4. Henrik

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"Welp... This is it. Today's the day." I looked over at everyone and rolled my eyes. I was just going to L.A. It's not like they couldn't all popup and say hi. I mean Jack literally goes to the real world every freaking day. Speaking of Jack...

"I called Mark. He said he has a spare room at least until you can get on your feet. Dark has let Caleb know you're on your way and Amy said she is baking you a ton of cookies." I smiled and shook my head. Of course, She's baking. I'm one of Jack's egos so clearly that means I must love sweets as much as he does... I mean, I do like them... with some coffee. I don't care. I'm just happy they care at all. "Have you spoken to him?"

"What?" Jacks smile fell and I frowned. "No... He hasn't left his room. I didn't see the reason for pushing him."

"You are going to say goodbye to him right?" I laughed and Jack just glared at me. "Henrik..."

"I wouldn't leave him without saying goodbye first." I wouldn't leave him at all... if I thought I was actually helping him. My smile slowly fell as Jack walked away with everyone leaving me alone with my thoughts. I looked back towards the stairs and frowned. That's the thing though. I clearly wasn't helping him. All those time he would come in hurt, and I would run to help him... He would come home even worse later on. To think... He thinks I think he's weak. That I think he's fragile. He only pushed himself hard at fighting to prove something I already knew to be true.

I found myself staring at his door before I even realized I had moved. He thought I actually thought he needed me. He's a demon. They heal... They can't even die. I just... I wanted to help. I NEEDED to help him. I care for him.

"S̵͇̖͑H̷͚͝Ǔ̷̟Ţ̵̅ ̷̜͍̅̈́T̵̰̜̈͑H̷̪̝͂̀E̸͇͖̾̏ ̵̗̾͋F̵̰̯͠U̴̠̭̒C̵̙͔̊̈K̵̮̪̈́ ̸̳͆U̸͖͌̔P̴̭̝̂,̷̧̘̑͌ ̵͖͗S̶̻͕͒͗A̸͍͑M̴͕̚!̷͍̭̋͆" I froze as Anti's voice boomed through the door. Sam? Who's... "I don't care... I don't. So just shut up." I took a step back and frowned. "I'm not weak. N̶̢͕̾Ő̴͇̩ ̴̰̃I̴̦̪͘ ̷̙͐̉Å̵͖͚M̶͔̜̋ ̴͓̈́̍N̸̠͗̀O̵̢̜̕T̵̡̓̉!̸͙̳̍ " My eyes went wide as I heard something crash. I wanted to rush in there and make sure he's ok but that is the very reason he's hurting. "Shit..." I felt myself slide down the wall until I hit the floor. "Shut up. I made a promise." I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.

"Who are you talking to?" I whispered as I ran a hand through my hair.

"I won't... hurt him... SAM I WON'T DO IT! FUCK OFF!" I frowned and forced myself up. Damn... I had come to say goodbye but... I didn't realize how far he'd fallen backwards. I drove him back by just trying to help him. Maybe it wouldn't be a good thing for him to see... or for me to say goodbye. If I'm not here... he might actually be able to push past this.

"I'm sorry, Anti." I whispered as I rested my head on his door for a second. "You're stronger than you know. Don't let me be the reason you lose." I sighed as I pushed myself away from the door and started down the stairs. "Goodbye, Love..."

'SCHNEEP!' I was rushed by this small kid signing my name and I laughed as he buried his head into me. He pulled away with this pout and I smiled. 'You're leaving us?'

"Yeah, sorry about that. I forgot to tell you. Don't worry though, Dapper. I'm just going to L.A." He narrowed his eyes and I sighed. "Yeah. I know it's in the real world but that means nothing for you. You can teleport." He looked down before smiling.

'So where's Anti? I'm sure he's going to love it in L.A. We could all hang out together. Why don't we all go see a movie together?' My smile fell and his hands dropped. He looked at me with this confused look and I shook my head. 'Is Anti not going with you?'

"No, I'm going alone." His confusion grew even more and I just wanted to run.

'But... But I thought you were going to go together. You told me you only took the job because you thought it would be good for him to get out of this place. You told me you...'

"Look, Jameson, things... changed. Ok? I have to go. Dark isn't going to wait around forever and you know he isn't going to let Wilford go without him." I started walking past him when he grabbed my arm. I looked back and he smiled sadly.

'I'll keep an eye on him for you, ok? So don't worry.' I nodded and he let go, letting me finally say goodbye to everyone else. Surprisingly Chase actually started to tear up. Jackie was a mess, as per usual. Robbie didn't really understand and Marvin well... he was still upset that I wouldn't let him take me. It's not that I was against the idea. It's just... When Wilford found out about the offer he made me promise to let him take me and if I broke that promise, making Wilford upset... Dark would have my throat so... better to just let the Pink haired fool take me.

"You're late." I narrowed my eyes at Dark who was just standing there next to Wilford staring up at a window. I glanced up to see Anti pacing back and forth and Dark sighed. "He wasn't hurt... to badly was he?"

"Yeah... he was." Dark frowned and Wilford just looked between the two of us confused. "It's fine though. He's stronger than he looks. Can we just go... please?"

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