6. Anti

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'He's gone. Are you happy now, Anti? Henrick is gone. He left without saying a single goodbye. He was fed up with you weak ass and he left. All because you couldn't man up and get with the program' No... That isn't true. He got a job offer. He couldn't just pass it up. I should be happy for him. 'HE LEFT YOU, ANTI! He left without saying goodbye. What happened to that promise, huh? The one you two made when you were younger.' Things are different now. We aren't children. He doesn't... 'He PROMISED you. You keep throwing about that promise you made to Jack, but when someone breaks one to you it all right and dandy. Double standards are only nice when your the one profiting.'

"Anti?" I could see Jack's mouth move but I couldn't actually hear anything. Sam just stood there glaring at me from across the table.

'He swore to you he would never leave you behind. He swore he would always be by your side. He swore...'

"He was my friend... Why?" Chase and Jack shot each other anxious and concerned glances as I wiped the tears from my eyes smiling. "The moron."

"Anti..." Sam slammed his hands onto the table and I jumped slightly causing Chase to pull out his gun. He didn't point it at me but I didn't care. I wasn't even paying them any attention. To be honest I forgot they were there. I couldn't see anyone but Sam.

'OPEN YOUR EYES ANTI! He wouldn't leave you. Do you really think your the only person that would take promises so seriously? You're a demon. If anything you should be doing the opposite.'

"What..." The world around me started to get hazy as Sam just shook his head.

'He wouldn't leave you behind. They said themselves. They expected him to talk you with him but now he's just gone?! Think about it. Wilford took him to L.A? Why would he do that?'

"Dark..." I growled feeling my body start to glitch worse. I could hear a gun click but my mind was still focused on Sam.

'I would bet everything that Dark was there when he left..." He finished it with air quotes and I started to burn with anger. 'So what are you gonna do about it, Anti. You're weak and pathetic, getting your ass kicked every fucking time by that god damn politician. You WON'T beat him. You won't EVER see the doctor again.' He pretended to push up fake glasses and fixed an imaginary tie. 'Now... How does that make you feel?' He growled out with a sick smile. I cracked my neck and watched as he slowly disappeared laughing loudly. "FINALLY!"

"H-He'͘s̸ g̀o̢ne?̸" I was in utter shock. I felt myself snap and I burst out laughing as I stared at the celing. "He͏'s҉ ͞g͏one͏.̸ J̡usţ.̢.̢.͟ po̶o̸f?" I mimicked a small explosion with my hands and watched a small puff of green smoke just puffed out in response.

"ANTI!" I looked over at Chase with a smile and I saw the horror in his eyes. He held the gun higher and aimed it right at me without the slightest hesitation.

"Oooh͝,̡ s̀o͡m͢e͞o͢ne ͟want͟s̢ to͝ ̢pl҉a͞y." I cocked my head to the side and he fired. I glitched out and appeared behind him grabbing his neck in my hand and slamming down on the table hard. He groaned out falling to the floor holding his bleeding head as I just stood the with a neutral expression. "T͟o͘͢ǫ̛ b͘͟ad ̷͜Í҉ ̵d̶͟o̧n̶'̷͢t͜͟ w̨͘͜a̛͞n̶͡҉t ̸̀͟t̵o.͜"

"Anti..." I looked over to see Sean just sitting there at the table looking sad. He was just staring at his hands not even reacting to Chase who tried to reach for his gun. I socked him right in the face and watched him drop like a bag of bricks. I thought Chase was stronger... Dumbass. "I'm sorry."

"W̶ha͞t̴?̧" Sean looked up at me and he took a deep breath.

"I said I'm sorry. You tried so hard and now..." I laughed and glitched out right in front of him. He didn't even flinch. I reached out a traced my finger under his chin, with a sick smile.

"D͝on͝'̸t f҉ee̴l̛ so͏r͢r͝y, ͡Sean." His eyes went wide as I said his name and his eyes went dark. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as traced my nail across his neck laughing. He tensed up and I moved back with my hands up. "Mayb͢e ̸l͢a͘tér.҉ Ŕi͞gh͡t nǫw̡ ͏I ha͟ve a̕ po͏l̵i̴t͏i̡c͟i̕a̧n ̢to in̡te͠r͟r̴oga͏te."

"Anti don't..."

"S̴̸̢̛̞̖͕̕͜H̴̶̡͎͎͗̈͜͠Ư̸̱Ț̶͉͒̏҉̸̛͉̱ ̴̸̸̸̡̖͓̣̭̜̎́̎́̚͞Ǘ̵̵͍̞͊͜͠P̷̷̢̰͍̥̈́͒͂̚̕!̵̵̶̵̡̟̥̗̍́͂̋̋͠" I screamed glitching out so bad that everything glitched around me and kicked the table too hard it flipped right over Chase who was still out on the floor. "D͟o̡ņ̵͢'͏̕̕t̷̢͝ y̵̛͟où̵͘ ̴͡D̛͞A͡R̡͢È̸̸ ͡͏t̢e͡l̕͞l ͢ḿ̧e w̛h́͘at̶ ̴̡͡to̸͢ ̷̶do̧͘.҉"

I let myself glitch out of existence and watched as the world melted around me till I popped up in front of the very house I always seem to find myself. His home... The bastard that just can't fucking D̷̨͉̬̪̾͑I̸̖͉̦̊E̵̻̮̎͜. I spotted Wilford through the window and I frowned. Wilford Warfstache. The one man that's insane and deadly but too pure to hate. He's killed countless, many just because they said the wrong thing near him and he got confused. But yet... everyone loves him. He's a fucking puffball. I think it's time to trim the puff down... d̸̹̄ò̸̹n̸̯̒'̶̦͐t̷̟̿ ̷͎͒y̵̛͚o̴̪͝ù̷̟?̸̯̒

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