9. Anti

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"Will are you, ok?" I just laid there, listening to Dark and Will talking in the background. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. Wilford cut right through my spine. "Will?"

"I'm ok Damien." I narrowed my closed eyes as Wilford's voice hit me. It was cold, unfeeling. It took everything in me not to laugh. As long as they think I am out they won't rush to... My fingers twitched and I smiled.

"Will, look at me. No, not at him at me..." I nearly beat him. I nearly beat that pathetic politician. If Willford only hadn't interfered. "How about a trip huh? We can go get away from all this... Maybe go see Mark?" I opened my eyes and just stared at the sky as I started to get feeling back in my body. "It's a bit crowded with Henrik there but I'm sure Mark won't mind." I felt the anger build up in me again. I knew he was lying. I FUCKING KNEW IT! He took him away from me. He had to. Sam said so. He wouldn't just leave. He wouldn't just go..., right? I started to push myself up despite the obvious difficulty. My body hadn't fully regained control but I didn't care. "I would feel better if the Doctor looked you..." Wilford spotted me instantly and narrowed his eyes.

"Damien." I summoned my knife again felt my body start to glitch as Will's eyes went dark, his fingers inching towards his holster. I slowly started to get closer to them and Will never took his eyes off of me, even when I held my knife up to strike. He was waiting for the right to shoot me, regardless if Dark got hurt in the process.

"It'll be fine. Ok... I have to tell Henrik about Anti anyway. He'll want to know what happened." I froze in confusion and let my hand drop, my knife disappearing before it could hit the ground. Will just narrowed his eyes in confusion as Dark ran a hand through his hair too focused on the man he loves to realize something was happening. "We'll go to Mark's and see the doctor. And then we can do whatever...

"DAMIEN!" Will pointed at me, causing Dark to spin around. He instantly went on the defense. I just smiled running a hand through my hair as my body glitched.

"All that fighting and denying... And you just told me EXACTLY what I wanted to know." Dark's eyes narrowed as I gave him this two-finger salute. "I'll let Mark you're alive."

"Anti, DON'T..." I glitched out before Dark could do anything letting the sound of my laugh echo through the air even after I had left. As the world started to 'load' back into view I smiled feeling the rush of wind surround me. The heat against my skin... L.A... I always did love it here. I would dream of living here in the real world with Henrik, maybe even with Dapper. He was practically a little brother to me. I cracked my neck and felt my body glitch again, this time creating an illusion of sorts. This was how I did the say goodbye video. I made myself look like Sean only to let it drop after I 'killed him'.

"Jack?" I spun around smiling to see a confused looking Mark just standing there. He looked around and I frowned. "I didn't know you were coming. Where's Marvin isn't he usually..."

"I sent him off to run some errands. I told him I wanted to say hi to our friend." My voice went deep and Mark started to look concerned. I just kept smiling. "His he home or..."

"No. But Henrik should be stopping by for his lunch break soon. He said he would much rather not eat with Caleb." I laughed a little quickly covering my mouth and coughing hoping it hid my little laugh. It seemed to as Mark moved over a bit gesturing to his house. "Would you like to come in and wait? I'm not sure how long Marvin will be but it shouldn't be too long for Henrik."

"I would love to." I said as I slowly made my way inside. Of course, the moment I did Chica went crazy. She jumped up the moment she saw me and started barking. A dogs intuition is never wrong. He should've listened...

"Chica bika... What's gotten into you?" Mark walked past to pet his dog, trying to calm him down and my smile fell. She knew exactly who it was and she knew I gave in. Dogs are smart... They can sense danger. Marks on the other hand... "It's just Jack." He looked back and I shot him this happy smile hiding the anger writhing in me. This man helped keep Henrik away from me. Dark got Will to teleport him and Mark kept him here. That has to be what happened right? My doctor would never leave me. HE PROMISED. Chica was relentless. So the moment Mark turned away again I shot her this glare letting my power pulse around us. She tensed up so fast in fear, you could hear her whine. "Chica? What's wrong?"

"Thunder maybe? I don't know. I'm sure she's ok though." Mark just shot me this confused look and I laughed a bit. "I don't know. I'm not a dog whisperer."

"Hey!" I practically lit up hearing his voice. "Mark, you home?"

"Yeah, I'm in here. Jack came to visit." I didn't know what it was but knowing he was right there actually made it... I don't know. Clearer maybe. No that's not the right word. Quieter. The voice died down a bit as it waiting for him to speak some more. To tell me he was ok... I just stood there hearing his footsteps.

"Jack? What are you..." I slowly spun around to see Henrik there frozen staring wide-eyed at me and I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt. "Wha-What are you do here?"

"I came to see you. To say hi." He narrowed his eyes and I just laughed wrapping my arm around Mark's shoulder. "Hi!"

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