22. Henrik

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I couldn't tell you what was going on. The moment Wilford was taken everything went chaotic. JJ went to go get Jack. Dark freaked out so much not even Mark could get him to see reason. Chase paced around the room clenching and unclenching his fist obviously wanting a drink but holding himself back. I... I went numb... so very numb. Anti... MY ANTI... is out there somewhere with Wilford doing god knows what. I just want...

"Well don't you all look like sad sacks of sorry smiles." I spun around to see Wilford standing there and next thing I knew Dark had him in his arms. I never saw the dark ego so in tears but you couldn't deny how strongly he felt about the other. Wilford just laughed as he bopped the crying man on the nose. "Silly sour puss, I'm right as rain."

"Are you sure? Anti didn't..." Will's eyes flashed and Dark froze seeing Wills smile turn into a frown. "Will?"

"I told you, Dear. I'm fine." His voice was soft as he glanced over at me. "He just needed some assistance. That's all."

"THAT'S ALL! Will Anti is not..."

"He seemed rather fine to me." His nose scrunched up a bit and he sighed. "Well, not fine. He was totally NOT fine but he wasn't trying to kill me. Just... needed help."

"Help with what?" I whispered as Dark finally let go of his partner. Will's eyes fell and my chest seized up on me. "He killed someone didn't he?"

"Oh, no... He didn't kill anyone." I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "He managed to stop before then."

"He stopped?" Will looked back up at Dark with a smile and nodded.

"Yes, Dear. There were two bodies but both were breathing when I left. The kids were fine..." KIDS?! My heart nearly stopped and Will just laughed as he recounted. "There wasn't a scratch on either of them. Though they were quite nasty. No respect at all for people trying to help them. Thankfully none of them will be remembering anything. I've taken care of..."

"WILL!" My breathing literally stopped as Will looked back out the door. I could see Dark's aura flare out and I wanted nothing more than to run out there. It was no denying who that voice belonged to. "WILL!"

"Looks like he's up." Will called out before starting to leave. Dark grabbed his arm and Will shot him a look. "It's alright, Dark. He's safe... I think."

"That's not very..." Will smiled cutting Dark off and the man just sighed letting the smiley ego go. We all slowly followed him out of the kitchen and back into the living room. I froze the moment I saw him. Anti was just sitting there on the couch looking terrified. He glanced at everyone and that fear only grew. His eyes met mine for only a second but that second my heart skip a beat. Unfortunately...

It didn't look to have done anything for him.

"It's ok Antisepticeye." I frowned. Nobody calls him by his whole name anymore, so why was...

"Will? I'm confused." Wilford walked over and sat beside the other giving him this smile. He wasn't the only one. "Why are we here?"

"This is my home, Antisepticeye." Anti narrowed his eyes looking around again and frowned. "It's ok. You're safe here."

"Everyone is staring at me." I looked over to see Dark narrowing his eyes and I frowned. Something is obviously not right. "Why..."

"SO WHAT HAPPENED WITH ANTI?!" Jack and JJ popped up and Anti's eyes went huge. Jack just froze seeing his dark ego sitting there and I could see the confusion and fear building.

"SEAN!" Anti jumped up with this huge smile and Wilford got this look of confusion. Anti ran over pulling Jack into a hug and Jack visibly flinched causing Anti to pull away with his own look of confusion. "Sean? Did I do something... Why'd you flinch?"

"Why'd you call me Sean?" Anti's confusion only grew... so did mine.

"That's your name. Isn't it? Is there something else I should be calling you?" Anti stepped back a bit seeing the shock in Jack's eyes and Will laughed again on the couch.

"He goes by Jack, Anti." Anti looked back sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"He does? Why didn't I remember that?" Dark's eyes went wide as he looked at Will again and Will tensed up seeing Dark had figured something out. I was still confused. "No matter. I know now." Anti frowned, looking back over at Jack, and narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Is everything ok, Jack?"

"He's just a little shocked is all, Anti." Will once again called over grabbing Anti's attention. "We were worried something may have happened with you."

"What would've have happened? Does this have to do with that room filled with blood? Was that me..." Will's eyes darkened and I snapped a bit.

"Anti..." He snapped back a bit looking over at me and I narrowed my eyes in confusion. I was fully expecting him to try and kill me but he just looked scared. "I just... I don't know how to..."

"Do I know you?" My heart shattered. My eyes no doubt flashed by the look on his face and I looked away. "Will?"

"Wilford, what the fuck did you do?" Dark growled and I frowned looking up at the two.

"I was helping... honestly that was my only intention." Dark started shaking his head and Wilford put his hands on his hip glaring at the other. "You weren't there Dark. You didn't see how broken he was."

"Broken?" Will's face fell as Anti sat back down on the couch staring at his hands shaking. "I was... broken?" He flinched slightly and Will sighed.

"It'll be fine. I promise. His is... temporary. I hope."

"YOU HOPE?!" I yelled causing them to flinch and I started shaking in anxious concern... fearful worry. "What did you do?"

"I took his heartache, Henrik." My eyes went wide as Anti scrunched his nose up in confusion. "By making him forget it. The only problem is I can't... I can't be sure of what else he forgot."

"Well, he forgot me." I whispered causing Anti to frowned. Will just sighed.

"You aren't the only one. He forgot me too." I narrowed my eyes and he laughed. "I had to remind him. In fact... Jack, there, is the only person he can remember as far as I'm aware."

"That could just be because he's his creator... the original." Dark intersected as I tried really hard to take everything in.

'So... He's forgotten me too?' Jameson signed as he walked out to be more a part of the group. Chase just stood there in silence not wanting to make anything worse. But I could see the pain in his own eyes... He was happy Anti may have forgotten all the shit Chase caused him but he was hurting that that was only because he might have forgotten about him completely. He cares about Anti a lot. We're all one big family. 'I was so worried, Anti. I... I'm just glad you're ok." JJ gave Anti a sad smile as Anti watched him with growing confusion.

"Aw... JJ. I don't think he can understand you anymore..."

"Why were you worried?" Anti asked cutting Will off and JJ's smile turned brighter. This meant they could still communicate. This meant that even if Anti didn't remember, JJ could help him to. "I told you I always come back."

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