7. Henrik

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"Oh my god... MARK!" I yelled as he fell over laughing. He's literally worse than Chase and Jackie. "What the hell were are you thinking?"

"He wasn't." Dark sighed as he slowly started picking up the mess Mark had made. Popcorn littered the floor in a buttery mess. "He never does."

"Hey... It was for a video." Mark laughed and Dark glared at him.

"Says the man bathing in butter and popcorn." Dark groaned and he glanced at the camera. "Did you even hit record." Marks eyes went wide and I facepalmed. "Like I said... You don't ever think." Dark shook his head as he threw the last of the floor popcorn away and I couldn't help but laugh. This wasn't the worst Marks done while I've been here. There was one video he was doing with Chika and let's just say she didn't like it. She got her revenge though. that night... in his blankets.

"Well, I usually have Amy help me with the camera but she's out right now..." Mark said as he struggled to get out of the tub completely covered in butter. I choked back another laugh as pieces of kernels and popcorn fell onto the floor Dark just cleaned. I watched as Dark cracked his neck and silently stared daggers into Mark who just smiled obliviously to the apparent anger his demon of rage had. "Wait... Why are you even hear Dark? You never told me..." Marks eyes went wide and he started to freak out. "Did I forget something really important? Did Anti attack you again or..."

"Mark..." My smile had fallen and Mark cringed seeing the pain in my eyes. Dark just sighed and frowned.

"No. You didn't forget anything. And no... Anti didn't attack me." He started rubbing the back of his neck as he awkwardly looked over at the floor. "Which, if I'm being honest, is worrying me. With everything going on, I thought he would have tried something by now."

"Wait... You want him to fight you? How does that help hi..." Dark shot me this look and I clammed up.

"Did he never explain who he was?" Dark asked as his confusion grew. I just narrowed my eyes and he sighed, shaking his head. "Anti's a demon of insanity."

"Yeah, I knew that much..."

"Well, that means he can never run from it. He will always be fighting his own mind." His eyes darkened a bit and he fixed his tie with a sigh. "Fighting me is how he realizes the stress. If he were to attack anyone else it would cause problems. That's why I allow him to. I even go so far as to sometime instigate his anger just so he something to focus on. However, I haven't seen him since the last time we fought."

"So... he... wait... I thought he fought you because he felt insecure." I was just speaking to myself really but Dark looked up at me with shock and I frowned. "He mentioned something about feeling weak."

"You should feel lucky you don't have your own mind screaming things at you twenty-four seven. The things I have to talk Wilford out of just because of his own head... It's hard for them. I'm sure Jack is away of his fragile state." His phone started ringing and he frowned seeing the caller Id. "He must be at least trying to keep things from upsetting him. Especially if he's losing his... grip." The phone started ringing again and he walked out as he answered it, leaving Mark and me alone together.

"He is right, you know." Mark said as he wrapped his robe around himself. His usual bright smile had turned into a sad one. "We care a lot about you all. Obviously... When I first met dark he... well he was evil." He looked back at the door and frowned. "It took a while but I got past that anger to see the man underneath. I know how fragile he is. How fragile they all are. Wilford more than most." He looked back at me and I frowned. "Take it from someone who knows. When it comes to Will, Dark is the only one that can get through to him if he snaps. Who does Anti have?" I opened my mouth to say something when Mark glanced at his watch and started to freak. "Holy shit, you're gonna be late. Hurry up and get ready you slow poke."

"You the one in a robe covered in butter and popcorn!"

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