15. Anti

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Walking into the store I could already feel the itching just below my skin. That's why I wanted to come here. LA has always been a safe haven for me but the market was a release. People rushing about trying to get what they needed before running off to whatever job or event they were already late for... It was nice. A chance to see the crazy in other people instead of this bit in myself. The lot... in myself.

"Anti?" I smiled over at Chase for the first time in days feeling a little bit better and his concerned look softened. "Ok, so..." He clapped his hands in excited curiosity and I laughed. "What are we getting?"

'Jack said we were out of milk.' I frowned in thought an rolled my eyes.

"We're also out of coffee and eggs, now that I think about it." They both looked over at me and I frowned. "Why don't you get those Chase? I'm gonna walk around a bit." His eyes narrowed with obvious anxiety and sighed. "It's ok Chase. If I start to lose it I'll come get you." I started to walk off without waiting for a response only to find a small hand on my arm. I turned to see JJ giving me a reassuring smile and I was quick to return it. "Yeah, I know. I not alone." Not physically anyway. Mentally... that's a whole other story.

I found myself staring at the alcohol when it started. At first, it was nothing. Just a few laughs here and there. Typical for me, since I had green skin and a slit throat. Everything either thinks I'm some kind of freak who thinks its Halloween all year round or a stupid cosplayer that forgot to take their cosplay off before leaving. Either way, they laugh and point and tease. I've gotten used to it by now. What I forgot about was JJ. He was a kid(ish) wearing old-timey clothes, completely in B&W, and to top it all off he's a mute. He's Jack's silent films ego. It would only make sense that he got teased too. So when I heard someone make a snarky comment about a kid in old man clothes, you could imagine what must have been going through my head.

"Did you're grampa make you wear that?" I frowned spotting James in the candy aisle getting cornered by two other kids. I say kids but to be honest all three look more like teens. 15 at the most. JJ included...

"And what's with the pocket watch?" I rolled my eyes and walked up closer putting my hand against Dapper's back. JJ tensed up and I just smiled as he looked back to see me. "Who..."

"You can call me Sam." Dapper's eyes went wide as I smiled brighter. The two boys eyed my neck and scowled. I'd hate to see their expression if they had one. I frowned hearing Sam's voice in my head again and I sighed. Bet he's loving that I called my self by the name I gave him. I mean everybody has an actual name except me. I'm Anti. AntiSamSepticeye... Oh ha ha. I looked over at Dapper to see him very worried and I sighed. There just kids what am I gonna do to them. I agree. I don't see the fun in killing kids... Let's just scar them so they have a constant reminder not to bully kids. No, let's not and say we actually have some morals in our insane head.

'Anti?' I narrowed my eyes as JJ signed my name and the other kids started laughing again.

"What's with the hand movements? We aren't dancing." James's eyes went dark and I frowned. I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"It's ok, Jameson." He took a step back and I just crossed my arms staring at the other two. "Did my brother hurt you?" James narrowed his eyes as the others laughed. I nodded. "Didn't hurt you. He did throw his pocket watch at your face?" James stomped his foot giving me this look but the others just kept laughing. "So my brother did nothing to you?"

"He couldn't, even if he tried. Look at him that freaks a damn wimp." I felt my hand clench in anger as James grabbed my arm. I just smiled and leaned in a bit closer.

"So why the F̶̼̑̀U̶̯͌C̷̤̎́Ḳ̵̈́͆ are you targeting him?" I forced my voice to glitch a little and their eyes went wide. I stood up straighter cracking my shoulders a bit and JJ started to tug on me obviously worried I would snap. I just pulled my arm free and cracked my knuckles. "Let me fix one thing though before you both ŕ̷̝͕ú̴͖̚ṇ̷̦̑̚ ̵̙̠̀̌o̴̞̹̕f̸̘̮́̏f̴͗̿ͅͅ." They shot each other this look and I laughed. "My brother could whoop both your asses with his eyes closed if he wanted. He's just too fucking nice to hurt a bunch of l̵͐͝ͅi̷̼͐͠m̴̫̎p̴̫̓ ̸̙̃ḑ̷́i̶̦̾c̶͇̍k̴̲̪͂̐ś̸̟̫ such as yourself. I, on the other hand..." James started to get very worried. "... am not as nice as him." They looked about ready to pee themselves as my eyes started to glow septic. I was just putting on a show of course. Yeah, cuz you won't even let me maim them. Give it up, Sam. Not even one scar. I could put it on there face so you know it won't kill them. Not gonna happen. "I won't hesitate to fuck up small shitsticks who have a d̵̹̔̽e̸̳̙͂͝a̵͚̍̋t̸̥̜̿͛h̵͕̏̚ ̴͍͐̍w̴̹̫̅i̸̪̔̀s̸̜͎̿̄h̵͖̮̆͊." They started to back up and I laughed again. "I mean you must want to die if you think picking on M̷̞͑Y̴̛̠ brother is something you should be doing."

"Is that a threat?" The tallest boy called as he took a step forward. He was trying to sound tough, showing the other he was brave and could take me but the way his voice cracked gave way to the fact he was terrified. Good. "Let's go, David."

"B-But Mathew..." The taller boy grabbed the other by the arm and started to pull him away when he looked back with hate in his eyes.

"We'll be back, asshole." I just laughed.

"Ǐ̵͇'̸̙̄ľ̵ͅl̴̘̂ ̷̳̇b̵̙͝ḛ̶͘ ̴̠̇w̸͎̎ä̸̘́ī̸̱t̶͂ͅi̸͖͝n̶̘̍ǵ̸͔." Jameson punched me lightly in the arm as I watched the other two run away and I frowned. He looked pissed at me.

'You shouldn't have done that.' I narrowed my eyes and started to walk away.

"I wasn't going to let some fuck farts call you a freak." His eyes went soft as he followed beside me and I smiled. "Besides seeing them squirm was pretty nice."

'ANTI!' I just laughed again as I spun around without watching and walking right into this lady.

"Sorry about that." I called as she spun around. She glared at me from beneath her glasses and already I could feel my skin start to crawl with anticipation. "Well, shit." Hey I know we both said no murdering kid regardless if there psycho little shits but... She ain't a kid. "I'm..."

"Too stupid to watch where you're going? Yes... you are." JJ stopped short his face turning white as my hands started to shake. Come on Anti. She asked for it. No, she didn't. It's ok. I'm ok. Being called stupid isn't that bad. Is the way she's glaring at JJ bad enough to murder the bitch? I narrowed my eyes seeing how she stared him up and down before her gaze rested on my neck. "You know it ain't Halloween. Maybe you little fucks should go back to where ever you came from."

'Anti...' I shook my head and took a deep breath trying to calm the buzz in my head.

"Look, I'm sorry for bumping into you. Now my brother and I really must be..."

"Oh Look who it is?" My face fell as I turned to see the same boys from before. We literally just saw them. Maybe they do want to die. "First you pick on us and now your causing trouble for our momma?"

"WHAT?" The way the lady yelled I knew there was no getting out of this. We said no to the snotfaces but... I never said I wouldn't kill a bitchy old hag of a mother like her.

"James, go get Chase." My hands started shaking bad as I stuffed them in my pants pockets. JJ looked up at me in confusion and went wide-eyed seeing the smile on my face growing. "Seriously bro... Go get Chase!" He nodded and took off running before anyone could stop him.

"You must be some kind of mental to pick on my sons." I just laughed feeling the insanity begin to wrap itself around me like a noose just waiting for me to step off the edge and dangle above the precipice of complete and total madness...

"You know... I just can't seem to disagree with you, lady."

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