20. Henrik

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"WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" I yelled dragging Caleb in by the collar of his shirt and cringing at the unfortunate echo my statement had. Everyone in the room seemed to tense up in shock as I looked over to see Chase and JJ giving me this look. Dark was the first to react.

"Henrik? What happened?" I scoffed throwing his brother into him and I crossed my arms just glaring at the pathetic excuse for a physician.

"Fragen Sie Ihren Bruder." I growled out and Caleb's face paled. Everyone's face paled. My German accent coming out so much thicker as the rage burned through me. "Wenn Anti nicht gewesen wäre, hätte ich ihn selbst getötet."

"Henrik we can't understand you..." He stopped for a second before his eyes narrowed and I Caleb tensed up again. "You mentioned Anti?' Caleb started to get up and I cracked my neck feeling this intense rage take over. No doubt my eyes had turned reptilian. There is a reason people call me a cold-blooded doctor. Even if I don't show it, I'm not exactly human. My anger was just making it impossible to keep up with the illusion. "Henrik?"

"Dieser Scheißkerl kissed me." Caleb threw his arms up and I laughed. He looked terrified. GOOD! Anti he... Oh god.

"SCHNEEP!" I stumbled back slightly as all that anger turned to heartbreak and I couldn't stop the tears.

"I... I just wanted to help." I narrowed my eyes as Caleb let his arms drop. Dark looked completely livid. I think he got the jist of it now. "You were just so... hurt. I thought if you could just forget about him for one second..."

"HE WAS THERE!" Chase met my eyes for a split second before they went wide. "Ich schwöre bei Gott, Caleb!"

"Anti was with you?" I nodded as I looked a the floor and saw JJ start to freak out. Though, I wasn't looking to see what he was signing. Unfortunately, I couldn't get myself to care. All I could see was Anti. I couldn't get his face out of my head. The tears that fell from his eyes. "Henrik your shirt!" I frowned looking down completely having forgotten the pain in my chest. It was all bt gone... the physical pain anyway. He didn't mean it... He was hurt... I hurt him so... So he tried to hurt me but... He stopped. He stopped. He broke... No. He was broken... by someone. "Shit dude. I knew there was a problem."

"Yes, you popped up yelling the same as Henrik, didn't you?" Chase nodded as Dark nonchalantly grabbed Caleb and threw him into the couch beside Wilford who seemed to be watching everything with concern. His eyes no longer held that icy chill and instead with back to being lively. At least someones feeling better. I feel like shit. I feel sick.

"Anti had a breakdown earlier. He..." I was broken. I wasn't aware of my surroundings but my mind held onto every word said as though they were the only thing keeping me up... keeping me breathing. "He nearly went after this couple... COMPLETELY DESERVING OF WHATEVER ANTI HAD PLANNED BY THE WAY!" I didn't even jump. I heard Dark sigh and I moved over to lean against the wall as Chase frowned. "Sorry... It's just. They were total dicks."

"Niemand hat es verdient zu leiden." Their eyes narrowed as I took a long shakey drawn out breath and sighed feeling my body start to break down. I couldn't tell you if I was referring to Anti or his 'possible victims'. But considering the tear-stained broken face that plagued me, I assumed it what was him. "No one deserves to suffer." I repeated in English and Chase knit his eyebrows.

"Normally I'd agree but when you have a brother against a car with an arm to his throat looking like their about to kill him over protecting another one of your brothers you tend to forget things like morals and empathy." I was taken back by how stern and emotionless Chase sounded as he crossed his arms glaring at nothing in particular. "Hearing them call him monster and psycho when he hadn't done anything yet. I was more then willing to look the other way... cover my ears and walk away as if nothing was happening but Anti would only get hurt in the end. So I pushed... I-I pushed trying to get him to see he was cracking. He seemed oblivious. Insisted he was fine even as he summoned a knife." I inadvertently tensed up remembering how Anti waisted no time summoning one with me. "The dude was clearly bloodthirsty but he... He stopped." Dark's eyes narrowed and I looked at the floor. "I don't know why. It was like he snapped out of it. Just long enough to tell us to get him out of there."

'When he got back to his room he stopped functioning.' JJ continued as Chase seemingly fell into the background more than happy to let the younger ego take over. 'Anti snapped the moment we got back. Screams... Th-The screams that came through his door... We were scared.'

"Well, that explains why he popped in." Dark growled as his aura fluctuated with concern. His worry was etched deep into his features even Will started to fidget. Even he could tell something was wrong. "He was breaking at the seams. I... I told him to go find you..."

"Anti... is like me?" Dark's eyes went wide as we all looked back toward Wilford who voice sounded so small... so unlike him.

"Wilford, how..." Will smiled as Dark frowned.

"I'm not oblivious, Dear. I am forgetful... unfeeling... a-and... worse at times, but I am not oblivious. And I... I do not forget everything. I did not forget as much as you believed." Will's eyes seem to flash and Dark narrowed his eyes in concern more with what Wilford is implying. "You always have that look when I do things that I don't always remember. Bits and pieces here and there as the voices start back up... They always start back up." His eyes went wide as he looked over at me. "D-Does Anti deal with the voices too?" I looked away and I frowned. "We need to..."

"No, Hun." Dark called a little more forcefully that he may have needed. He fixed his tie and sighed. "All will be well, I promise." That's when it all clicked. I couldn't hold back the slight whimper as my body shuttered. I started to leave when a hand went to my shoulder holding me back. "Henrik?"

"I have to go find him." His eyes darkened as everyone else shot each other glances and I frowned. "I have to..."

"Henrik, I do not believe it wise." Dark started to push his usual proper mannerisms as Will just narrowed his eyes as his partner. "Anti is not well..."

"GENAU!" He shot me this strange look and I sighed running my hand through my blue hair. "Anti is out there somewhere. He's hurt, upset, and not in control of himself anymore. I can't eave him..."

"But that's EXACTLY what you did!" I tensed up seeing the rage and worry in Dark as he stood there glaring and I frowned.

"You're right... You've been right this whole damn time. IST DAS, WAS SIE HÖREN WOLLEN, DARK?!" I shoved my hands into my pant pockets as this weight fell over top of me. No, it was not sudden... I just hadn't noticed how hard it was to breathe till now. "I have to try. I have to go find him. I..."


"I FUCKING LOVE HIM, Sie scheißen für Gehirne!" He froze up as I stood there holding myself from lashing out at him. "Ich liebe ihn." It was the first time I had ever voiced my feeling allowed. Sure I had discovered and accepted my feelings for the glitchy ego long ago but I never once said it out loud. Not even to my self in confidence. This was the first time. It sounded sad... almost like the goodbye I never actually gave. "I love him, Dark. I can't..."

"Guys?" We all spun around to see Wilford eyes wide in fear as this air glitched around him. Anti...

"ANTI!" It seems Dark had the same suspicions. His eyes turned pitch black just as a shaky and overly glitchy arm reached out around him clutching a knife so hard I swear he was going to break his hand. Green eyes flashed and just before Dark could get to Wilford he was gone. Pulled back into nothingness Anti seemed to have pushed out off. "WILFORD!"

"Na scheiße!"

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