8. Dark

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I teleported home the minute I heard how broken his voice was. Willford... My Will sounded as if the very act of saying my name could cause him to die right then and there. It was raspy... rough... coated with intense fear.

The moment I popped back home my heart dropped. Our home looked like a crime scene. Lamps shattered... pillows ripped and strewn about. The table was overturned and covered in marks. The walls were littered with gunshot holes. But not a speck of blood anywhere.

I walked through the house, hearing the crunch of glass beneath my feet, as I made my way to the front door. Seeing the way it hung loosely off the hinges, It made me feel fear. Something I rarely ever feel...

I walked out of the house only to be greeted with a fog. One so thick it clogged your throat and made you choke. I could hear someone crying and I tensed up. I watched as the fog started to clear a bit to reveal an uninjured but petrified Wilford just standing there with tears in his eyes. The moment his eyes met mine he smiled with pure relief only to look behind him in horror.

"W̸e̶l̸l̸.̷.̵.̴ ̵W̵e̷l̵l̸.̸.̸.̶ ̵W̷e̴l̸l̵.̸.̸.̸ ̷L̸o̸o̵k̸ ̷y̷o̸u̴ ̷f̵i̷n̶a̸l̴l̸y̴ ̶d̶e̶c̵i̶d̷e̴d̷ ̶t̶o̶ ̴j̴o̶i̸n̷ ̶u̸s̵.̴" My throat closed up seeing an arm wrap around Will's neck. The fog slowly dissipated some more and my blood went cold as I saw that glowing septic eye I knew too well. Anti leaned in whispering in Wilfords ear as he smiled wickedly. "D̴o̴n̶'̶t̶ ̵y̷o̸u̴ ̸j̵u̴s̸t̶ ̴l̷o̸v̵e̶ ̴a̴ ̸m̴a̸n̶ ̴l̶i̷k̴e̸ ̷h̸i̷m̶?̸" He moved himself over to the other side of Wilford and messed with Wills hair forcefully. "O̷f̵ ̴c̶o̴u̶r̴s̵e̷ ̵y̷o̶u̷ ̶d̶o̷.̴ ̷Y̵o̸u̴ ̶m̶a̶r̸r̴i̵e̷d̸ ̷h̴i̶m̸.̸"

"Damien..." I took a step forward unconsciously, breaking at the pain in his voice. Anti just smiled, waving his finger in the air.

"I̶ ̷w̴o̸u̴l̵d̶n̴'̵t̶ ̸d̸o̶ ̸t̶h̵a̴t̷ ̵i̸f̸ ̶I̷ ̷w̷e̷r̷e̴ ̷y̴o̷u̵,̸ ̶D̷a̷r̶k̶y̴.̴" He giggled as he grabbed the back of Wills' neck and forced him to his knees. I felt my blood begin to boil as my anger began to flare. "I̵'̶v̸e̸ ̴b̸e̶e̴n̵ ̴o̸h̸ ̶s̶o̴ ̸g̵e̴n̸t̶l̸e̷ ̴w̸i̵t̴h̶ ̸h̸o̷w̷ ̷I̵ ̵h̶a̸n̴d̷l̸e̵d̷ ̵W̵i̸l̶l̷ ̴h̴e̸r̷e̶ ̷b̴u̴t̶.̴.̵.̸" He pushed him forward causing Will to be in a begging position as he just crossed his arms grinning evilly. "T̷e̸s̸t̸ ̴m̵e̶ ̴a̸n̶d̶ ̶I̴ ̷m̸i̶g̷h̴t̶ ̵j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̷f̵o̶r̷g̷e̶t̴ ̶t̴h̷a̴t̸ ̴u̶n̸s̴p̶o̶k̵e̷n̷ ̸a̸g̷r̶e̸e̷m̶e̵n̵t̴ ̸w̷e̶ ̷h̷a̷d̴.̷"

"Anti..." He clicked his tongue and I narrowed my eyes.

"W̷h̷e̷r̵e̵ ̸i̴s̵ ̵h̷e̷,̴ ̷D̶a̵r̷k̴?̸" Will looked up at him and then at me with fear and confusion. He knew something was up. I could sense it too. Somethings wrong. There's this difference in his aura. Is a darker shade. He narrowed his eyes and held up a knife he just summoned. "I̸ ̷s̴u̸g̴g̴e̸s̸t̵ ̷y̸o̶u̶ ̵a̸n̶s̷w̸e̸r̶."

"What are you talking about?" His smile twisted into one of pure utter toxic insanity and it hit me. He lost control. But if that's the case... Why still attack me?

"G̴̶̸o̴̴̷o̵̷̷d̶̸̶,̷̷̴ ̷̴̵p̵̷̵l̶̶̴a̶̷̵y̵̸̴i̴̸̸n̸̶̵g̸̸̸ ̷̸̵d̴̷̷u̸̵̷m̷̶̸b̷̷̷.̷̸̷" He glitched out of existence only to appear behind me less than a second later. "̷I̴ ̶w̷a̶n̶t̶e̸d̵ ̵t̷o̸ ̸f̶o̶r̶c̷e̵ ̸i̶t̴ ̶o̸u̶t̵ ̴o̷f̸ ̸y̶o̸u̷ ̷a̵n̷y̵w̷a̵y̶.̷" I spun around summoning my cane and sending through him. He just laughed as his image glitched, my cane not even making a dent as he disappeared again. "I̴ ̴w̷a̷n̶t̴ ̶t̸o̴ ̴h̴e̵a̷r̵ ̸y̷o̴u̴ ̷s̸c̷r̷e̶a̶m̶ ̵t̵h̶r̶o̵u̶g̸h̵ ̵t̸h̶e̷ ̴b̸l̷o̶o̵d̴.̸"

I felt a knife slice against my skin cutting into my side and I had to choke back a cry of pain. I couldn't see him. I couldn't sense him. Not even his aura was visible. The only flicker I would catch was right at the moment his knife cut me. I was looking around trying to get something. Anything that might help me get an edge over him but all I kept getting was cut up. My arms... My legs... My face... My shirt was all torn and my face bleeding.

"Damien!" Will reached out for me and Anti just laughed. Next thing I knew he had his legs wrapped around me doing that hurricanrana move I see on wrestling. Wilford enjoys it. I find it tasteless. Real battles are more... bloody. Anti had me on the ground and slammed my head into the gravel. His sick smile was starting to get on my nerves.

"W̶̜̌h̶̬̿ě̴̬ř̸͜e̴̬͐ ̵͎̉ĭ̶̼s̸͚̕ ̸̧̈́h̵̭͂e̴̪̽ ̵̖͋D̸͉̒a̵̮̚r̵̳̿k̸̟̓?̵̣̈" I narrowed my eyes and Anti kicked me full force in the gut sending me flying back. He glitched out, teleporting behind me, and caught me with his knee right into my back. You could hear my spine snap. Thankfully I'm a demon so... I landed in the dirt with a thud and he grabbed my tie wrapping around his hand, and lifted me up towards him. "W̵̟͊h̷̟͝e̷̪͌r̷̮͝e̴͕̒ ̶̦̽ǐ̶̤s̴̬͆ ̵̨͐h̷̙̀e̷̢͛?̸͓̀"

"Who?" Anti twitched as he used his other hand to slowly tighten my tie causing me to choke. The rage in his eyes coupled with that unending creepy ass smile just proved more to me how far he fell. This was what I was afraid of. "I... I don't k-know... what you're talking about."

"L̶̢̟̳͉̯̓I̶̡̟̙̣̋͂̅́A̶͕͍̱̰̦̔͒͊̄R̶̼͒͑̿͐!̶̰̣͎̳̖̾̃̊̏͑" He screamed out as he pulled the tie tighter, causing me to come closer to him. I couldn't move. Not yet anyway. My back was broken. Until it heals i'm practically paralyzed. "Y̶o̷u̷ ̴t̵o̵o̸k̵ ̵h̷i̴m̴.̴ ̶Y̴o̸u̷ ̴h̷a̷d̷ ̷t̸o̵o̵.̴ ̴H̴e̵ ̶w̷o̴u̷l̴d̵ ̸l̸e̸a̶v̶e̸ ̴m̴e̸!̸ ̸H̵͓̒̋͜É̵̮ ̷͚̏̉P̴̺̹̽R̴͍̃O̷̬͒͜M̷̭̅̈́Į̶͕͒̌Š̸̲͌͜Ę̸͚̓͋Ḋ̷̼͘!̸̮͛̈" He punched me with such strength, my head slammed into the ground and I started to see doubles. "H̵e̵ ̴w̶o̶u̶l̸d̶n̷'̴t̴.̵.̷.̶ ̷Y̶o̴u̷ ̶d̷i̶d̵ ̴s̵o̶m̸e̴t̶h̸i̴n̶g̸.̵ ̶Y̸o̷u̵ ̷t̸o̵o̸k̵ ̷h̶i̸m̷ ̶a̵w̷a̵y̷ ̶f̸r̵o̶m̴ ̷m̶e̵.̵ Ŷ̵̠̞̌̌̀Ǫ̵̟̒͛̋̀U̶̮͔͑̆̅͝.̵̫͇̯͈̽͂.̵̠̾.̶̢͌̇" His septiceye and smile vanished suddenly and his eyes went wide as he froze in place. I narrowed my eyes in confusion as blood started to come out of his mouth and he dropped to his knees, eyes still wide in shock. Wilford stood behind him holding a bloody knife with a blank expression. Will... what did you...

"I just..." Anti smiled sadly as he fell over onto the ground beside me unable to move. "I just wanted him back." I looked over to him and cringed at the tears that began to fall. "... My..." His eyes started to flutter and I could feel my fingers twitch. I was starting to be able to move again. His eyes closed and he took a deep breath before losing consciousness. "... My doctor."

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