12. Henrik

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"Dark still won't answer." Mark was pacing the kitchen and I frowned. He's been like this for a while now. I just don't know how to help him. Anti... The look in his eyes. The way he glitched and twitched. He broke. He actually broke and I wasn't there to help him. But... I can't help but feel like it's my fault. I made it so hard for him there. It's no wonder he snapped. It's better if I just stay away from him. Then... Then he'll get better. He'll pull back the broken pieces much easier if I'm far away. "What did Anti do?!"

"Anti said that Dark was alive." Mark froze and shot me this loo that honestly sent shivers down my spine. "What reason would he have had to lie? Besides Demons can't die..."

"BUT WILL CAN!" I flinched hearing the anger in his voice. It echoed through the room making the air seem to vibrate. His eyes went wide and he sighed looking away. "I'm sorry. I'm worried. Anti he... He didn't look stable."

"He wasn't." His eyes darkened and I could feel myself start to shake. What was it? What finally set him off? He was working so hard. There was this crash in the living room and both Mark and I got this look. He took off running with me close behind. Dark was on the ground with Will struggling to help him on the couch. I could already tell something was wrong. Not with Dark... Well, nothing other than the physical damage I've seen plenty enough time on Anti. Something was wrong with Will. His eyes were cold and his lips were pierced as in annoyance as he attempted to help Dark up. I took a deep breath and pushed past Mark who was frantically asking if they were ok to examine Dark. This is Anti's fault after all... which makes me feel like it's mine. I summoned my stethoscope and Dark narrowed his eyes. "Hold still."

"You're not going to..." I glared at him and he frowned looking away. I placed it on his chest and focused. I can't hear a heart... Because technically he's already 'dead'. Dark is a demon created from the death of three people... three very angry people that were murdered... he wouldn't have a heartbeat. I could hear his breathing... I could hear how strained it was. I narrowed my eyes and moved away only to sigh. "What..."

"Lie on your back." He shot me his look and I quickly summoned a syringe. "On. Your. Back." His eyes went wide and even Mark looked scared. I am Jack's Surgeon Simulator Doctor. I was created from the will to help by doing anything. That includes malpractice. I am not what one would call a 'moral' doctor. I never did a Hippocratic oath and I will do WHATEVER I deem necessary. If that means putting Dark under for a simple routine checkup...

So be it.

"Ok. Fine." I watched with a raised eyebrow as he struggled to position himself on his back. I smiled sadly seeing the pain as I let the syringe disappear. The other two just watched... Will, however, was more examining my every move. Whereas, Mark was genuinely concerned.

"Let me know if you feel any pain." He nodded and I started to examine his sides, chest, and gut area for any tenderness. As soon as my hand grazed over his ribs he sucked in a shaky breath and his aura flared out. I frowned pulling his shirt up just enough to examine him and sighed. He was so bruised and cut up it was horrible. As much as I would love to say the shoe is FINALLY on the other foot, he didn't deserve to be in pain. No matter how many times he sent Anti home with worse. Anti heals faster than most demons... and before when his insanity was predominant, his healing was nearly instantaneous. "You've definitely broken a lot but... Without an x-ray, we won't know how bad."

"It'll heal." I pulled away giving him this look and he laughed. "I'm a demon. I'm sure Anti has told you the same."

"Your right. He has and it will but... You will be in agony until it does. You sure your ok with living with that pain?" His eyes darkened as he looked over at me with narrowed eyes. "I never gave Anti the choice."

"When it comes to people like him..." He glanced over at Will and I frowned. "...you can't. They'll rarely ever make the right one."

"Dark, what happened? Anti was here. He said that..." Dark growled cutting Mark off as he slowly sat up. Will just sighed shaking his head.

"He attacked Will." Mark's face went white and Will laughed.

"He didn't attack me. Saying he attacked me would be saying he had every intention on harming me. His only intention was to lure Damien back." Marks eyes went wide as he looked over at Will. Dark just sighed and that's when it hit me. Will just called Dark... Damien. Something was definitely wrong with him. Anti mentioned that Pill was probably going crazy but... I never thought he meant that literally. As in Will had also snapped...

There are always tells with them two. Thing they do, look, or say to show they're breaking. The biggest one for Anti, the one that says he's almost there if not already snapped, would be if he called Jack by Sean. You see Anti was never close with anyone except me. Jack care but... he was scared too. Anti was just so closed off and quick to violance that... jack didnt know how to help him. Anti apsolutely refused to call Jack... Jack, because he thought it as a form of endearment he never got for himself. The fact that he calls him Jack now took so very long. Everyone knows how Anti feels about that. So if he just suddenly reverted back to calling him Sean...

It was very bad sign.

A very bad sign that I know came to pass. He shook his head. He didn't even bother to vocalize. I asked him if he meant Jack and he just shook his head at me. What was going through his head? He said I lied? He said I promised... What? Promised what? Lied about what? What did I do...

"Henrik?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see everyone looking at me and I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Dark eyes softened as he looked over at Mark. "Mark said Anti was here?" I nodded and I sighed. "He said he would.. correction he said he would tell Mark I was alive..."

"Which he did." Mark cut in before Dark could finish. The dark ego just rolled his eyes as he looked back over at me. His eyes went dark and I frowned.

"How did he seem to you?" I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"At first he was fine. He looked like Jack but... he looked stable. Until he got angry..." Dark's eyes narrowed in confused shock and I sighed. "He actually looked very happy at first."

"It was when you told him you didn't want to say goodbye." Dark's eyes went wide and I shrugged. Mark was trying to help but I was still lost in the way Anti yelled at me. It was like I had physically hurt him.

"I don't see why. I told him I got a job. I told him where I was going to be. I wasn't doing him any good. I could see him cracking..." I looked away feeling the guilt rise up. "Every time I tried to help him, he would go out and just get hurt worse. He told me he wanted to prove he wasn't fragile... that he could beat Dark if he tried hard enough. I made him feel weak."

"You made him feel cared for." I spun around to see Jack and Marvin just standing there and he just smiled sadly at me. "I wanted to check up on you guys. Anti sends his apologies."

"Jack?!" Mark yelled as he ran to pull him into a hug and I frowned.

"Yeah... I hope you don't mind that we just walked in... Your door was unlocked."

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