10. Anti

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"Jack? What are you..." I slowly spun around to see Henrik there frozen staring wide-eyed at me and I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt. "Wha-What are you do here?"

"I came to see you. To say hi." He narrowed his eyes and I just laughed wrapping my arm around Mark's shoulder. "Hi!"

Mark tensed up looking over at me with this slight fear and I just laughed again. Henrik's eyes went dark a he looked around, probably for any bodies. Sadly I didn't have any fun yet so there wasn't any. Of course, he would know it was me. We're both sides of Sean. He'd easily be able to tell I wasn't him. And it's not hard to figure out if not Sean than who. I am the closest in appearance. I don't have to do too much to impersonate him. I watched as Henrik looked away crossing hi arms and I frowned. He was upset. Why? Why was he upset at me?

"How'd you find out I was here?" I removed my arm from Mark and just stood there really confused.

"Dark... He said you were here." His eyes narrowed and I just smiled, trying really hard to ignore the screaming voices in the back of my head. Something doesn't feel right. If he was taken by force he wouldn't look so healthy. He wouldn't just be standing there. He wouldn't be upset that I was here. "Henrik..."

"Why'd you come?"

"I told you..." He shot me this look and I felt my walls crumble. The insanity quickly making work to pull me under again as I tried to work through what was happening. "You didn't say goodbye."

"I didn't want to." That hurt. I mean physically hurt. I looked him right in the eyes and saw nothing. Not a hint of fear or any sign he could be lying. I started shaking my head giving in again to the voices screaming he left me. Why? " I told you I was leaving. I have a job. A life here now... I thought it best I just left."

"YOU PROMISED!" Mark jumped seeing my form glitch back into what I normally look like and I smiled through the tears. Henrik tensed up again, his eyes wide seeing the insanity in me. "You promised me. Sean was right."

"Don't you mean Jack?" I shook my head and watched as Henrik slowly started to circle around obviously to guard Mark. "Anti..."

"You lied to me." He shook his head and I narrowed my eyes. "YOU LIED TO ME!"

"Anti, I thought..." I summoned my knife and watched his face go white. "Anti..."

"I came here to see you. I came because I missed you. I told myself over and over there had to be a reason you just left. I mean you wouldn't just leave. You promised me." His eyes darkened again and I sighed letting my knife disappear. As angry as I was. I much as I yearned for him to bleed for what he did. As much I wanted to hear someone scream... I couldn't hurt him. Unlike Will, I just can't... That's the problem though as Sam would say. That's what made me weak. That's what makes me weak.


"Dark's alive." He stopped short and I could see the rage in Mark's eyes. What did you do, clear as day, almost as if he was telepathically speaking to me. "A little dead on his feet and not at all happy but alive. Not that I could really kill him anyway. Will on the other hand..."

"FUCKING BASTARD!" Mark went to hit me but Henrik held him back. I didn't feel like laughing. I'm just done.

"He's probably going crazy right now. I've been there done that showed up here and now think I'm gonna go." Mark stopped looking back at me in confusion and I just smiled. Henrik stood there between us ready to do whatever it took to protect Mark against me. It was the first time I think he saw me as a threat. The first time Henrik was there to stop me instead of helping me. Sam was right... I really am on my own. "I'll let Jack know you settled in."

"Anti..." I turned away from him letting the world glitch away before the tears could fall.

"Goodbye, Doctor. Have a good life without me." I could hear him yelling out to me still as I glitched back home and frowned feeling the exastution hit me hard. I gave in and then I let go. What's the point of having power if the man you wanted to protect left you?

What's the point of fighTiNg iF ThErE iS NOTHING TO FIGHT FOR?! I cringed hearing Sam yell at me and I took a deep breath. I know he's right. I'm just to tired right now. I want to sleep... not deal with all the voices. Can I just have that one thing?

I heard a thud and looked over to see a small child in B&W standing there with this sad look and I smiled sadly. 'You came back.' He signed and I frowned.

"I always do." He ran over pulling me into this hug and I tensed up. The sound of running footsteps tore through the place until I was looking out onto the whole family. No... Minus one. I pushed Dapper away and smiled as if I didn't break into a millian pieces and was currently struggling just to hold myself together for on measly night. "Hey guys..."

"You son of a..." Chase ran over punching my right in the face and I stumbled back rubbing my cheek in pain. "...bitch."

"I deserve that." He punched me again and I just laughed. "And that..." I watched him angerly pull out his gun holding it by the barrel to hit me again and Jack freaked out.

"CHASE!" Chase tensed up hearing Jack yell and I frowned.

"And that too." Chase's eyes went wide as the tears finally began to spill. He actually left me. He didn't care. He never wanted to say goodbye. He never wanted me. I am all alone. I... I am...

"Anti?" I looked up to see Jack stepping out in front of Chase with this sad look and I smiled sadly.

"Henrik's settling in very well. Mark's pissed. And so is Dark..." His eyes softened as I rubbed my shoulders. "Will is losing it and..." I looked away as it finally hit me. "I'm pretty sure I... did too."

"Anti..." I shook my head and I sighed, putting on the fake smile I always seem to have.

"I'm gonna go to bed. It's been a long day... going insane and all that." I pushed past Jack careful to not touch anyone. I could feel their eyes burning into the back of my skull but I just kept going. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Anti." I smiled a little hearing Jack speak softly.

Yeah... Goodnight ANTI!!

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