25. Henrik

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"I'm ok, Henrik." He smiled brighter before glitching out. I turned to see him standing beside Jack with his arm around his shoulder. Jack just stood there so stiff, I was honestly worried. "What's up, Jack? You like you're about to get murdered." Anti started laughing at his own joke before moving his arm away from Jack. "It's ok. I can understand the anxiety."

"Anti? What are you..." He summoned his knife again and just held it pointed at Jack. Everyone went tense. And I do mean everyone, Anti included.

"I'm trying to prove a point. I just... Don't know if it's a point to me or you yet. Regardless, here I am." He moved over till he was standing in front of Jack with his knife pressed gently on jack chest. "You know, Jack... Normally by now, you would've run. Or has things changed... My memory is still spotty."

"I haven't run away from you for a long time." Jack responded as he took a deep breath standing his ground. Anti just smiled.

"Good, but you aren't that afraid of me either. Why is that?"

"You're still calling me Jack." Anti's eyes went wide but he never removed the knife. In fact, he pressed in more causing Jack to wince slightly. Chase absentmindedly took a step forward and I held my arm out telling him to stop. I don't quite understand it but... I don't think Anti will actually hurt Jack. He's testing himself. To see how far he'd go... to see if he actually wants to. "Anti..." Anti turned to look back at me and just smiled. He dropped the knife and spun around laughing like an idiot.

"I guess whatever Will did to my head must have been big huh. Considering not a single one of the voices are screaming at me to do it. Normally they wouldn't have shut up. Even Sam will say shit like give him something to be afraid about." I frowned as he kept laughing.

"Anti, who is Sam?" He pointed to his head and I narrowed my eyes.

"He's the character I created to put a face to my insanity. Think other personality that never actually get a chance to come out and say hi." He shrugged and laughed again. "Actually, now that I think about it. He isn't here." He started looking around and I raised an eyebrow at him. "That's odd. Usually, he's yelling at me for something." He stopped and glanced down at my shirt again and frowned. "Hernik... Are you... are you and... and Caleb..."

"Oh Gott nein! I want nothing more than to tritt diesen Idioten in den Arsch, right now." Anti laughed and I smiled.

"Good." He walked over and buried himself into me. I tensed up staring out at nothing in particular. Everyone watched us with varying emotions. I was just in shock. Anti has never... He's never... "I want you to stay with me."

"I did promise..." He shook his head as he pushed himself deeper and I frowned feeling drops of something fall onto my neck. He was crying. "Ich liebe dich." His head shot up and I could see the tears in his face as he was looked at me in total shock. I just smiled at him happily. I told him. I actually told him. And I knew he could understand me too. "Ich liebe dich, Anti." He looked down and slowly that look of shock morphed into one of pure elation. The smile he had was nothing short of miracle induced happiness. He buried himself into me again and I felt the world glitch out around me until I found myself sitting on this bed. I looked around to see we were in his room and I frowned slightly. It was a total mess. They weren't kidding. Anti really had snapped. My eyes caught this mess on the floor and my heart nearly stopped. He broke his mug. The mug I gave him as a gift... "Oh, Anti..."

"Shh, Henrik." He hugged me tighter as we fell back just laying on the bed. "No, guilt, No pain. No voices. Just us ok?" I glanced over to see him practically falling asleep and I laughed. He looked so peaceful. I pulled him in tighter until his head was resting on my chest and he sighed out a relieved breath. His body seemed to relax more and more until... "I love you too, Henrik."

My eyes went wide in shock as he fell asleep in my arms. He... He said he loved me. I looked down to see his sleeping expression. He had this happy little smile. It was infectious. I could help but smile at the thought. He said he loved me.

The guilt took over just as fast. He loved me and I left him. I left him when he needed me. I felt him shudder a bit in my arms and I looked down to see that smile turning into one of anxiety. I just rolled onto my side and held him tight. I placed a small kiss on his forehead and felt him shudder again before sighing out in his sleep.

"Don't worry, Anti. I'm never leaving you again."

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