jack walking towards the door and I frowned. "I wanna stop by and check on Mark."

Yeah, to make sure you didn't kill him, huh Anti? I narrowed my eyes as Sam's voice filled my head. I wonder if Mark will believe that it's really Jack. The realization hit me and I could feel the anxiety building. You know, since you did impersonate him. Who knows if Henrik will be there to confirm or not.

"Jack take Marvin." I watched as Jack froze looking back at me with concern. Marvin just looked confused. "I-I case Henrik isn't there."

"Why? I'm just seeing..."

"Take Marvin with you." I repeated a little more forcefully and his eyes went wide. "I wouldn't want Mark to get confused." He nodded and Marvin just shrugged as he followed Jack in.

"You pretended to be him again, didn't you?" I looked over to see Chase staring after them and I sighed.

"Let's just go, please?"

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