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It's been... awhile... to say the least. After Will did whatever he did to Anti's head things have been tough for him. Every once in a while things would come back only for him to forget again. For one whole day, Anti completely forgot Henrik again but the Doctor still remained with him. It's been hard.

Chase has been trying to help them. He even took them to this house in the real world. It was one of those bad days for Anti. He couldn't understand why they were looking at a place but he was still very happy. I guess deep down the idea of moving to LA still excited him. Even if he couldn't understand why.

Wilford assured us it was all temporary but even Dark didn't look convinced. Anti was showing the same signs Wilford did after all. One night I found Anti just staring at his knife and I frowned. It was a very bad day for him. His hands were shaking and his glitch was bad. Henrik had to do something so it was just us. He looked over at me with such tears and I frowned. This particular day. He remembered what had happened but not Henrik coming back. So in his mind. Henrik didn't care. Henrik had left him and just didn't care.

I had to call the Doctor. Anti was so distraught. Of course the minute I said Anti needed him, he said he would be right there. In fact, it didn't take him to long either. He ran in the house looking disheveled as he spotted me trying to calm Anti down. It wasn't long before he got an idea of what was happening. Anti latched on to him so fast realizing he was there. He wouldn't stop apologizing about literally everything including crying but Henrik just smiled away. He started to talk to Anti in German which meant I couldn't tell you what he was saying but Anti could. He slowly started to calm down. The doctor spent the whole rest of the night stuck like glue to Anti's side, constantly reassuring the glitchy ego that he was never leaving him again.

I couldn't help but smile as I glanced over at the pair currently hunched over a bunch of boxes. Those two have been through so much together. I'm just glad they're both finally able to get what they want... Each other.

"So do you guys need any help or..." Henrik started to laugh as I popped into their field of vision.

"We're good, Jack." Henrik responded as he started to close a box.

"Yeah, we're good!" Anti jumped up holding a box and laughed. "No need to worry."

"You're moving... Of course, I'm going to worry." Anti's eyes seemed to fall a bit as I just smiled brightly. "How can I not when all I'm gonna do is miss you?"

"We only gonna be a quick teleport away." Henrik chuckled a bit as he nudged Anti towards the door. "We aren't even that far from Mark's house either."

"I know it's just... I feel like a father sending his sons off to college." I watched as they finished putting the last of the boxes in the 'uhaul' and I smiled. "What am I supposed to do now that you three are leaving us?"

'Well, you still have the others.' JJ popped up in the van placing a box of his own down before signing to me. 'I'm sure Chase and Jackie can keep you occupied.'

"Look at you guys. One nice little happy family, huh?" They all smiled as I just laughed.

"About time..." Anti whispered giving me this hopeful smile. "...right, Jack?"

"You three are going to do great out there." I pulled them all into a hug and smiled through the tears that started fall. "Don't forget to call if anything happens."

"We won't Jack... no, let us go so we can be on our way." Henrik laughed as I pulled away. "Mark was supposed to be there waiting for us."

"Ok, ok. You said goodbye to everyone?" Anti smiled before punching me lightly on the arm laughing.

"What do take us for... Of course, we said goodbye. Chase was literally crying his eyes out." Anti's eyes fell a bit again before looking back towards the house. "Are you sure it's ok... f-for me..."

"Anti go live you live with the man you love." He started to smile sadly before taking a big breath almost reenergized and laughed. "Go on. Henrik's right you all should've been there by now." He laughed again as he ran to his seat looking one last time before jumping in. JJ just teleported into his seat as Henrik gave me this thankful smile. "You take care of him, Henrik."

"I will." He called out before giving me a final goodbye hug.

"I mean it. No more heartbreaks..." He tensed up slightly before pulling away with a serious look in his eyes. "He deserves better."

"I promise." I smiled a bit as he started to get in and I laughed as he turned to uhaul on.

"I'm holding you to it, Doctor." He nodded and I looked around at my egos one final time. "Have fun out there guys." I pulled away and watched Henrik drive off before the uhaul started to glitch and glow. Suddenly it was gone and I was left standing there in the wake of everything. Tears fell from my eyes but I couldn't deny what they were. They were happy tears. They were finally getting what they deserved.

A happy life together...

...as a family.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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