14. Henrik

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Mark was still hugging Jack after god knows how many minutes and I sighed. Marvin just narrowed his eyes at everything. Part of me wanted to ask about Anti but... I didn't. Dark moved himself further against the arm of the couch so Marvin and Will could sit too. Will still had that bored with life expression.

"What are you doing here?" Mark said as he finally pulled away with this huge smile on his face. "And you brought Marvin?" Jacks eyes darkened and I frowned.

"Anti insisted." Mark backed away and Jack smiled. "He was worried. Said he didn't want you being confused about me and didn't know if Henrik was here." He looked over at me and I looked away. "Though it seems he didn't need to be concerned."

"He was right though." Mark whispered slightly and Jack's face fell. "If it wasn't for Marvin, I would've just assumed you were him again."

"How is he?" I voiced my question in a moment of lapse and I frowned seeing Mark tense up. No one else seemed to care. In fact, Dark looked just as concerned. "Jack..." He shrugged and I frowned. "I see."

"He hasn't attacked me so there's that." Mark looked like he was going to flip. Jack just sighed. "He's not doing very well. He's been slipping in and out it seems. Earlier today I discovered he wasn't even aware of all the times he's called me Sean." I narrowed my eyes and just stared at the floor.

"He's gone that far?" Jack looked away and I shook my head in confused disbelief. "That doesn't make sense though." They all looked at me in confusion. All but Will who just listened with halfhearted interest. "When he first showed up he looked happy. He was happy. He had this big smile on his face an everything..."

"Well of course he did, Henrik. This is Anti..."

"Does Anti have anyone?" Dark quickly asked cutting Jack off and Jack looked over at him confused. Dark shot a glance over at Will and frowned. "Does Anti have someone that can help him I mean? To help pull him out of this..." Jack glanced over at me and Dark narrowed his eyes. I just shook my head which of course made Jack more confused by the look he shot me. "Jack..."

"Anti doesn't have anyone." I said as I crossed my arms and Jack face lit up with horror.

"You didn't tell him that did you?" I could see Dark started to look concerned as even Marvin started to look worried. I narrowed my eyes and Jack started to shake.

"Did I... Jack you of all people know how isolated..."

"Did you of all people tell Antisepticeye that he didn't have anyone?" I stepped back hearing the anger in his voice and Darks eyes went very dark as he glanced over at me.

"I just said I didn't want to say goodbye." Mark looked between us and sighed.

"And that you have a life here now..." Mark cut in and Jack just listened with this horrified look. "... and that you thought it best that you just left." Mark's eyes narrowed as he started scratching the back of his neck. "And then there was that promise he kept mentioning."

"Promise?" I glanced over to see Dark watching everything intently and I frowned. He looked over at me with this slight glint of anger. "What promise?"

"The promise they made when they were kids." Jack replied and my eyes went wide. This chill came over me and started to shake my head in shock.

"N-No. I-It couldn't have been that one. W-We we're so young..." Jack's eyes darkened and I just froze.

"Henrik... What promise?" I looked back over to see this serious look and I frowned. "He mentioned it with me too." Jack looked up at me with disappointment and I nearly collapsed on myself.

"I can't believe you just left him." He started to pace and I cringed. "Do you have any idea... Henrik... DAMN IT!"

"I wasn't helping him."

"YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE HELPING HIM!" I flinched and Jacks froze looking away in guilt. Realization seemed to fill Dark's eyes and I frowned. "You promised him you would never leave him. That you two would be at each others side no matter what. That he could count on you..."

"That was before..."

"Before what Henrik?"

"BEFORE I SAW HIM BREAK!" I snapped and Jack got this look of shock. "I broke him, Jack. Why would I stay by his side knowing that I was hurting him? I thought it was better for me to leave so that he could focus on getting better again. I made him feel weak." Jack's face fell and I laughed leaning against the wall. "He said I lied to him. That I broke my promise. My promise was to protect him. I left because I was doing the opposite. I left because I had to."

"You said he doesn't have anyone." Dark growled and I looked over to see him holding Wilford's hand tightly.

"He doesn't." I looked at the floor and sighed."No one cared about Anti... No one tried to. Jack was too afraid. Chase thought he was the bad guy and he turned everyone against him. I was the only one that... didn't turn away."

"Henrik, you really don't understand people like him do you?" My eyes narrowed as he sighed holding Wilford's hand close. "They latch on to people. They rely on those people. God... I-I can't tell you how many time WIll called me just so that the voices would die down." Wilford narrowed his eyes in confusion and I frowned. "You said he was happy when he first showed up?" I nodded and he laughed. "Well, it's kind of obvious now." Even Mark seemed to catch on. I... I had not.

"I don't understand..."

"He was happy because you were there. When he was with me he was gone. He snapped. Fully..." My eyes went wide as he looked down at the ground. "I could feel the insanity in his aura but you said he was fine at first. There would be no way that was true if just the thought of seeing you again didn't have some effect."

"He locked himself in his room, Henrik." Jack called out as he sat down. He looked up at me with this sad expression. "He's not eating anymore. He looks dead on his feet. Most of the time he's just starting off in some sort of direction listening to some unheard voice in his ear."

"I'm sorry..." I picked myself off the wall and Jacks face fell again. Even Dark seem to look defeated as I walked away. "I just... can't risk making it worse for him."

I care to much to do that to him.

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