17. Chase

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I stood there staring at the alcohol and frowned. I told myself I wasn't going to step foot in this aisle. At first, everything was fine... but in the end... I didn't listen. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the shelf and felt myself shutter as the cool glass touched my skin. It wouldn't be too bad if I bought some right? I mean... I have been sober for quite some time. Things are getting a bit crazy with Anti so... It wouldn't hurt to relax and have a bottle or...

No, Chase. I sighed placing the bottle back on the shelf as the feeling of guilt tore through me. Anti is struggling and fighting against his urges and insanity, and here I was about to give into mine. How would that be helpful? I need to get out of this aisle before I really do end up buying some and regretting everything. I turned around only to be met with JJ giving me this horrified look and I frowned.

"Don't worry..." I laughed as I threw my hands up. "I'm not gonna buy any..." I stopped as he started to shake his head furiously signing so fast I couldn't keep up. "Hey... James.. Slow down so I can understand."

'Anti.' My eyes went wide as he ran over to grab my hand. 'He told me to get you. Something's wrong.'

"What happened?" I finally asked as he led me outside.

'There were these two mean kids. Anti stepped in to stop them from bullying me but...' I narrowed my eyes as he froze his eyes going wide as he pointed over towards the cars. I spotted Anti against a car door with this sick smile on his face as this guy had his hand around his neck. I tensed up. 'There wasn't an issue until he bumped into their mother.'

"ANTI!" I yelled out and Anti looked over. His smile dropped a little and I could feel his anxiety pulse through the air. Anxiety... not insanity. This woman stepped in front of the man holding Anti and I froze seeing her look of Rage. "Move."

"Not on you're life, Asshole. This freak threatened my poor innocent sons." Anti started laughing and I cringed.

'Innocent? They were being very mean.' JJ signed and I frowned. The woman just scowled. 'Anti was just trying to get them to stop.'

"What's with the hands, kid? This ain't no dance recital." I clenched my fist in anger as JJ slowly stopped stuffing his hands in his pockets and I frowned.

"HEY, BITCH!" Anti cried out calling all our attention. "It's called sign language. You know, cuz he's mute. MAYBE YOU KNOW THIS ONE!" He flipped her off and the guy slammed him harder against the car causing the alarm to start going off. It was loud and annoying. I could see Anti twitch and I freaked.

"Anti..." He narrowed his eyes taking a deep breath and smiled.

"I'm ok, Chase." He grabbed the dudes wrist and his eyes started to glow septic. "I'm good." He whispered out as he ripped the guy's wrist off his neck. "I'm fine." I repeated as he pulled the guy in kneeing him right in the gut with this smile on his face and watched him fall. He looked back over at me and I tensed up seeing the insanity in his eyes. Still... I saw it but... I felt nothing but fear radiating off of him. "No need to worry."

"Jameson said you asked him to get me." He narrowed his eyes in confusion and I frowned.

"Did I?" James nodded and he laughed, knocking his head a little in a way I've seen Will do a lot. "My bad. I must have forgotten. I'm good though."

"No, you ain't!" The woman tried to punch Anti but he just glitched out of the way popping back up in front of me facing her and I frowned. He definitely was not ok. He told me he would come get me if he started to lose it... At least that how I took it. So why ask James to get me if he was fine? Why look so crazy if you weren't snapping? "What the..."

"I'm over here." He waved a bit as she turned around looking completely terrified.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER!" His face fell and I cringed. He slowly put his hand behind his back with a neutral face and the fear I felt disappeared into a sudden blast of cold and crazy.


"I'm fine Chase. I'm ok. Right?" He glanced over to the side of him and smiled a bit as if hearing something and I frowned. "Right. I told you, Chase. I'm totally..."

"PSYCHO!" A small spark of green fire enveloped in his hand as a knife appeared and He just smiled wickedly.

"ANTI!" He narrowed his eyes and looked back at me in confusion.

"I. AM. FINE!" I glanced at the knife in his hands and he scoffed. "This bitch has it..." His eyes went wide and he froze up slightly shaking as he just stared at the ground. "Chase..."

"You really are a fucking freak!" I glared at the woman as Anti started to shake even more. His eyes flashing as his grip on the knife tightened.

"Ch-Chase..." He looked up at me in horror and my blood went cold. "R-Room. Now..." His eyes got even wider as his eyes glowed so bright I doubt he could actually see right now.

"JAMES!" JJ grabbed both our arms teleporting us away so fast. The second everything cleared Anti fell to his knees and I grabbed JJ's arm quickly pulling him out of the room and shutting the door so fast.

'Chase...' Screams erupted out of the room and we both jumped. It sounded as though things were thrown about. Something hit the door and I jumped back pulling JJ in, just staring at the door.

"What the hell happened to him?" I turned to see Marvin standing there and I frowned. Another thing got thrown at the door and Marvin just frowned. "He's losing his grip."

"How are we supposed to help him?" Marvin sighed and looked away. "Marv..."

"According to Dark. We can't."

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