23. Henrik

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"Why were you worried?" Anti asked cutting Will off and JJ's smile turned brighter. This meant they could still communicate. This meant that even if Anti didn't remember, JJ could help him to. "I told you I always come back." Anti glanced around at everyone's shock and frowned. "Although, I guess this isn't our home. It's Wills... and his." He pointed at Dark with confusion and sighed. "I think. I can't remember your name. I just... I don't know. It's just this feeling I've got. This sense of... 'you touch him you die' type feeling. If that makes sense." Dark laughed a bit straightening himself out and Anti frowned.

"So there are some of us he remembers more about than others. Tell me, Anti..." Dark stared earning his attention again. "You clearly remember sign language and something you said... as well as the fact you said it to him. How much more about JJ do you remember?"

"Who?" JJ started to wave about getting Anti to look over at him before pointing to himself and Anti smiled. "Oh, so your JJ?" Jameson nodded and Anti seemed to relax a little before it turned back into a frown. "It not... easy. I don't 'remember' much. Just... bits and pieces. I don't..." He glanced over at Chase and frowned. That's when I noticed the bottle in his hand. Shit... "That better not be what I think it is, Chase." Chase dropped the bottle so fast. It started spilling onto the floor and Mark frowned mumbling something about never getting the smell out. Anti seemed to sniff the air and his frown only grew. "It was, wasn't it? That's not good Chase. It's not healthy." He sighed looking down at his hands and he sighed. "I don't... I wouldn't want all that progress..."

"You remember me?" Anti looked up in confusion and nodded once. Even Will looked confused. Then again he did say he couldn't tell what Anti remembered or not. Chase seemed conflicted. Sad that he was remembered. But... very happy too. Worried about what exactly Anti remembered and worried about what that meant for him. "Anti..."

"It's ok, Chase. I'm not going to yell at you for drinking. I'm the last person who should reprimand you for relapse..." Anti froze up instantly and we all tensed up seeing his face fall. "Wait, why is that..."

"Don't worry about that at the moment, Anti." Will reached out a hand and Anti flinched slightly before seeing who it was and smiled. "Right now we're trying to figure out what you do remember."

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the only one he doesn't remember. Not one god damn thing." I yelled as I leaned against the wall. Everyone shot me this look and I couldn't help the tears that started to fall. "It's... Es ist meine Schuld, nicht wahr? You had to make him forget me." (It's my fault, isn't it?) Anti started laughing and we all tensed up more. All except me...

"If Will's the one that did it... Why then would it be your fault?"

"Simple... Because I'm the one you forget entirely. There has to be a reason I was erased completely." I answered Anti even though I was pretty lost in my own mind to really realize we were having a conversation. "Es ist wahrscheinlich, weil ich Caleb geküsst habe... now that I think about it." (It's probably because I kissed Caleb...)

"Well, what did you do that for?" He laughed again I frowned. "I have no idea who this Caleb is or why a kiss would cause Will's actions but... If you're so sure it was that. Why'd you kiss him?"

"I didn't kiss him. Er küsste mich." I snapped back still lost to the world. "I would never kiss him." (He kissed me)

"That's not what you had said. You said you kissed him."

"I meant that-... Wait!" I snapped out of my mind realizing something and saw everyone just staring at the two of us completely lost and amazed at the same time. "Wie verstehst du mich?" (How do you understand me?) Anti shot me this confused look and laughed.

"Can't everyone understand you?" They all started shaking their heads and mumbling as Anti just shot them all looks. "Seriously, none of you know German."

"How..." He looked back over at me and my hands started to shake. "Why... How do you know German? For how long..."

"For several years. I'd say... at least over 10 if I remember correctly." He shot me this smile and I just stood there in shock. You mean for 10 years Anti has known everything I've said in my natural tongue. I could have had so many conversations with him just us privately so no one else could understand. How come he never told me. "As for why and how... I taught myself." He sighed running a hand through his hair for what felt like the hundredth time before continuing. "There was someone very close to me that spoke German." The air caught in my chest and everyone looked over at me. I never took my eyes off of him. "I wanted to be able to understand him. Those random times he would say something and laugh like he said a joke... I wanted to be able to know what they were so I could laugh too. I wanted to be able to know something about him since he knew so much about me but..." His eyes squinted as his hands went to his hair and I frowned. Tears started to fall from his eyes as he just stared at the floor. "I-I can't remember his name. W-Why can't I remember his name? O-Or his face... or his... I-I can't... I don't..." He whimpered a bit and Wilford jumped up next to Dark as Anti started to glitch a bit. "I remember... I remember how I felt. I-I rem̵em̵be̷r̶ eve̵r̵y̵t̸hin̶g̸ ̴I̸ ̶f̶e̷l̴t̴ ̷b̴u̸t̴.̴.̸.̵ ̶I̵ ̴c̶a̵n̷'̸t̴.̷.̴.̵ ̴I̵ ̶c̶a̸n̷'̷t̶ ̵r̴e̸m̴e̸m̴b̶e̸r̸ ̷h̷i̵m̶.̸" He cried out slamming his hands over his ears and Wilford's eyes went wide. "I̸t̶'̷s̴ ̸l̸o̷u̴d̸.̶ ̴I̴-̵I̶t̶'̵s̶ ̴s̴o̶ ̸f̸u̵c̶k̴i̶n̸g̸ ̵l̶o̶u̵d̸.̵ ̴W̵h̴y̷ ̴i̵s̶ ̵i̴t̶ ̴l̴o̴u̷d̵?̴ ̶W̸h̸y̶ ̶w̷o̵n̷'̴t̴ ̸t̷h̵e̵y̷.̸.̵.̶"

"Hey now..." He looked up to me reaching out for his hands and he just looked me in the eyes as I offered him a patient smile. "You're safe. Ok? Whatever they're telling you... You're safe." His eyes slowly went wide as I held his hands tightly in mine and he glanced down to just staring at them. "Anti?"

"It's quiet. The voices... They stopped." He pulled both our hands up moving them about as he stared with child-like intrigue. "It all went quiet when you..." He narrowed his eyes and glanced over at me. "You kissed Caleb."

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